The Present Perfect Tense: Glenda R. Perey MAT - English
The Present Perfect Tense: Glenda R. Perey MAT - English
The Present Perfect Tense: Glenda R. Perey MAT - English
Expressing a situation that started in the past and continues to the present The duration of the situation is marked by phrases with either for or since.
Expressing a recently completed action The adverbs just and already may be used to express the completed action.
Expressing an action that occurred at an unspecified time and has current relevance It is best to associate present perfect with the following topics: experience, achievements or accomplishments, an uncompleted action you are
The adverbs ever and never can be used to talk about our experience. Never is used for negative sentences while ever is used for
We often use the present perfect to list the accomplishments of individuals and humanity. You cannot mention a specific time.
Use the present perfect to talk about and uncompleted action you are expecting We often use the present perfect to say that an action which we expected has not happened. Using the present perfect suggests that we are still waiting for the action to happen. We can use the adverbs yet and still to express that the action is uncompleted.
Use the present perfect to talk about and uncompleted action you are expecting
We can use the adverbs yet and still to express that the action is uncompleted. Yet is used for questions and negative sentences while still can be used for both positive and
Describing an action that occurred over a period of time that is complete at the moment of speaking. These sentences contain verbs that express actions involving inherent change over time.
The sense of change is enhanced by the time expressions of duration. The perfect aspect imparts the meaning of completion, hence the interpretation that the evolving change is now
The value of this house has doubled over the past two years.
(make) the house very messy. actor in several movies. nk) all the soda in the refrigerator. ) its leg. _____ (fall) off his ladder. er friends _____ (go) to the park without her. shower already. so much that I _____ (lose) my voice. nd _____ (buy) her a diamond ring. is jigsaw puzzle so many times that he could do it wi
6.have gone 7.has had 8.have lost 9.has bought 10.has done
Cowan, Ron. (2008).A teachers grammar of English. New York, USA: Cambridge University Press. Sargeant, Howard. (2007). Basic English grammar Book 2. CA, USA: Saddleback Educational Publishing. nsepresperfsim.htm retrieved on January 5, 2011. presentperfect.html retrieved on January 5, 2011.