Transactional Analysis

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*The recognition that one person

gives to another

*Essential to a person's life *Can vary from actual physical

touch to praise

*Positive Strokes- I love you,

you did a good job.

*Negative Strokes- I hate you. *When positive strokes are not

given, we look for negative strokes rather than be without strokes at all.

*We should learn to open our

hearts and ask for strokes.

*It makes life easier and

enhance confidence.

The need for filling ones time is called structure hunger. It includes: a) Withdrawing from threatening environment. b) Rituals c) Work or productive activity. d) Pastimes e) Games f) Intimacy

Physically present but mentally absent from people around . Safe and avoid risk.

*A pre-set exchange of recognition

strokes. *"Hi!" How are you?" "Fine, thanks." "Well, see you around. Bye!" *This is a four-stroke ritual.

*An activity which has a product as its

*Good work results in the exchange of

strokes as a side effect.

*A pre-set conversation around a certain

*Pastimes are most evident at cocktail

parties and family get-together.

*It includes saying gossips,talking about

neighbours etc.

*Repetitive, devious series of
transactions intended to get strokes.

*Unfortunately, the strokes obtained in

games are mostly negative.

*A game is a failed method of getting


*A direct and powerful exchange of strokes

which people crave but seldom attain.

*The Child is frightened away from it by

hurtful experiences.

y- The need to have our fundamental life decisions validated and affirmed

- To be told we are either OK or not OK - Early in life we make basic decisions about self and others: Im OK. or Im not OK. Youre OK. or Youre not OK. - This decision serves as the basis for a script which we use to structure time and seek strokes

*Script is a life plan, directed to a reward. *A script is an ongoing
programme,developed in early childhood under parential influence which directs the individual behaviour in the most important aspect of his life.

*A person when confronted with a

situation acts according to his lifes script.

* A life script might be "to be hurt many

times, and suffer and make others feel bad when I die", and could result in a person indeed setting himself up for this, by adopting behaviors in childhood that produce exactly this effect.

Legitimate Role: 1. Prosecutor : someone who sets necessary limits on behaviour. 2. Victim: Someone who qualifies for job but denied because of race,sex or region. 3. Rescuer: Someone who is helping others open minded to solve his problem.

Illegitimate Roles: 1. Prosecutor:someone who is charged wiyh enforcing rules but do it with burtality. 2. Victim:Someone who does not qualify for a job falsely claims it is because of sex,race,relegion. 3. Rescuer:Someone who acts as if helpful to keep others depended upon him.


Improve in inter-personal communication. Improve in inter-personal relations. Develops leadership skills. Useful in areas where success depends on
inter-personal effectiveness such as sales, employee counselling,etc.

It reinforces and implement other

management activities such as job enrichment,communication etc.

Difficult to understand ego states and

transactions between people.

Encourage amateur psychologising if

carelessly applied.

Used as put-down in inter-personal


One use this as a tool to manipulate the

behaviour of others.

Behaviour known To self Behavi our known to others Behavi our unkno wn to others

Behaviour unknown to self





An individual knows about himself and

about others.

There is openness and compatibility. Less possibility for defensive behaviour.

individuals knows about others but not


The individual irritates other


one understands himself but do not know

others emotions.

True feelings of individual remains secret

from others .

One have fear of reactions from others.

Individual doesnt know himself

and others feelings.

This form of interaction is highly


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