Marie Curie Power Point - Scribd
Marie Curie Power Point - Scribd
Marie Curie Power Point - Scribd
You will discover that Marie Curie was a world renowned scientist who contributed many great contributions to the scientific field, and was the discoverer of the radium In this WebQuest you will find many interesting facts about her, as you travel back in time to explore her fascinating life. If you choose to accept this journey, you will complete six tasks to become a Marie Curie expert! Using my hints, explore the world of Marie Curie and discover the life that she led!
Before you begin, get out your Marie Curie research sheet and a pencil.
In this paragraph, you will find the answer to question # 1, She was a well known _______________ and ________________.
After you answer the first question, venture over to where you will see a video box on the center of the page.
In the video, it talks about something that Marie wanted to learn more about. Using your Marie Curie research sheet, answer the 2nd question, What did she want to learn more about?
After reading the page, answer the question to number 3, What two metals did Marie Curie discover?
When you are finished, go to and click on the WHY SHOULD I KNOW ABOUT MARIE CURIE link.
Once you are on that link, answer the 4th question on your Marie Curie research sheet, In 1903, what prestigious award was Marie Curie the first woman to win?
On this page, you will see a list of books. Go down to the third book (The Mysterious Element the Story of Marie Curie), and read the short paragraph on the right.
In this paragraph, you will discover the answer to the 5th question on your Marie Curie research worksheet, How many university degrees did Marie Curie earn? Write your findings on #5 of the Marie Curie research worksheet.
After that, go to ntors/curie.htm
Once there, read the At a Glance paragraph. In this paragraph, youll read the answer to #6 on the Marie Curie research sheet, Her radium was a key to a basic change in our understanding of ______________ and ___________________.
After answering that question, congratulations! That was your final quest and so ends your journey of discovery about Marie Curie.
Developing 2
Accomplished 3
Exemplary 4
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