Ir PPT 1
Ir PPT 1
Ir PPT 1
The enquiry officer should ask the presenting officer (the one who presents the case in front of the enquiry officer) and call upon him/her to indicate the names of the witnesses to be examined on behalf of the management in presence of the charge sheeted worker and record the same . If the presenting officer himself happens to be a witness to the misconduct the enquiry officer should examine the presenting officer in the first instance before any witnesses on behalf of the management called in.
In all the other cases , the management witnesses shall be examined one after the another as following : Examination of management witnesses . Cross-examination by charge-sheeted worker/defence. Counsel and re-examination and re-cross examination. No witness shall be examined in the presence of any other witness. After all the management witnesses are examined and cross examined, the enquiry officer should record the facts and obtain the signatures of all concerned .
Thereafter, the enquiry officer should ask the chargesheeted worker whether she/he would like to add anything to it or make any statement and the relevant facts should be recorded and signatures of all concerned persons obtained . fter examination and cross-examination of the charge sheeted worker, the enquiry officer shall examine the defence witnesses, if any one after another using the same procedure described above with regard to management witnesses . The responsibility for producing defence witnesses, if any , rests with the charge-sheeted worker only .
5. Marking documents :
While proceeding with the enquiry, the enquiry officer should mark the relevant documents as exhibits which thereafter become a valid part of the enquiry proceedings. The enquiry officer should have signed them. These documents become material objects on record and function as valid pieces of evidence on either side. While marking the documents as exhibits care should be taken to present them to the parties first and then mark them as exhibits with their consent .
6. Closure :
The process of closing the enquiry proper involves summing up arguments first by the present officer and defence counsel highlighting the salient features of each side having regard to the points brought out in the course of the enquiry. Thereafter the enquiry officer may seek clarifications, if any, from either or both the parties and close the enquiry, care should be taken to see that no leading questions are put to any one, including the chargesheeted worker.
The fact of concluding the enquiry proceedings should be recorded together with relevant details such as date and time of such conclusion. The signature of all concerned persons should be obtained .