Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is very important for managers as it is one of the important deciding factor for relationship management resulting in motivation, retention , self management & managing others.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is the ability of an individual to deal successfully with other people , to manage ones self, motivate other people, understand one's own feelings and appropriately respond to the everyday environment
Emotional Intelligence
In Working with Emotional Intelligence, author Daniel Goleman defines EI in the workplace as the ability of employees to recognize: Their own feelings The feelings of others What motivates them How to manage their emotions, both in themselves and in relationships with others
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence doesn't mean being soft it means being intelligent about emotions a different way of being smart. Emotional intelligence is your ability to acquire and apply knowledge from your emotions and the emotions of others in order to be more successful and lead a more fulfilling life.
Why EQ
EQ is the distinguishing factor that determines if we make lemonade when life hands us lemons or spend our life stuck in bitterness
EQ is the distinguishing factor that help us to maintain a warm relationship or a distant contacts.
I am amazed by how many times I have heard this, many of us carry around past hurts that weigh on us and can be extremely painful. Lack of forgiveness can be like a festering wound that never heals, often throbs and is easily opened. Issues that are left unresolved can manifest into other problems such as stress, anxiety, unresolved anger, and poor self-esteem.
In this case, we talked about how everyone, at one point or another, has made mistakes or done things they later wished they could go back in time to alter. We also talked about how liberating it feels when the person you harmed is able to find forgiveness. By the end of our conversation, he said he was beginning to understand that forgiveness is a two-way street and that if he wanted to be forgiven of his mistakes, he needed to offer others the same courtesy
When we spoke later, he said had been giving a lot of thought to our conversation and had realized that the only person he was hurting with his lack of forgiveness was himself. Fortunately, once he realized that, he was able to forgive his family members for the past offense without even needing to drag everything up again. He sounded so relieved and it was great to hear such relief in his voice.
Forgiveness is a powerful tool for selfhealing. When we can finally just let go and love people for who they are, even when they have hurt us, we free ourselves from any self-imposed bondage of angst and anger, and we also find it easier to forgive ourselves for our own mistakes. Friends, give this some thought to see if you are holding onto some past misgiving that has been weighing you. If so, it is time for a good emotional cleaning!
The ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods. The propensity to suspend judgement to think before acting A passion to work for reasons that go beyond money or status The propensity to suspend judgement to think before acting The ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people Skill in treating people according to their emotional reactions Proficiency in managing relationships and building networks An ability to find common group & build rapport
Social Skills
To know thyself
What do you bring into your relationships? How well do you know yourself? The Persona and The Shadow You cant have a better relationship with anyone else than the one you have with yourself Emotional Intelligence (EQ) To know others is to be wise, to know oneself is to be enlightened Tao Te Ching
Why emotions
With out feeling and emotions we will be like robots. It is the feeling and emotions, our likes and dislikes that give our life meaning that make us happy or unhappy, fulfilled or dissatisfied and that to a large degree decide our course of action and even on our health
Emotional intelligence
It is different way of being smart It includes knowing what your feelings are and using your feelings to make good decisions in life. And its a social skill- getting along with other people, managing emotions in relationships, being able to persuade or lead others.