Region, Regionalization & Regionalism: Mohtar Mas'oed

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Region, Regionalization & Regionalism

Mohtar Masoed

Mengapa Regionalisme?
Sejak awal 1990-an, minat thd & kegiatan HI di tingkat regional kembali meningkat.
Konflik & kerjasama berbasis region.

Mengapa berfluktuasi? 1950-an meningkat lalu merosot; 1960 & 1970-an demikian juga dan sejak 1990-an berulang lagi?

Bgmn mengidentifikasi Region?

(Menurut: Bruce Russett)

1. Kemiripan (homogenitas) sosiokultural. 2. Kemiripan sikap politik atau perilaku eksternal. 3. Keanggotaan yang sama dalam organisasi-organisasi supranasional atau antar-pemerintah. 4. Interdependensi ekonomi. 5. Kedekatan geografik.

Bgmn mengidentifikasi Region?

(Menurut: Michael Brecher)

1. 2. 3. 4.

Ruang lingkup (geografik) yang terbatas; Memiliki paling kurang tiga anggota; Diakui pihak lain sbg suatu region tersendiri; Diakui oleh anggota-anggotanya sebagai suatu region tersendiri; 5. Secara relatif lebih rendah dibanding dengan sistem internasional; 6. Lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh perubahanperubahan dalam sistem internasional daripada sebaliknya.

Definisi Regionalisme (1)

Intensifying political and/or economic processes of cooperation among states and other actors in particular geographic region, although it is most often discussed in the context of trade flows
(M.Griffiths & T.OCallaghan, International Relations: The Key Concepts)

Definisi Regionalisme (2)

The process by which groups of nationstates, usually in the same geographic region, agree to cooperate and share responsibility to achieve common goals. The goals may be very narrow & specific (e.g. developing ecotourism industry along Mekong River) or very broad (e.g. the goals of European Union). (David Balaam &
Michael Veseth, Intro to Int Pol Economy (2007:218)

Definisi Regionalisme (3)

. . . as the growth of regional identity and consciousness. . . . results from the increasing flow of goods, people and ideas within a spatial entity which thus become more integrated and cohesive. . . . can develop from below (i.e., from the decisions by companies to invest and by people to move within a region) or from above (i.e., from political, state-based efforts to create cohesive regional units and common policies for them).

Regionalisme: Tiga Unsur

Common historical experience & sense of shared problems among a geographically distinct group of countries/societies (REGION) Close linkages of a distinct kind between those countries. Within the region the interactions are more intense than those with the outsiders (REGIONALIZATION) An organization that gives shape to the region in a legal & institutional sense; that provides rules of the game within the region (REGIONALISM)
(R.Stubbs & G.Underhill, Pil Eco & Changing World Order (2000:231-234)

Regionalisme: Tiga Unsur (2)

The key element: proximity and intensity of relationships. There may be strong elements of REGION and REGIONALIZATION But NOT always of REGIONALISM

Variety of Regionalisms
Regionalisms vary in terms of: 1. Spatial (geographic) dimensions 2. Scope of tasks & functions 3. Level & extent of regional organizations.

Patterns of Regional Interaction

1. Regional integration
Intensification & organization of interdependence
Interactions of non-state groups located in different national societies

2. Regional transnationalism

3. Regional security complex

Mengapa regionalisme?
Menurut kaum Realist: Sebagai response terhadap perubahan hubungan security & power.
ASEAN dibentuk utk membendung pengaruh komunis yg meningkat di Asia Tenggara pd pertengahan 1960-an. Kerjasama di Eropa pd awal 1950-an merupakan upaya mengkonsolidasi perdamaian & keamanan regional ssd PDII

Mengapa regionalisme? (2)

Menurut kaum Liberal: Di Eropa ssd PDII: Utk me-fasilitasi orde ekonomi-liberal yg muncul. Pd 1980an & 1990an: Interdependensi yg meningkat luar biasa memerlukan pelembagaan. Karena GATT macet, liberalisasi perdagangan dilakukan melalui kerjasama regional.

Mengapa regionalisme? (3)

Menurut kaum Strukturalis: Sbg akibat dari kepentingan MNC & pengendali kapital transnasional. Liberalisasi perdagangan melalui kerjasama regional mempermudah upaya mereka mencari lokasi bisnis yang menjanjikan pajak ringan, buruh murah, aturan lingkungan hidup yg tidak ketat. Juga, akibat dorongan negara hegemon demi mengendalikan region tsb. (NAFTA).

Managing Regionalism
Regionalism as a problem? Regionalism as a source potential solutions.
Organizations to address important questions about security & economic development

1. To manage involvement in international arena 2. To transfer authority away from states to regional bodies 3. To contribute to world order & the management or governance of the changing international arena

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