Sindroma Nefrotik
Sindroma Nefrotik
Sindroma Nefrotik
Glomerulus: capillary network produce ultrafiltrate Glomerular filtration rate: - GBF Arterial tone - ultrafiltration pressure - Surface area mesangail cell contractility Glomerular endothelium: antithrombotic & antiadhesive
Mesangial matrix
Mesangial cell
Primary hematuria
Broad category of glomerular disease manifesting as cellular proliferation and inflammation of glomeruli. Acute or chronic, Primary and secondary, Majority are immune mediated.
Thought to be the case particularly because: (1) 25% (high) of CO received by kidneys, (2) High hydrostatic pressures at glomerular capillaries, (3) Highly fenestrated glomerular endothelium which maximizes contact between immune reactants & GBM (4) Sieving effect of glomerular filter which concentrates injurious agents.
General clinical syndrome in patients with glomerulonephritis Asymptomatic/persistent hematuria and/or proteinuria Acute glomerulonephritis RPGN, acute renal failure Nephrotic syndrome Chronic glomerulonephritis
2. 3.
pathogenic mechanism prompt diagnosis, optimal management and accurate prognostic requires:
1. Recognition of the presenting syndrome
Glomerulonephritis glomerulopathy glomerular injury Glomerulonephritis: injury with evidence of inflammation such
as leukocyte infiltration, antibody deposition, and/or complement activation.
Primary or secondary acute (days or weeks), subacute or rapidly progressive (weeks or a few months), and chronic (many months or
Focal (<50%) or diffuse (>50%) of glomeruli. Segmental (involve part) or global (almost all) of the
glomerular tuft.
Nomenclature (cont)
Nephrotic Syndrome
not a disease but a group of signs and symptoms seen in patients with heavy proteinuria presents with oedema proteinuria usually > 3.5g / 24hrs (>0.05g / kg / 24hrs in children) serum albumin < 30g/l other features: hyperlipidaemia, and hypercoaguable state
proteinuria: due to an increase in glomerular permeability hypoalbuminuria: occurs when liver synthesis cannot keep up with urine losses
oedema mechanism is complex and still in dispute: primary salt and water retention associated with reduced renal function as well as reduced plasma oncotic pressure are primary factors (overfill and underfill) minimal change disease fits the underfill theory best
hyperlipidaemia: increased liver synthesis hypercoagulation: increased fibrinogen and loss of antithrombin III
minimal change disease focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis membranous glomerulonephritis proliferative glomerulonephritis (various histology and less common cause)
membranoproliferative (mesangiocapillary) focal proliferative diffuse proliferative mesangial proliferative
Systemic diseases
diabetes mellitus amyloidosis SLE and other connective tissue diseases HIV/Aids,HBV,HCV
nsaids mercury poisoning penicillamine gold salts
bee sting pollens poison ivy
Circulatory effects
congestive cardiac failure constrictive pericarditis renal vein thrombosis (cause or result?)
leukaemia solid tumours
Nephrotic syndrome
Nephrotic syndrome
Reduced blood albumin level results in decreased intravascular oncotic pressure, thus edema develops
Loss of fluid from the intravascular compartment, causes activation of RAS, which stimulates salt and water retention and thus, worsens the oedema
Nephrotic syndrome
Most proteins are lost to the urine, except the very large proteins, e.g. lipoprotein
Due to hypoproteinaemia, the liver increases rate of protein synthesis
Nephrotic syndrome
For most proteins, the increased hepatic synthesis cannot fully compensate for the severe urine loss
But for lipoproteins, since it is retained and in addition to the increased hepatic synthesis, hyperlipoproteinaemia results
Nephrotic syndrome
As for the loss of other proteins, there is loss of anti-coagulants such as antithrombin III, and thus nephrotic syndrome could be complicated by thromboembolic disorders, such as renal vein thrombosis There is also loss of immunoglobulins, and thus, immunodeficiency of IgG may result
Physical exam
Accumulates in gravity dependent tissues Puffiness around eyes Genital edema is generally painful
Muehrcke's bands in nephrotic syndrome. The white band grew during a transient period of hypoalbuminemia caused by the nephrotic syndrome.
