Transactional Analysis
Transactional Analysis
Transactional Analysis
gives to another
The need for filling ones time is called structure hunger. It includes: a) Withdrawing from threatening environment. b) Rituals c) Work or productive activity. d) Pastimes e) Games f) Intimacy
Physically present but mentally absent from people around . Safe and avoid risk.
*An activity which has a product as its
*A pre-set conversation around a certain
*Repetitive, devious series of
transactions intended to get strokes.
y- The need to have our fundamental life decisions validated and affirmed
- To be told we are either OK or not OK - Early in life we make basic decisions about self and others: Im OK. or Im not OK. Youre OK. or Youre not OK. - This decision serves as the basis for a script which we use to structure time and seek strokes
*Script is a life plan, directed to a reward. *A script is an ongoing
programme,developed in early childhood under parential influence which directs the individual behaviour in the most important aspect of his life.
Legitimate Role: 1. Prosecutor : someone who sets necessary limits on behaviour. 2. Victim: Someone who qualifies for job but denied because of race,sex or region. 3. Rescuer: Someone who is helping others open minded to solve his problem.
Illegitimate Roles: 1. Prosecutor:someone who is charged wiyh enforcing rules but do it with burtality. 2. Victim:Someone who does not qualify for a job falsely claims it is because of sex,race,relegion. 3. Rescuer:Someone who acts as if helpful to keep others depended upon him.
Improve in inter-personal communication. Improve in inter-personal relations. Develops leadership skills. Useful in areas where success depends on
inter-personal effectiveness such as sales, employee counselling,etc.
Behaviour known To self Behavi our known to others Behavi our unkno wn to others