Ppt on Ethiopian Geography. Chapter 1-4 2
Ppt on Ethiopian Geography. Chapter 1-4 2
Ppt on Ethiopian Geography. Chapter 1-4 2
⦿ This course attempts to familiarize
you with the basic geographic
concepts particularly in relation to
Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa.
. Dependency- refers to the ways in which humans are dependent on nature for a living.
Adaptation- relates to how humans modify themselves, their lifestyles and their
behavior to live in a new environment with new challenges
Modification-allowed humans to “conquer” the world for their comfortable living and
desirable end.
Djibouti 23,200
Ethiopia 1,106,000
Somalia 637,661
Eritrea 118,000
Total 1,884,861
Advantages and disadvantages of Ethiopia's large size
Shape of
It has great implication on the socio-
economic integration and flow of goods
and services within each region.
⦿ Shapes affect each country‘s
administration, defence and economic
integration, both within the country and in
respect to outside areas.
⦿ Ethiopia has almost a circular (compact)
shape. This means that the Ethiopia’s
longest east-west and north-south distances
are almost the same.
⦿ Or there is slight difference between
longitudinal extent and latitudinal extent
The shape of Ethiopia and its Implication
Elongated shape countries
This type of states have a long and
narrow shape.
The major problem with these states
is with internal communication,
which causes isolation of towns from
the capital city.
Vietnam and Chile are examples of
Perforated shape countries
Lesotho, which is a
Lesotho 37
Fragmented shape countries
fragment a state.
of a fragmented state.
Protrude shape countries
Countries that have one
and Eritrea.
Basic Skills of Map Reading
What is a Map?
A map is a two-dimensional scaled representation of part or
whole of the Earth surface on a flat body such as piece of
paper, black board, wood or cloth.
Primary tools for displaying and analyzing spatial
distributions, patterns and relations.
Map reading encompasses a systematic identification of
natural features and manmade features.
Natural features include mountains, plateaus, hills, valleys, river,
ocean, rocks, plain etc.
Manmade features include roads, railway, buildings, dam etc
MGHAMA Geog1053 40
Types of Map
a. Topographical maps: Topographic maps depict one or more natural
and cultural features of an area.
They could be small, medium or large scale depending on the size of
the area represented.
Contents of topographical maps depend on purpose of a map, scale of
a map, date of compilation, and nature of the land represented.
b. Special purpose/statistical maps: These are maps, which show
distribution of different aspects such as temperature, rainfall, settlement,
vegetation etc.
Topographic map of Addis
Ababa and its surrounding
Population Distribution
of the world
Based on scale, maps can be
classified into three
⚫ Large scale maps 1: 50,000. e.g. 1:1000; 1:2,500;
1:5000; 1:10,000 and are used when we want to
represent higher levels of detail showing small areas
3. Palaeontological- Distribution of
•The distribution of plants and animal
fossils on separate continents forms
definite linked patterns if the
continents are reassembled.
•fossils are remains of living things
that lived long ago.
•similar fossils have been discovered
in matching coastlines on different
Wegener’s Evidence……
4. Paleoclimatic- : rocks formed 200 million years ago in India,
Australia, South America, and southern Africa all exhibited evidence of
continental glaciations.
2.2. The Geologic
⚫ The landforms are the work of two
⚫ Internal (Endogenic) Forces
⚫ External (Exogenic) Forces
I. Internal (Endogenic)
⚫ Forces that come from the inside of the earth i.e
volcanic activity and tectonic forces.
⚫ B. Potassium-Argon Technique:
2.4. Geological Processes and the
Resulting Landforms of Ethiopia
and the H⚫ orn
⚫ There are 4 different eras depending on:-
⚫ The Relative Position Of Land And
⚫ The Kind Of Climate And
⚫ Animal and Plant Life
⚫ Precambrian era: 4.6 billion-600 million
⚫ Paleozoic era: 600 million-225 million
⚫ Mesozoic era: 225 million-70 million
⚫ Cenozoic era: 70 million-present
1. The Precambrian
⦿ The oldest and longest era
⦿ covers 5/6th of the Earth‟s history.
⦿ Too much is not known on what
⦿ rich in metallic minerals like gold
⚫ The major geologic
event of the
Precambrian Era
⚫ Orogenesis: the formation of
mountains by horizontal movement
(the major geological event)
⦿ Platinum
⦿ The Yubdo area in Wellega, is the only
active Ethiopian Platinum mine.
⚫ Construction stones
⚫ Crystalline
limestone is widespread in
the basement rocks of Ethiopia.
Marble has been mined in west of
Mekelle and
south of Adwa in Tigray.
⚫ Tantalum : Significant deposit of
tantalum is found in southern
Ethiopia. It used for electrolytic