Xanthelasma in nephrotic syndrome. These prominent xanthelasma developed within a period of two months in a patient with recent onset of severe nephrotic syndrome and serum cholesterol 550 mg/dL (14.2 mmol/L)
80% of oncotic pressure due to albumin Below 2 g/dL edema accumulates Intravascular volume depletion Renin-aldosterone activation
Clinical FeaturesInfection
Bacterial infections
Prone to bacterial sepsis Cellulitis IgG levels low Factor B levels low Lymphocyte function impaired
Viral Infections
Measles may induce remission in NS Relapse preceded by viral infection
Clinical FeaturesThrombosis
Serious risk of thrombosis Increased fibrinogen concentration Antithrombin III concentration reduced NS patients resistant to heparin Platelets hyperaggregable Increased blood viscosity
Serum electrolytes, protein and lipid profile Serum urea and creatinine 24hr urine protein excretion Creatinine clearance Urine microscopy Renal biopsy Investigation for systemic illness
Laboratory Features
Hct may be elevated Hyponatremia is common Plasma creatinine is elevated in 33% of patients
Hypoalbuminemia due to loss via the kidney
Urinary excretion Proximal tubular cells catabolism
IgG levels reduced IgM levels elevated IgM-IgG-Switching
Decreased LDL receptor activity Increased urinary loss of HDL Lp(a) levels are elevated
Laboratory- Urinalysis
Broad, waxy casts Lipid droplets Hematuria 22.7% of MCNS Low urine sodium High osomolality
Onset age < 6 months Macroscopic hematuria Microscopic hematuria and HTN Low C3 Renal failure
Onset between 6-12 months or > 12 years Persistent HTN of hematuria
Post treatment
Steroid resistance Frequent relapsers
Na+< 60 mmol/24 hrs water restriction diuretics (if not volume depleted) reduced protein diet (controversial) treat infections prophylaxis for thrombosis specific therapy
corticosteroids immunosuppression
Specific treatments
p, p+c, p+cyclosporine(cs)
Ponticelli Regimen p+c
Type of medicines:
for edema
Furosemid i.v. : 0,1 0,4 mg/kg BW/hr in NaCl 0,9% or Dext 5% solution
Furosemid 6O mg in 200 ml Albumin 20% (effective for plasma albumin : <2 g/dl)
Steroid (obat utama dan tetap ada dalam setiap rejimen) Bentuk rejimen dan lama pengobatan berbeda untuk setiap kelainan histologik yang mendasari SN SN merupakan manifestasi klinik dari GN primer yang dibagi dalam dua kelompok besar:
1.Inflamasi: GNMP, GNMsP, GN kresenti 2.Non inflamasi: kelainan minimal, GNFS, nefropati membranosa (epitel)
Kelainan minimal
1. 2. 3.
Prednison 60 mg/m2 (maks 80 mg) selama 4-6 minggu Setelah 4-6 minggu prednison 40 mg/m2 selang sehari selama 4-6 minggu Dalam pemberian prednison dapat terjadi:
Relaps: prednison kembali 60 mg/m2 (maks 80 mg) setiap hari sampai 3 hari bebas protein dalam urine kemudian kembali selang sehari 40 mg/m2 selama 4 minggu. Bila sering relaps ditambah siklofosfamid 2 mg/kgBB atau klorambusil 0,15mg/kgBB selama 8 minggu. Bila gagal diberi siklosporin 5 mg/kgBB selama 6-12 minggu
b. Bila tergantung steroid diberikan siklofosfamid 2mg/kgBB selama 8-12 minggu. Bila dengan cara ini gagal diberi siklosporin 5 mg/kgBB 6-12 bulan c. Bila resisten terhadap steroid diberikan siklosporin 5 mg/kgBB selama 6-12 bulan
Diberi steroid setara dengan prednison 60 mg/hari selama 6 bulan Bila resisten atau tergantung steroid beri siklosporin 5 mg/kgBB selama 6 bulan Bila terjadi remisi siklosporin diturunkan 25% setiap 2 bulan Bila gagal pemberian siklosporin dihentikan
Nefropati membranosa
1. 2.
Metilprednisolon 1 g/hari bolus i.v selama 3 hari Kemudian diberi steroid setara prednison 0,5 mg/kgBB/hari selama 1 bulan lalu diganti dengan klorambusil 0,2 mg/kgBB/hari atau siklofosfamid 2 mg/kgBB/hari selama 1 bulan Prosedure no.2 diulang kembali sampai seluruhnya dari prosedure no. 2 sebanyak 3 kali Dapat remisi spontan, prognosis bagus sp 15 th
Pemberian steroid terbukti tidak efektif dibanding pasien pediatrik Dianjurkan pemberian aspirin 325 mg/hari atau dipiridamol 75 mg tiga kali sehari atau gabungan keduanya selama 12 bulan
Nefropati IgA
Bila proteinuri kurang dari 1 gram, hanya observasi Proteinuria < 3 gram, dengan fungsi ginjal normal, hanya observasi. Bila dengan insufisiensi ginjal beri fish oil Bila proteinuri > 3 gram dengan CCT >70 ml/menit beri steroid setara prednison 1 mg/kgBB selama 2 bulan lalu tappering off secara perlahan sampai 6 bulan. Tetapi bila CCT <70 ml/menit, hanya diberi fish oil
Kombinasi ACEI dan ARB Memberi efek antiproteinuri pada GN primer yang lebih besar dibandinglkan bila hanya memakai ACEI atau ARB saja.
Diit protein 0,6 gram/kgBB ditambah dengan jumlah gram protein sesuai jumlah gram proteinuri
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) Dosis 2 X 0,5-1 gram, memiliki kemampuan sebagai imunosupresan Pengobatan dengan LDL-apheresis
ACEI atau/dengan ARB Resriksi protein Pemberian anti-hipertensi untuk menekan tekanan darah< 125/80 mmHg Pemberian antilipid golongan statin Berhenti merokok