PRESENTED BY: Jawad Haider Fahad Khan
PRESENTED BY: Jawad Haider Fahad Khan
PRESENTED BY: Jawad Haider Fahad Khan
DIRECTION - i.e. what a person is trying to do EFFORT - how hard a person is trying PERSISTENCE - i.e. how long a person continues trying
Maslows Need Hierarchy Alderfers ERG Theory McClelland's Learned Needs Herzbergs Two Factor Theory
Safety Physiological
Clayton Alderfer reworked Maslow's Need Hierarchy to align it more closely with empirical research. Alderfer's theory is called the ERG theory -- Existence, Relatedness, and Growth.
Existence refers to our concern with basic material existence requirements; what Maslow called physiological and safety needs. Relatedness refers to the desire we have for maintaining interpersonal relationships; similar to Maslow's social/love need, and the external component of his esteem need. Growth refers to an intrinsic desire for personal development; the intrinsic component of Maslow's esteem need, and selfactualization
and motivator factors as the primary causes of job dissatisfaction and job satisfaction.
Motivator factors. (Mostly Intrinsic) Sources of job satisfaction. Associated with the job content. Building motivator factors into the job enables people to be satisfied. Absence of motivator factors in the job results in low satisfaction, low motivation, and low performance.
Motivation ( M)=Expectation (E) x Valence Where: Expectancy - If I tried would I be able to perform the action? Valence - How much do I value those outcomes?
Individual Effort
Individual Performance
Organisational Rewards 3
1. Effort-Performance relationship = Expectancy 2. Performance-Rewards relationship = Instrumentality 3. Rewards-Personal goals relationship = Valence
Personal Goals
Your tutor offers you 1 million if you memorise the textbook by tomorrow morning.
Effort - Performance Link
No matter how much effort you put in, probably not possible
Performance - Rewards Link
Your tutor does not look like someone who has 1 million
Rewards - Personal Goals Link
There are a lot of wonderful things you could do with 1 million
Conclusion: Though you value the reward, you will not be motivated to do this task.
And if a person:
accepts the goal feels committed to it gets feedback on their progress their behaviour is focused they try hard they keep trying they develop strategies
Individuals compare their job inputs & outcomes with those of others & then respond so as to eliminate any inequities
Minor qualifications:
1. people have a great deal more tolerance of overpayment inequities than of underpayment inequities. 2. not all people are equity sensitive,such as benevolent types