Lean Six Sigma ExBrie Pos
Lean Six Sigma ExBrie Pos
Lean Six Sigma ExBrie Pos
key tools, roles and responsibility, and infrastructure of Lean Six Sigma
About SSCX
Experience Expertise Key Learning Points
Our Experience
Integrating Freeport Mining Concentrating Divisions human capital and management commitment with SSCXs quality service is what drives us forward in accelerating cost transformation
Iyas Kusnadi Concentrating Division - Freeport Indonesia
Operational Excellence consulting and training firm with established methodology and framework. Help companies save billions of Rupiah per year during deployment in our clients. Built lasting change for OpEx Strategy Implementation.
Coach of Asia's Six Sigma Conference BEST DEFECT ELIMINATION SERVICE & TRANSACTIONAL winner!
American Society for Quality (ASQ) partner in Indonesia (exam-proctor), now you can take ASQ Certified Black Belt or Green Belt in Jakarta. www.ASQ.org.
Next: Oct 1, 2011 (Reg before Aug 12)
Society of Manufacturing Engineer (SME) exclusive partner in Indonesia (training and certification), now you can take international Lean Certification in Jakarta. www.SME.org.
Bank Mandiri has strong passion in delivering top notch services to satisfy our customers and to be the best bank with strong positive culture, SSCX shares the same passion and quality!
Sasmita Director of Technology and Operations - Bank Mandiri Tbk
Sehat secara finansial dengan indikator finansial yang mantap dan stabil Pelanggan yang puas dan loyal sehingga pelanggan yang terus bertambah Proses Bisnis Internal yang efektif dan efisien serta memudahkan pelanggan Pertumbuhan dan Pembelajaran yang terjadi terus menerus bagi karyawannya sehingga dapat mencapai pertumbuhan berkesinambungan
Top-down Alignment dengan strategi bisnis Infrastruktur untuk mendukung upaya perubahan Common Discipline untuk keselarasan dan pengaturan sumberdaya untuk mencapai visi
Strategic Alignment
Calibrate Vision
Operational Excellence strategy that is providing framework to prioritize resources for projects that will improve key metrics, and leverages leaders who will manage the efforts for rapid, sustainable, and improved business results. Strategi Operational Excellence yang menyediakan kerangka kerja untuk memprioritaskan sumberdaya untuk proyek yang akan meningkatkan metrik-metrik utama dan leverage (ungkit/dorong) pemimpin yang akan mengelola upaya untuk hasil bisnis yang lebih cepat dan berkesinambungan.
Selama ini, banyak perusahaan meyakini bahwa ada salah satu opsi yang bisa ditempuh, apakah speed, ataukah quality, ataukah cost. Atau minimal, selalu ada Shorter aspek yang dikorbankan. Delivery
Contohnya, untuk menurunkan delivery time, perusahaan menggunakan perusahaan ekspedisi yang membuat cost jadi naik, dan kualitas dikorbankan karena fokus pada volume.
Lower Product Costs
Paradigma baru merubah ini, justru sebuah peningkatkan di salah satu aspek akan memperbaiki kinerja dari aspek lain.
waktu delivery dilakukan dengan eliminasi rework, scrap, dan inefisiensi lain di proses produksi, yang berarti naiknya kualitas produk dan turunnya biaya produksi!
Lower Product Costs
Untuk mengimplementasikan Lean Six Sigma paradigma baru ini, perusahaan beralih ke dua strategi process improvement Lean dan Six Sigma. Shorter Improved Product Lean fokus pada penurunan lead time Delivery Times Quality dan cost. Six Sigma fokus pada peningkatkan kualitas dan cost. Lean Six Sigma mengkombinasikan kelebihan kedua strategi ini.
