Science 4-Q3 Week 4

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Science 4-Q3 Week 4

Describing how light travel (S4FE-IIIf-g-4).

Let’s Recall!
Read the following
questions.Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
1. Magnets that can be mined from the earth are
A. bar magnets
B. natural magnets
C. artificial magnets
D. permanent magnets
2. Which of the following is NOT a magnetic
A. needle C. slippers
B. scissor D. spoon
3. Which of the following objects are non-
A. keys, coin, and pins
B. spoon, fork, and pan
C. t-shirt, paper, and shoes
D. necklace, bracelet, and ring
4. It is the space where magnetic forces work.
A. magnetic field
B. magnetic force
C. end of the magnet
D. center of the magnet
5. It is the power that attracts iron.
A. magnetism
B. bar magnet
C. artificial magnet
D. non-magnetic material
Let’s Try!
Identify the picture and tell L if the
following materials are source of light
and NL if not.
Let’s Discover!
-Light is a form of energy.

-It travels very fast.

-In space, it travels about 300,000,000 meters per second.


-Light always travels in a straight line when going through single medium.

-In air, light travels quickly.

-In water and in glass, light travels more slowly

How does
light travel?
Perform an Experiment: What happens
when LIGHT hits an object?

● Transparent object(s) {clear plastic

cup, glass, water, etc.}
● Translucent object(s) {some tinted
plastic cups, waxed paper,
sunglasses, etc.}
● Opaque object(s) {some plastic
cups, aluminum foil, cardboard, etc.}
● Flashlight
● Plastic plate (optional)
1. Show the children 3 different objects (1 transparent, 1
translucent, 1 opaque).
2. Have the children predict what will happen when they
shine a light on each object
3. Have the children shine a light on each object,
observe what happens, and sketch a picture of what
happens and/or record their data in their science
Transparent-Air Transparent-cup

Transparent-Cup and
Transparent materials allow almost all of light to pass through
them.Clear glass, cellophane, glass window, eyeglasses, and
magnifying glass are examples of transparent materials
Translucent materials allow only some of the light to pass through them. Some light is transmitted;
the remaining portion is absorbed, reflected, and scattered. You cannot see clearly the object behind
it. Tinted windows, frosted glass, and wax paper are examples of translucent materials
Opaque materials do
not allow light to pass through. They can form shadow.
Wood doors, cardboard, walls, and books are examples of opaque materials
Let’s Apply!
Classify the following objects. Write TP if it is transparent, TL if it is translucent, or O
if it is opaque. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. eyeglasses
2. wood
3. Car window
4. Magnifying glass
5. coin
Let’s Remember!
Light is a form of energy which is given by
luminous objects.The Sun,bulb, and candle
luminous objects.Other objects which do not give
out light are called non luminous objects.Light can
pass through transparent
materials.Glass,water,clear plastic and air are
transparent materials.Light can not pass through
translucent materials.A tracing paper,frosted glass
and waxed paper are translucent materials.
Let’s Do it!
Group the words inside the box as transparent, translucent, or
opaque. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper
spoon folder
clear glass bottle net curtain
wine glass mug
rug clear adhesive tape
tissue paper slipper
Let’s Answer!
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which object provides most of Earth’s light?
a. lightbulb b. candle c. sun d. Lightning

2. Which object is not a light source?

a. cell phone b. flashlight c. campfire d. Radio

3. Which word best describes a chair?

a. light source b. translucent c. transparent
d. opaque
4. Which word best describes a window?
a. light source b. transparent c. translucent d. Opaque

5. Objects that light passes through completely are __________________.

a. light source b. transparent c. translucent d. Opaque

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