Introduction To Low Vision

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Introduction to Low Vision

Ifrah Bukhari

What is low vision?

A level of vision that prevents a person from performing customary vision activities with standard or conventional optical correction Such patients can benefit for day-today activities by exploitation of significant usable residual vision with the help of low vision aids

Definitions of Low Vision:

WHO Definition: The WHO defines low vision as VA less than 6/18-3/60 Modified/Revised Definition: A person with LV is one who has impairment of visual functioning even after treatment &/or standard refractive correction & has a VA of <6/18 to light perception, or VF of <10 degree from point of fixation, but who is able to use vision for planning & execution of a task

Categories of Low Vision:

The International Classification of Diseases categorizes the LV as:

Visual acuity

Moderate visual impairment Severe VI

Visual field
Not considered


<20 degrees

Profound VI
Near-total vision loss



Total blindness

* In better seeing eye

No perception of light

The threshold criteria that defines an individual as having low vision are an uncorrectable & irreversible VA of <6/18 in the better seeing eye. Best vision should be <6/18 in both eyes. If one eye has vision <6/18 but other eye can see better than 6/18, then the individual is not considered to have low vision

A blind person is one who is so blind as to be unable to perform any work for which eyesight is essential By WHO definition a blind refers to as VA <3/60 & VF <5 degrees The legally blind are ones who have in the better eye best corrected VA of 6/60 or VF of 20 degrees or less Functional blind are those who may perceive light but have no useful vision even with vision enhancement techniques

Partially sighted:
Person may be considered as partially sighted if he is substantially & permanently handicapped by defective vision Partially sighted are ones who have some useful vision & may not be classified as legally blind Guideline VA levels for partial sight registration are taken as: 1. 3/60 up to 6/60 with full field 2. Up to 6/24 with moderate field constriction, media opacities or aphakia 3. 6/18 or better with gross field defect

Impact of Low Vision:

Low vision can affect normal development & education of children & all areas of daily living, work & leisure for adults The broad areas that LV impacts:

education, work & leisure Social & consumer interactions Mobility Emotional reaction to vision loss Household & personal care

Self evaluation Test


1. The person is considered to be low vision patient.

A. B.


VA of 6/18 & 6/12 VA of 6/60 & 6/18 VA of 6/36 & 6/9 All of the above

2. Patient is considered to be low vision patient if

VF <20 degree from point of fixation VF <10 degree from point of fixation Total VF of < 20 degree Both A & B Both B & C

A. B. C. D. E.

3. Severe visual impaired

A. B.


VA 6/18-6/48 with VF < 5 degree VA 6/60-6/120 with VF < 5 degree VA 6/60-6/120 with VF < 20 degree VA 6/120-6/300 with VF < 10 degree

4. By WHO definition a blind refers to as

A. B. C. D.

VA <3/60 & VF <5 degrees VA <3/60 & VF <10 degrees VA <6/60 & VF <5 degrees VA <6/60 & VF <10 degrees

5. The legally blind are ones who have in the better eye best corrected

VA of 6/60 or VF of 10 degrees or less B. VA of 3/60 or VF of 20 degrees or less C. VA of 6/60 or VF of 5 degrees or less D. VA of 6/60 or VF of 20 degrees or less


3. 4. 5.


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