Lower Product Costs
Customer Loyalty dan Customer Retention Kebutuhan akan lead time yang lebih pendek Meningkatnya kebutuhan akan fleksibilitas dan ukuran lot atau batch yg lebih kecil Meningkatnya kebutuhan akan kapasitas proses atau produksi Ekspektasi akan lower invested capital + higher financial returns Tekanan penurunan harga; perlu upaya penurunan biaya
Kombinasi 2 metode yang sudah terbukti; Lean tools dan Six Sigma dalam sebuah implementation framework yang dikenal dengan DMAIC. Metodologi dan bahasa yang umum yang dikenal oleh organisasi global (multi bahasa) Terminologi yang umum akan mempermudah replikasi yang cepat dari sebuah best practice ke seluruh lokasi dari sebuah organisasi Membuat single framework untuk memecahkan masalah di proses di berbagai area dalam organisasi (misalnya Sales, Marketing, Customer Services, IT, Manufacturing dapat berinteraksi dalam memecahkan sebuah persoalan)
Percepatan cycle time proses Percepatan lead time proses lead time Peningkatan kualitas pelayanan Meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan Mempercepat waktu respon di customer service Meningkatkan output produksi Meningkatkan % delivery on time Mengoptimalkan level inventory Meningkatkan produktivitas karyawan
Meningkatkan availabilitas mesin atau sistem Mengurangi setup time produk atau servis Mengurangi unplanned down time mesin atau sistem Meningkatkan reliabilitas mesin atau sistem Meningkatkan reliabilitas produk atau servis Mengoptimalkan parameter mesin atau sistem Menurunkan % cacat produk maupun servis Meningkatkan efisiensi energi
Menurunkan lead time proses procurement Meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan Menurunkan tingkat kecelakaan kerja Menurunkan tingkat keluhan pelanggan Menurunkan jumlah limbah Dan masih banyak lagi
Steering Committee
Experienced Experts Train and coach Support large/complex projects Full time Corporate/Regional
Lead and Communicate change Ensure Strategy Link Line project Level Reports results Monitor Project progress Remove Roadblocks Line Management
Project Shopfloor, Clerical Provide project-specific Level support Green Belts Use single tools Part time Manager, Engineer, Lead and Facilitate problem solving Process Train and coach project teams Part time 25-30% on projects
Project sponsor & owner Implements solutions Owns financial results Part time
Successful deployment
$ Benefit
3 Years
Benefit-Effort Matrix
Strategic Agenda
1. Plant X Optimization 2. Plant Y Expansion 3. Partial closure of Plant Z and Harvest 4. Profitable extension of participation in Market X 5. EHS FIRST Implementation
40 450 100
90 200 75
Operating Agenda
Identifying gaps in meeting customers needs (critical customer requirements) provides ideas for projects Process analysis links the business by process (versus functions) and gives perspective on project ideas
Key BU Decision Point Request for Capital from ExCom Expenditure of Capital Action Target Completion
Project Selection/Release
Projects People Plans 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ann Bob Joe
Project Execution
Gate Review
Gate Review
Gate Review
Gate Review
Gate Review
Gate Review
Celebrate Wins / Report Results / Share Lessons Learned Control for Long Term
Prioritize Projects
Commit Resources
Overlap Area
Project Selection
Identify Potential Projects Screen Initial List of Potential Projects Scope and Define Projects Prioritize List of Defined Projects
Pass the Operating Agenda initiatives through filters to identify potential CI projects:
Score each project in terms of Benefit and Effort Fill in Benefit/Effort Matrix Review plotted results Select highest priority potential projects for further analysis
Assign potential projects to project sponsors for better definition of the project (creation of the project charter) Complete Draft Project Charters/Definitions
Evaluate projects using Evaluation Criteria Update Benefit/Effort Matrix Review plotted results Rich discussion/Prioritize projects Schedule project launches based on resource availability
Project Selection
Long-List of Potential CI Projects
Projects-in-Process Management
Sequenced & Gated Projects
Project Queue
Main Activity: Clarify and Define Y Setting the target Y Determining VoC/VoB Define project scope Establish Team Project Plan Calculate the Value Creation Update Project Charter
Main Activity: Planning for data collection Validate measurement system Value Stream Mapping Identify Quick Wins Measure the condition (baseline), Y, and x's Measuring stability and process capability
Main Activity: Identify and prioritize x (root problem) Identify Non-Value Added Activities Finding solutions and prioritize potential solutions To test the hypothesis "y vs. x
Main Activity: Piloting the solution on a small scale Implementation of the overall solution Verification of improvement (the impact of the solution)
Main Activity: Controlling KPOV and KPIV Project Document Recalculate the Value Creation Plan for duplication of solutions Project Closing and handover to the Process Owners
Project Roadmap
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Initial Study Executive Briefing Infrastructure Development Project Selection and Prioritization Green Belt Training Coaching Infrastructure Development Project Selection and Prioritization Black Belt Training Green Belt Training Black Belt Coaching Green Belt Coaching Black Belt DEEP DIVE Green Belt Training Black Belt Mentoring Green Belt Coaching
1st Wave
3nd Wave
Take Aways
Lean dan Six Sigma adalah dua strategi yang independen tetapi memberi manfaat dan dampak luar biasa saat disinergikan. Lean Six Sigma membutuhkan minimal strategic alignment, disciplined execution, dan change infrastructure agar berjalan baik dan berkesinambungan. Metode DMAIC adalah metode problem solving dalam Lean Six Sigma dan jika dijalankan dengan benar akan menciptakan peluang perbaikan yang signifikan.