Hipada Development Plan

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MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ISSUES Issues Confronting Economic Development  Increasing economic activities putting pressures to the carrying capacity

of the natural environment.  High Poverty Incidence (50.88%)  Low agricultural productivity  Underdeveloped tourism industry  Lack of facilities farm to market roads, pre and postharvest facilities, etc.  Lack of skilled manpower - education and manpower mismatch  Poor health facilities and safety measures

Issues Confronting Social Development  Lack educational facilities and High Drop Out Rate  Lack of Capability building and skilled manpower training  Poor Health and Sanitation  Malnutrition  Peace and Order

Issues Confronting Environmental Concerns


Siltation of rivers and coastal waters due to Increasing mining activities. Degradation of water resources and deterioration of water quality. Damage to marine habitat and terrestrial eco-system Illegal small-scale mining activities Laxity in the Enforcement of Forestry and Fishery Laws Lack of consultation and weak enforcement of environmental laws

Issues on Infrastructures


Poor road condition Lack of proper management of some existing municipal/barangay waterworks and irrigation systems Conflicting Land Uses Lack of public structural facilities school buildings, health facilities, terminals, etc. Lack of shore protection and flood control systems

Issues confronting Local Government and Inter-Sectoral Coordination


Geo-political boundary conflict Conflicting development perspectives of different government agencies Conflicting Land Uses & Other Resource Utilization Issues Lack of technical capabilities of LGUs, NGOs and local development agencies. Lack of resources of LGUs in implementing environmental management programs and weak enforcement of environment laws


Progressive communities and equitable development zone where people live in relative peace and harmony through responsible governance and effective sustainable developmental mechanism

MISSION: To establish a strong and productive collaboration among all stakeholders in attaining the desired progress and equitable development.


To prepare the HIPADA area for the entry of socially and environmentally responsible investors. To improve the delivery of social services and provision of adequate physical infrastructures support. To ensure and facilitate the implementation of an integrated and sustainable management of the upland/lowland areas, the river systems and the coastal resources. To empower and capacitate citizenry to achieve their optimum human potentials.

GOAL: 1  To prepare the HIPADA area for the entry of socially and environmentally responsible investors Policy  All areas allocated for specific ecological and economic services shall not be used for any other purposes  All projects and business ventures should comply to environmental mechanisms and standards Objectives:  To enhance LGU capabilities on investment marketing and facilitation.  To delineate critical watersheds for enhancement and preservation measures by 2012;  To delineate and delimit municipal waters and zonification by 2010;  To update land use and development plans of all LGUs.

Programs/Projects/Activities: 1. HIPADA Investment Program (HIP)  Establishment of Functional Investment and Promotion Center  Investment and Marketing Promotion Capability Building  Installation of HIPADA Website  Formulation of Local Investment Code  Streamlining of Business Permit and Licensing System 2. HIPADA Comprehensive Resource Inventory Program ( HIPADA CRIP)  3D Mapping  Prime Agriculture Land Delineation  Forest Land Survey  Formulation/Updating of Land Use Plan  Municipal Waters Delineation  Watershed Delineation 4. Facilitate Boundary Conflict Resolution

GOAL: 2  To improve the delivery of social services and provision of adequate physical infrastructures support. Policy  Judicious allocation of funds for social development programs and projects that advance the right to a fulfilled, contented and happy life Objectives:  To develop an integrated program for Indigenous communities  To install / strengthen community based health and education program in all Barangays  To enforce and strengthen implementation mechanism based on women and children protection law/code  To enhance and develop capabilities on responsible parenthood and home management  To establish and maintain vital physical infrastructure and facilities

Programs/Projects/Activities: 1. Integrated Social and Livelihood Development Program for IPs


Culture Preservation and Literacy Health and Sanitation Shelter Livelihood

2. Health station for every Barangay 3. Integrated Home Management Program


Food always in the table at home (FAITH Garden) Family Budgeting Values enhancement Responsible Parenthood

4. IEC on Gender Development 5. HIPADA Youth Sports and Culture Development Program

HIPADA Sport Olympics HIPADA POP Music Festival Institutionalization of Cultural Festivals

6. Day Care center for every Barangay 7. Birthing center for every Barangay
8. Farm to Market Road Devt Program

GOAL: 3  To ensure and facilitate the implementation of an integrated and sustainable management of the upland/lowland areas, inland water systems and the coastal resources Policy

All projects implemented are aligned with sustainable development concepts. Institutionalize budget allocation for environmental management and sustainable development.


To enact and enforce unified ordinances for environmental enhancement, protection, and preservation by 2011 To advocate for the full enforcement of the Provincial Environmental Code; To capacitate local leaders and general citizenry on environmental management and sustainable development.

