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what are deficiency diseases? different types of deficiency diseases can be caused by insufficient intake and usage of iron or protein, and there vitamin. Among the most well know of these beriberi, pellagra, pernicious ,anemia, scurvy, rickets and osteomalica . Generally , deficiency diseases can be treated successfully and even cured by 4/24/12

calcium deficiency

A deficiency of the mineral calcium in the diet. Calcium essential for main bone and teeth but body also uses calcium in other parts of the body such as in nerve and muscle functioning and blood clothing. Insufficient calcium can lead to osteoporosis in the elderly as well as numbers of other conditions. symptoms: THE calcium deficiency has 23 symptoms are muscle aches, muscles cramps , muscles pain , insomnia , tooth decay , weak bones, rickets in children , poor grow thin children, maldereloped bones in children, delayed puberty in teens, premenstrual cramps, increased blood pressure, pale skin, listlessness, dry scaly skin, coarse and brittle nails.

4/24/12 causes : inadequate intake of calcium and vitamin D,

sever : infections or b urns, in which disesed and burned tissue traps calcium from extracellular fluid. Renal failure : resulting in excessive excretion of calcium secondary increased retention of phosphate .



Pellagra is a lack of a sufficient amount of vitamin B3(niacin) in the body. Niacin is essential for optimal cellular health. Pellagra is caused by an inability of the body to absorb or process niacin or a lack of niacin and /or tryptophan is most common in developing countries of the world or in places where there is poverty and poor nutrition. People at risk for pellagra include those with a poor diet that is lacking in niacin and /or tryptophan. Pellagra can also result from a disease , disorder of condition that affects the absorption or processing of niacin in the body. symptoms: pellagra classically causes of trio of symptoms that affect the gastrointestinal system, 4/24/12skin and the nervous systems. The most typical the

IN addition to diarrhea , other symptoms that the gastrointestinal tract can include nausea, vomiting and poor appetite . These can lead to increased malnutrition . In addition to dementia , symptoms can occur in the nervous system. Symptoms can include confusion, headache , depression, disorientation anxiety and tremors. Serious complication of untreated pellagra include coma and death. This list of sign an d symptoms mentioned in various sources for pellagra includes the 8 symptoms listed below: weakness, skin inflammation, diarrhea, weight loss, irritability, depression, confusion and memory. CAUSES: Following is a list of the causes or underlying condition that could possibly cause pellagra includes Dietary deficiency of vitamin B3(niacin). Malnutrition 4/24/12

Pernicious Anemia

Pernicious anemia is a condition in which the body cant make enough healthy red blood cells because it doesnt have vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is a nutrient found in Certain foods. The body needs the nutrient to make healthy red blood cells and to keep it nervous system working papers. Without enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to body, you may fell tried and weak. SYMPTOMS: The Signs and Symptoms of Pernicious anemia are, due to lack of vitamin B12 deficiency. Your body cant make enough healthy red blood cells. The most common symptoms of all types of anemia is tiredness and also shortness of breadth CAUSES: Pernicious anemia .This disease is due to a lack of 4/24/12 vitamin B12 other causes such as infections, surgery,


Osteomalica is a disease in which the bones become soft weak. This can lead to fractures in adults and children abnormal growth and development in children. When osteomalica occurs in children . It is called as rickets.

SYMPTOMS: The symptoms of osteomalica vary depending on stage of the disease and the indivdual .Symptoms in adults and children with the diseases may include muscle weakness, bone pain, muscles cramps, muscle stiffness, numbness ting lining , weakness and fatigue. In children osteomalica is called as rickets. Rickets can result in serious growth and development problem CAUSES: The list of causes are underlying conditions that could possibly cause Osteomalica include: Vitamin d deficiency . Malasborption , sunlight exposure and 4/24/12 Hypocalcaemia.


Osteoporosis is a disease in which the bones become weak and are more break. People with osteoporosis most often break bones in the help, spine , and wrist. SYMPTOMS : Osteoporosis is called the silent disease because bone is lost with no signs. You may not bump, or fall causes a bone to break. CAUSES: Many risk factors can lead to bone loss and Osteoporosis : Women get osteoporosis more than men . The older you are , the greater risk of osteoporosis . Body size small, thin women are at great risk. Family history , if a family member has osteoporosis or a break 4/24/12 a bone, there is a greater chance that you will too.

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