Uninor Telecom
Uninor Telecom
Uninor Telecom
Present Scenario
1. Uninor is an Indian mobile network operator headquartered in Gurgaon, India. The company holds Unified Access Service(UAS) licences to offer mobile telephony services in each of Indias 22 telecom circles, and has received spectrum to roll out services in 21 of these (excluding Delhi). 2. The company is a joint venture between Telenor Group, a telecommunications company headquartered in Oslo, Norway, and Unitech Group, an Indian real estate company. Telenor owns a controlling majority stake in the company (67.25%), which has been branded Uninor in the Indian market. 3. Uninor offers mobile voice and data services based on the GSM technology, currently on a 4.4 MHz spectrum. With a value for money proposition in the market, Uninor targets youth and other communities within the Indian mass market.
Telenor factfile
* Telenor entered India in 2009, formed JV with Unitech Ltd * Holds 67.25 per cent stake in the JV * Currently, it is operational in 13 circles * On February 2, SC cancelled 122 licences in total * 22 licences of Telenor got cancelled * Last week, it sent a notice to Unitech Ltd seeking indemnity and compensation * It has already invested about Rs 6,100 crore in the venture
Telenor Profile
1.Telenor Group is the incumbent telecommunications company in Norway, with headquarters located at Fornebu, close to Oslo. Today, Telenor Group is mostly an international wireless carrier with operations in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Serbia, Ukraine, Hungary, Montenegro, Thailand, Malaysia, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. 2. Prima facia, Telenor entered India looking at higher customer base availability and revenue generation. Uninor under Telenor influence set some unrealistic targets of revenue generation where they expected Profit generation from 5th Year.