Team Effectiveness
Team Effectiveness
Team Effectiveness
Definition of a team
According to Griffin A small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, common performance goal and an approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable Most of the fortune 500 companies use project team . A project team consists of employees from diverse managerial and professional backgrounds , working for a specific period of time on a certain project. According to Stephen Robbins A work team is a collection of people whose individual efforts result in a level of performance which is greater than the sum of their individual contributions
Types of Teams
Problem solving team Self managed work team Cross functional team Virtual team
Quality circles
First introduced in Japan Small no of people from same work area or doing similar kind of work Meets regularly for about an hour every week To identify , analyze and resolve work related problems Nor folk General Hospital X ray processing time
Virtual Teams
Videoconferencing, E-mails, Networking sites, teleconferencing etc. No scope to satisfy social needs
Context Composition Work design Autono my Skill variety Task Identity Task Signific ant Process Common purpose Specific goal Conflict levels Social loafing Resources Abilities of the members Leadership Personality Structure Trust Size of the team Diversity
Performanc evaluation