Leadership Styles & Tactics

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Styles &
By Nisha Hariyani
• After the september 11,
2001 terrorist attacks,
entire airline industry in US
faced devasting lossess.
• South west airlines did not
go for layoffs. But also
posted profits in the same
• How????????????????

• Through leadership of
Points To ponder
• Leadership Styles
• Likert’s four styles
• Tannenbaum & SCHMIDT
CONTINUUM of leader
Leadership styles

Authoritative Style
• Clear about what he is doing
and why he is doing it
• Instills the same clarity in his
• Determines the end and
leaves the choice of means
to his people.
Leadership style…
Autocratic Style

• Retains all authority and

decision making power
• No suggestions – no
• Instruct on what to do and
how to do
Leadership style…
Benevolent style

• Keeps employees happy & in

• Ensures better communication
• Relationship builder
Leadership style…
Coaching style

• Helps employees to identify

their strengths & weakness
• Aligning employees
• Encourages long term
• Issues challenging
Leadership style…
Democratic Style

• Involves employees in
decision making process
• Gets ideas from his people
• Creates trust
• Sets realistic goals
Leadership style…
Pacesetting style

• Sets high standards and

adheres on it
• Passionate about increase in
quality and productivity
• You perform or leave
organization is the attitude
Leadership style…

Expert Style

Manipulative Style

Bureaucratic Style

Participative Style
Likert’s Four Style
• System 1 management –
“exploitative-authoritative” style
• System 2 management –
“benevolent-authoritative” style
• System 3 management –
“consultative” style
• System 4 management –
“participative leadership” style
Tannenbaum & SCHMIDT
CONTINUUM of leader behavior
• Leader as an announcer
• Leader as a seller
• Leader as a clarifier
• Leader as a senior partner
• Leader as a seeker
• Leader as a equal partner
• Leader as a follower
Points To Remember

• Leadership Styles
• Likert’s four styles
• Tannenbaum & SCHMIDT
CONTINUUM of leader
Nisha Hariyani

Leadership skills &

Points to Learn
• Persuasion skills
• Motivational skills
• Conflict resolution skills
• Leadership tactics
Persuasion skills
• Consider a situation where a company has to take
an important decision about funding a lucrative yet
risky project. …..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

• Learn how to persuade by analyzing

whom to persuade
How to persuade a Skeptics
 Skeptics are highly  Gain as much
suspicious credibility
 Skeptics trust same  Find out something
backgrounds common with him
 They don’t like  Handle them
oppositions or delicately, if they are
challenges thrown to wrong correct
them smartly
How to persuade a Charismatic
 Charismatic are  Persuader should
talkative & control the urge to
enthusiastic match his enthusiasm
 They look for facts to  Don’t hide the facts,
support their discuss the risk with
emotions him/her
 Charismatic have  Present information at
short attention span earliest
 While deciding they  Give them one and give
take suggestions from time
high profile executes
How to persuade a Followers
 Followers rely on past  Make them feel
decisions made confident give E.g.
 They fear making  Provide testimonials &
wrong choices take a safe dwell in
 Followers like proven  Don’t suggest out of
and reliable ideas. box ideas
How to persuade a Charismatic
 Thinker are more  Persuader should
academic and logical communicate the draw
 They like arguments – backs initially
which are quantitative  Using presentations
and backed by data and arguments to
appeal their intelligence
 Talk intellectually and
 They don’t forget bad proposal should appear
experiences and have to be best option
contradictory view
Motivational Skills
• How do one ensures high level of
enthusiasm and commitment during bad

• Motivating people is not as easy as it sounds

General Methods of Motivation
 Truth as the highest virtue
 Desire to be great
 Communicate, communicate & communicate
 Sharing the burden of risk
 Motivating by caring
 Motivating people at different levels
 Motivating by setting difficult goals
 Motivating in times of crisis
Motivating frontline staff
• Emotionally energies frontline people
• How????
Take an example of US Marine Corps

Who invested time and energy to

cultivate strong values,

Encouraging to take up leadership positions

Clarity between team and leader

Motivating Problem People
 Motivational lectures, cash incentives, or
memos etc … will it motivate all of them????
 What about problem employees… or difficult
Learn more about them, about yourself
and about situation

Have a range of alternatives

Have a formal one to one sessions

Conflict resolution skills
What to do??????
Skills required are:
 Listening
 Questioning
 Communicating
 Non verbal signs
 Mediation skills
Leadership Tactics
• A model of Power & Influence
 Relationships beyond chain of command
Step 1: identify the people who have to be led
 How do leaders identify these relationships?
Step 2: identify people who may resist cooperation
 How do leaders assess power?
Step 3: develop relationship with resisting parties
 How do leaders develop such relationships?
Step 4: good relations & good communication
• A model of Power & Influence continue….

 Relations with Subordinates

 Relations with superiors
How do effective leaders deal with their superiors ?????
Evaluate your boss strength and weakness
Evaluate your strength and weakness
Build a relationship & maintain it
Communicate, utilize his time prudently
Model of effectiveness and
Setting Agenda

Building Network

Implementing agenda
• Persuasion skills
• Motivational skills
• Conflict resolution skills
• Leadership tactics

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