Programs/Projects/Activities:  Formulation of Environment Code  Preparation of Envi. Management Plan including but not limited to Watershed Management Plan, Solid Waste Management Plan, Coastal Resource Management Plan, etc.  Intensified Crop Production for Food Security and Profitability  Fishery Development Program Marine and Freshwater, Coastal and Inland  Establishment of fish sanctuaries and for every municipality  Mangrove reforestation  Mined-out area rehabilitation and natural regeneration  Unified Fishery Code Enactment and Enforcement  Capacity Building of Technical Working Group / Environmental committees and stakeholders and SB members  Revisit the approved provincial environmental code as basis for HIPADA council for its enforcement and implementation  Establishment and operationalization of Sanitary Landfills to serve clustered LGUs  Adaption of Sloping Agricultural Land Technology and other cost efficient soil management and conservation technologies  Institutionalization of HIPADA environmental management and office, networking with the LGU ENRO  Regular information dissemination through print broadcast and tri-media

GOAL: 4  To empower and capacitate citizenry to achieve their optimum human potentials through productivity improvement and core value enhancement. Policy  To respect the HIPADA citizenry as the center and main players of all development efforts  Institutionalized allocation of financial resources for human resource development and core value enhancement. Objectives:  To institutionalize Community Development Processes in all Barangay Development Council (BDC) by 2013;  To assist the formation and development of community-based organizations and ensure their participation in the barangay development council and networks by 2013.  To develop entrepreneurial capabilities.  To improve educational facilities and manpower development institutions.  Institutionalize adoption of productivity improvement programs and cost efficient production and processing technologies.  To institutionalize HIPADAians PRIDE CAMPAIGN by 2013.



Capacity building in all Local officials and members of LSB on the RA 7160 Enact unified ordinance on the POs/ NGOs accreditation process Conduct annual Barangay Development Council Convention Conduct annual Municipal/City Development Council Convention Livelihood Enhancement and Enterprise Development Participation of Community-based Organization in the Barrangay Development Council and other development bodies Comprehensive Human Resource Development and Productivity Improvement Technical Expertise and Vocational Skills Trainings, Organization Management, Entrepreneurship, etc. Mainstreaming on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Management Capability Building Mechanisms HIPADA wide community organizing for POs/NGOs formation Continuing PO/NGO Capacity Building Continuing Values Formation, Enhancement of Work Ethics HIPADA Project Review Evaluation and Monitoring Program (PREMP)

Creation of HIPADA Devt Council Project Review Evaluation and Monitoring Committee Formulation of Implementing Rules and Guidelines Mechanism

Major Strategies

Continuing Project Development and Resource Generation Participatory and Collaborative Development Results-Based Development Planning, Management and Monitoring

Key Result Areas and Growth Targets

Key Result Areas Economic Sustainability Development Indicators and Growth Target Reduction of Poverty Incidence from the present average of 50.88% to 40% by 2015. 30% Increase in the Number of Operational Business Establishments. 25% Increase in Agri-Fishery Production 50% of Municipalities with officially declared and properly managed Watershed Areas 90% of Coastal Barangays with organized and functional Bantay Dagat Volunteers Organizations and Deputized Fishery Wardens 99% Compliance of Relevant ECC provisions and conditions of Major Industries and Projects 30% Increase of Functional Peoples Organization 80% Attendance and Participation in all meetings of community organizations 10 % Annual Increase in the number of functional LGUs Economic Enterprise 30% Increase in the number of Externally Funded Projects 100% of LGUs Business Permits and Licensing System Streamlined 100% of Municipalities with Local Investment Code

Resource Management

People Empowerment

Governance Mechanism

Plan Implementation Responsibility Matrix Stakeholder / Institution / Entity HIPADA Council Roles / Responsibilities yFormulate and Implement Development Policies; Review and Approve Development Directions; Programs and Projects; Allocates and Approve Budget yAdapt and Implement Policies set by HIPADA Council; yImplement Programs and Projects; Provide Resource Requirement Funding, Technical Manpower, Logistics yProvide Technical and Financial Support in Program and Project Development and Implementation; yDirectly Implement Programs and Projects yImplement Programs and Projects; Provide Technical and Financial Support yImplement Projects; yProvide Equity Counterpart Labor, Materials

Local Government Units / HIPADA Members Office of the Municipal Mayor, Sangguniang Bayan, All Functional Departments National Line Agencies

Non-Government Organizations Communities - Peoples Organizations, Rural and Urban Families; Farmers, Fisherfolk, MicroEntrepreneurs Business, Industries, Religious Groups, Academe, Civil Society ups HIPADA Operation Management Office (OMO)

yProvide Technical and Financial Support in Program and Project Implement yUnder the supervision of the HIPADA Council, oversee the implementation of HIPADA Development Plan; Undertake Operation and Administrative function for HIPADA; Implement Programs and Projects; Undertake Monitoring and Evaluation Activities yProvide Technical Advisory Assistance in areas of Project Development and Implementation; Undertake Monitoring and Evaluation Activities yProvide Financial and Technical Support

Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Local and Foreign Development Agencies; Funding Institutions

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