A Seminar On: "Using Facial Symmetry To Handle Pose Variations in Real-World

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A Seminar on

Using Facial Symmetry to Handle Pose Variations in Real-World 3D Face Recognition

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Under the Guidance of Dr. THRIVENI J Mrs. CHAMPA H N Presented by Sai Jyothi N Purushothama

Department of Computer Science and Engineering UNIVERSITY VISVESVARAYA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING K R Circle, Bangalore-01 aug'11-jan'12 JAN 2012

We deals with the uncontrolled conditions of real-world biometric applications pose a great challenge to any face recognition approach. The unconstrained acquisition of data from uncooperative subjects may result in facial scans with significant pose variations along the yaw axis. Such pose variations can cause extensive occlusions, resulting in missing data. We deal novel 3D face recognition method is proposed that uses facial symmetry to handle pose variations. It employs an automatic landmark detector that estimates pose and detects occluded areas for each facial scan. Subsequently, an Annotated Face Model is registered and fitted to the scan. During fitting, facial symmetry is used to overcome the challenges of missing data. The result is a pose invariant geometry image.



Unlike existing methods that require frontal scans, the proposed method performs comparisons among interpose scans using a wavelet-based biometric signature. It is suitable for real-world applications as it only requires half of the face to be visible to the sensor.

The proposed method was evaluated using databases from the University of Notre Dame and the University of Houston that, to the best of our knowledge, include the most challenging pose variations publicly available. The average rank-one recognition rate of the proposed method in these databases was 83.7 percent.


What is face recognition system?
Face recognition system is a computer application for automatically identifying or verifying person from a digital image or a video source.

What is Facial symmetry?

Facial symmetry is statisically significant ,offers promising biometric results, particularly in presence of facial expressions.
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A symmetry face recognition

A method that offers pose invariance and high recognition rates. It allows matching among interpose facial scans, and solves the missing data problem by using facial symmetry on occluded areas to overcome the limitation of 2D face recognition.


No user intervention is required: It is fully automatic. No subject cooperation is required: It can handle facial expressions and extreme pose variations. State-of-the-art performance: State-of-the-art performance has been experimentally demonstrated. Can be applied to large databases: It has a reason-able computational cost with excellent scalability.
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Interpose matching using the proposed method (left to right): Opposite side facial scans with extensive missing data, generic AFM, deformed AFM for each scan (facial symmetry used), and extracted geometry images.


Annotated Face Model (AFM)

The improvements: A more robust and automatic 3D facial landmark detector is used . An improved registration and fitting is achieved, which can independently handle the left and right sides of frontal scans to allow partial matching. A novel interpose database is introduced for additional experimental evaluation. Significantly better results are presented, indicating the proposed methods high accuracy in challenging databases.


A Symmmrtric Face Recogition Method

The proposed method,
Each facial scan and derives a wavelet-based biometric signature. This representation is a biometric signature that can be directly compared with other signatures. Allowing efficient matching in both identification and verification.


Fig. 3.1 Pipeline of the proposed method.

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Steps involved Step 1. Preprocessing: Standard preprocessing techniques are used to filter the raw data. Step 2. 3D Landmark Detection: A robust landmark detector is used for pose estimation (to determine if it is a frontal, left, or right scan). Step 3. Registration: The raw data are registered to the AFM using a two-stage approach. Step 4. Symmetric Deformable Model Fitting: The AFM is fitted to the data using facial symmetry. The fitted model is then converted to a geometry image and a normal image. Step 5. Wavelet Analysis: A wavelet transform is applied on the geometry and normal images and the wavelet coefficients are stored as a biometric signature.



An example of range data suffering with noise and holes (preprocessing)



For each facial dataset the procedure for landmark detection has the following steps:

Fig. Landmark detection and selection process: (a) Shape Indexs maxima &minima; (b) candidate nose and chin tips; (c) extracted best landmark sets; (d) resulting landmarks; and (e) facial landmark model.
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The 3D facial landmark detection algorithm
Landmarks that are associated with a label (name or number), which is used to identify the corresponding landmark. A mathematical representation of an n-point shape in d dimensions can be dened by concatenating all point coordinates into a k = n d vector and establishing a Shape Space. The vector representation for 3D shapes (i.e., d = 3) would then be: x = [x1, x. xn, y1, y2.. yn, z1, z2,. zn]T The alignment procedure is commonly known as Procrustes Analysis and given by

each shape xi to the mean shape xm.



Algorithm 5.1: Procrustes Analysis

Compute the centroid of each example shape. Translate each example shape so that its centroid is at the origin (0,0,0). Scale each example shape so that its size is 1. Assign the first example shape to the mean shape xm. REPEAT Assign the mean shape xm to a reference mean shape x0. Align all example shapes to the reference mean shape x0 by an optimal rotation. Recalculate the mean shape xm. Translate the mean shape so that its centroid is at the origin (0,0,0). scale the mean shape so that its its size is 1. Align the mean shape xm to the reference mean shape x0 by an optimal rotation. Compute the Procrustes distance of the mean shape xm to the reference mean shape x0: (x0-xm). UNTIL Convergence: (x0 -xm) < E.
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Algorithm 5.3: Principal Component Analysis Determine the mean shape. Determine the covariance matrix of the shape vectors. Compute the eigenvectors Ai and corresponding eigenvalues of the covariance matrix, sorted in descending order.

Algorithm 5.4: Landmark Fitting Translate y so that its centroid is at the origin (0,0,0). Scale y shape so that its size is 1. REPEAT Align y to the mean shape xm by an optimal rotation. Compute the Procrustes distance of y to the mean shape xm: (y-xm). UNTIL Convergence: (y -xm) < E. Project y into tangent space of xm. Determine the model deformation parameters b that match to y:



A novel 3D face recognition method suitable for real-world biometric applications was proposed. Proposed methods that require frontal scans, even when extensive data are missing. By using facial symmetry it can seamlessly handle frontal and side facial scans. Competitive results were presented on databases with challenging pose variations. we introduced a series of novelties that resulted approximately in a 20 percent increased recognition rate.

Future work will be directed toward improving the robustness of the landmark detector and evaluating performance on additional databases.





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