Bridge Loading
Bridge Loading
Bridge Loading
Types of loads
Permanent Loads Transient Loads
Permanent Loads
DC = dead load of structural components and nonstructural attachments down drag dead load of wearing surfaces utilities horizontal earth pressure load accumulated locked-in effects resulting from the process earth surcharge load vertical pressure from dead earth fill
DD = DW =
= =
construction ES = EV = load of
Transient Loads BR = vehicular braking force CE = vehicular centrifugal force CR = creep CT = vehicular collision force EQ = earthquake FR = friction I M = vehicular dynamic load allowance LL = vehicular live load LS = live load surcharge PL = pedestrian live load SE = settlement SH = shrinkage TG = temperature gradient TU = uniform temperature WA = water load and stream pressure WL = wind on live load WS = wind load on structure
Wearing surfaces Railings and Utilities Structure modifications not shown on plans
Other items that can affect the calculation of dead load are dimensional variations in the concrete section and variations in the unit weight of material. The prescribed dead load factor recognizes the uncertainties in the nominal dimensions and analysis of dead load effects. Overlay thicknesses are a source of greater uncertainty in the dead load so they are assigned a 20% higher load factor unless cores or more detailed measurements are made.
MATERIAL Bituminous Wearing Surfaces Cast Iron Cinder (volcanic stone) Filling Compacted Sand, silt, or Clay Concrete Loose Sand, Silt, or Gravel Soft Clay Rolled Gravel or Ballast
DENSITY (kg/m3) 2250 7200 960 1925 2400 1800 1700 2250
Stone Masonry Wood Hard Soft
2725 960 800
27.3 9.6 8
Live Loads
The guidelines specify the number of vehicles to be considered on the bridge at any one time. These numbers are based on an estimate of the maximum likely number of vehicles under typical traffic situations. When unusual conditions exist, adjustments to the specified number of vehicles should be made. Highway vehicles come in a wide variety of sizes and configurations. No single vehicle or load model can accurately reflect the effects of all of these vehicles.
Number of Design Lanes: Generally, the number of design lanes should be determined by taking the integer part of the ratio w/3600, where w is the clear roadway width in mm between curbs and/or barriers. Multiple Presence of Live Load: The provisions of this subchapter shall not be applied to the fatigue limit state for which one design truck is used, regardless of the number of design lanes. Trucks will be present in adjacent lanes on roadways with multiple design lanes but this is unlikely that all adjacent lanes will be loaded simultaneously. This will be considered by the multiple presence factors. When the loading condition includes the pedestrian loads combined with one or more lanes of the vehicular live load, the pedestrian loads shall be taken to be one loaded lane. Number of Loaded 1 Lanes Multiple Presence 1.20 Factors m 2 1.0 3 0.85 >3 0.65
Vehicular live loading on the roadways of bridges structures, designated HL-93, and shall consist of a combination of the: Design truck or design tandem, and Design lane load
Design truck: The weights and spacing of axles and wheels for the design truck shall be as specified in Figure below.
4.3 m
4.3 9.0 m
1.8 m
3.000 mm
Design Lane Load: The design lane load shall consist of a load of 9.3 kN/m, uniformly distributed in the longitudinal direction. Transversely, the design lane load shall be assumed to be uniformly distributed over a 3.0-m width. The force effects from the design lane load shall not be subject to a dynamic load allowance.
(IM = Vehicular Dynamic Load Allowance): Dynamic effects due to moving vehicles shall be attributed to two sources: Hammering effect is the dynamic response of the wheel assembly to riding surface discontinuities, such as deck joints, cracks, potholes, and delaminations, and Dynamic response of the bridge as a whole to passing vehicles, which shall be due to long undulations in the roadway pavement, such as those caused by settlement of fill, or to resonant excitation as a result of similar frequencies of vibration between bridge and vehicle. The frequency of vibration of any bridge should not exceed 3 Hz.
Dynamic load allowance need not be applied to Retaining walls not subject to vertical reactions from the superstructure, and Foundation components that are entirely below ground level. The dynamic load allowance shall not be applied to pedestrian loads or to the design lane load. The factor to be applied to the static load shall be taken as: (1 + IM/100). Table 4.4 Dynamic Load Allowance, IM Component IM
Deck Joints All Limit States 75% All Other Components Fatigue and All Other Limit States
15% 33%