(Klystron and Travelling Wave Tubes) : (Magnetron)
(Klystron and Travelling Wave Tubes) : (Magnetron)
(Klystron and Travelling Wave Tubes) : (Magnetron)
dc electric field is used merely to focus the electron beam. The linear tubes are called as O-type tubes.
Microwave crossed field tubes: (Magnetron) In crossed field devices, the dc magnetic field and the dc electric field are perpendicular to each other. In all the crossed field tubes, the dc magnetic field plays a direct role in the RF interaction process. They are called as M-type tubes. In a crossed field tube, the electrons emitted by the cathode are accelerated by the electric field and gain velocity, but the greater their velocity, the more their path is bent by the magnetic field.
If an RF field is applied to the anode circuit, those electrons entering the circuit during the retarding field are decelerated and give up some of their energy to the RF field. Consequently, their velocity is decreased, and these electrons will then travel the dc electric field far enough to regain essentially the same velocity as before. Because of the cross-field interactions, only those electrons that have given up sufficient energy to the RF field can travel all the way to the anode. This phenomenon would make the M-type devices relatively efficient. Those electrons entering the circuit during the accelerating field are accelerated by means of receiving enough energy from the RF field and are returned back toward the cathode. This back bombardment of the cathode produces heat in the cathode and decreases the
Traveling wave magnetrons are considered, traveling wave magnetrons such as the cylindrical magnetron, linear magnetron, co-axial magnetron, voltage tunable magnetron, inverted coaxial magnetron, and the frequency agile magnetron. Cylindrical Magnetron: A cylindrical magnetron, several reentrant cavities are connected to the gaps. The dc voltage V0 is applied between the cathode and the anode. The magnetic flux density B0 is in the positive z direction. When the dc voltage and the magnetic flux are adjusted properly, the electrons will follow cycloidal paths in the cathode anode space under the combined force of both electric and magnetic fields.
MAGNETRON OSCILLATORS: Magnetron consist of some form of anode and cathode operated in a dc magnetic field normal to a dc electric field between the cathode and anode. Because of the crossed field between the cathode and anode, the electrons emitted from the cathode are influenced by the crossed field to move in curved paths. If the dc magnetic field is strong enough, the electrons will not arrive in the anode but return instead of the cathode. The anode current is cut off. Magnetrons can be classified as into three types: 1. Split anode magnetron 2. Cyclotron frequency magnetrons 3. Traveling wave magnetrons First two magnetron have less efficiency and less
Electron motion in a magnetic field: A charged particle in motion a magnetic field of flux density B is experimentally found to experience a force that is directly proportional to the charge Q, its velocity v, the flux density B, and the sine of the angle between the vectors v and B. The direction of the force is perpendicular to the plane of both v and B. Therefore the force exerted on the charged particle by the magnetic field can be expressed in vector form as
Since above equations is the equation of motion for electrons in magnetic field for cylindrical coordinates can be given by