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Group Member Details
Student ID Name
BM 23340282 S.S.Mahamethige
BM 23337008 W.D.Thathsarani
BM 23339538 M.I.B.C.K.M.I.Bandara
BM 23355064 Gokulnath.S
BM 23134362 M.O.M.Perera
BM 23464278 A.S Abeykoon
BM 23425736 K.J.S.P.Fernando
BM 23176256 D.S.Perera
BM 23463424 K.A.N.S.D.Cooray
BM 23426276 Chansika E.A.B.Y
BM 23332744 P.C Athapattu
What is Gender ?
• Gender encompasses social, cultural, and psychological characteristics and
expectations assigned by society based on perceived or ascribed sex.
• It differs from biological sex, which is determined by physical and genetic factors.
Types of Genders:
 Cisgender: Identifying with the sex assigned at birth.
 Transgender: Identifying differently from the assigned sex.
 Non-binary: Not strictly identifying as male or female.
 Genderqueer: Rejecting binary gender and identifying differently.
 Genderfluid: Experiencing varying gender identities.
 Agender: Identifying with no gender.
 Bigender: Identifying with two genders.
 Two-Spirit: A traditional Indigenous gender identity.
 Gender non-conforming: Deviating from gender norms .
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Gender Population & Gender
Global Gender Population
Gender Population in Srilanka

52% 48%

Male Female Male Female

Gender Equality
 Gender equality ensures equal rights,
opportunities, and obligations for all,
regardless of gender. It aims to eliminate
gender-based bias and discrimination.

Goals of Gender Equality:

• Equal access to resources and opportunities.
• Full participation in society for all genders.
• Elimination of gender-based disparities and prejudices.
Understanding Gender Inequality

 What is meant by gender inequality?

Gender inequality is a term used to describe the disparity

between both genders in terms of rights, opportunities,
and treatment.
How Gender Inequality Occurs &
Reasons for That

Social norms and

Historical and Lack of access to
stereotypes Economic Disparities
cultural factors education
Gender roles Gender One of the In many
and inequality is main causes
stereotypes perpetuated in of inequality continue to
frequently set many societies might be the encounter
expectations by deeply existence of challenges to
ingrained economic limiting their
for behavior
prospects for
among people historical and gaps between personal and
of various cultural the sexes professional
genders conventions progress

 Education and awareness

• Promote gender-sensitive education from a young age that challenges
stereotypes and promotes gender equality.
• Conduct public awareness programs

 Legal policy changes

• Implement laws prohibiting gender-based discrimination and violence.
• Adopt policies that encourage equal labor pay and promote work - life
 Economic Empowerment
• Promote women’s entrepreneurship and financial independence

 Gender -based violence elimination

• Strengthen legal tools for prosecuting and punishing offenders
• Provide survivors of violence with services
Gender Equality and Culture

Despite remarkable progress in recent years, women are underrepresented across all cultural fields,
including films, books, music, art, heritage, digital media, and especially in leadership roles.

Gender disparities in the cultural sphere often reinforce gender inequalities in society at large.

But strengthening women’s participation in culture and access to culture can be a powerful means of
promoting gender equality.

Let us now look at the movements, books and movies used to spread gender equality in society.
Various Social Movements
on Gender Equality
eGirl Power Organization
Non-profit organization with a mission to “Educate, Empower and Elevate”. Girls, women undercounted population through
leadership development and social change to battle gender-based violence with a focus on university and college campuses across
the US.
 Global Fund for Women
The leading funder of gender justice organization today. They were founded over 30 years ago to fill a critical gap in funding for
local women’s rights organizations.
Engage with women’s movements to help them increase their effectiveness. They provide support in building communication,
leadership and other skills to influence political and governance processes, including those related to elections.
Equality Now
International organization founded with the mission of using legal advocacy to protect and promote the human rights of women
girls. It attracts global attention to media on individual cases of abuse and uses international human rights law to advocate with
policymakers and puts pressure on national governments to adopt and enforce good laws.
Books to Study
about Gender
1. The feminine mystique by Betty Friedan..
2. The birth of the pill by Jonathan Eig.
3. Sexual Politics by Kate Millett.
4. Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe.
5. Invisible Women by Caroline Perez.
Movies About
1. Legally Blonde (2001)
2. Hidden Figures (2016)
3. Wonder Woman (2017)
4. Bombshell (2019)
5. The Red Pill (2017)
Gender Equality and Education
Education plays a crucial role in promoting gender equality.

The benefits of notify the society about the gender equality

 Tool for breaking down gender stereotypes

 Tool in addressing gender based violence
 Increase social and political participation
1.Gender responsive teaching
and learning

 Teaching methods
5.Investing in teacher  Gender sensitive language
training and images
 Provide a quality education
to all students
 Provide an appropriate
2.Inclusive education
training to teachers
policies and practices
 Recognize gender based
violence in school
Strategies for
 Creating policies and
environment promoting gender
equality in  Provide cultural
education support

3. Engaging communities and

4. Addressing socio families in promoting gender
economic factors equality
 Poverty
 Lack of infrastructure  Families can promote this
 Address cultural and economic
Gender Equality and Society
 Gender equality is the key to unlocking the full potential of every
individuals, creating more developments in society.

• Some basic importance of gender equality for social development

 Gender Equality helps to save lives

 Gender Equality makes children's life


 Gender Equality reduces poverty

Saving lives
• Women and girls facing lot of life threatening risks in many places because of gender
inequality. Natural disasters are one example for that. This inequality plays a main role
in deaths and injuries. So, bringing gender perspective in to discussions allows women
to play a bigger role in their own protection.

OF Children Life Changes

• When women equal to men, they can make reproductive choices. So they can provide
SOCIETY better care, can offer education, healthcare, healthy food to their children's.
• Children raised in gender-equal environments will give better life style then those
raised with inequality

Reduces Poverty
• Poverty rates are higher among young girls. This likely because girls do not receive
same education and job opportunities as boys. This inequality keeps women and their
families in a trapped circles of poverty. when women receive better education, job
opportunities, they can thrive. So gender equality is the highly suitable way to reduce
Learning Summary
01-Understanding Genders & Gender 02- Understanding Gender
Equality Inequality
 Gender & different types of genders.  What is meant by gender inequality.
 Gender population local & global facts.  How gender inequality occurs & reasons
 What is meant by gender equality. for that.
 Measures to avoid gender inequality.

03-Gender Equality & Culture

 Various social movements on gender 04-Gender Equality & Education
equality.  Educational programs about gender
 Books about gender equality. equality.
 Movies about gender equality.  Importance of gender equality for social

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