Christianity 1

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‫• قال الداعي االجل سيدنا المؤيد‬

‫الشيرازي ‪-‬‬

‫واقول ثالث ثلثة ال نصرانيا‬

‫ثالث طاعات غدت معلومة * في ْاية‬
‫واحدة منظومة‬
‫”يا ايها الذين ْامنوا اطيعوا الله واطيعوا‬
‫الرسول واولي االمر منكم“‬
Christianity is the world's largest
religion, with approximately 2.2 billion
adherents, known as Christians. Most
Christians believe that Jesus is the
Son of GodChristianity is the world's
largest religion, with approximately
2.2 billion adherents, known
as Christians. Most Christians believe that
Jesus is the Son of God,
‫ظاهرنا امامة‬
fully divine and fully humanChristianity
‫وباطننا غيب ال‬is
Jesus Christ
• Christianity is the religion based on the life, death and
teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, also known as the Christ
or Messiah. Jesus was a Jewish teacher and prophet
who lived in Palestine in the first century CE.
• His claim to be the Messiah roused opposition from
religious and political authorities and he was imprisoned
and crucified (executed on a cross). His followers believe
that after his death, Jesus was resurrected before being
taken up to heaven.

• He was executed as a revolutionary leader by the prefect

of Judea Pontius Pilate (roman) around AD 30 .

‫سالم على الروح عيسى الذي‬

‫* بمبعثه شرفت نا صرة‬
‫عيسى موتى نسس زنده كرتا‬
Jesus Christ
• 6-7 BC Jesus is born Bethlehem. His family flees
to Egypt escape king herod.
• 4-bc king herod dies and Jesus’s family returns
to Nazareth.
• 5-6 BC Jesus visits the temple at Jerusalem with
his family where he is dedicated to god.
• Ad28 Jesus is baptized in the river Jordan and
starts his public teaching.
• Ad30 Jesus is crucified in Jerusalem, but is
resurrected after three days. About forty days
later he ascends to heaven.
The Bible

• In the beginning was the Word, and the Word

was with God, and the Word was God.
• Christianity, like other religions, has adherents
whose beliefs and biblical interpretations vary.
Christianity regards the biblical canon
Christianity, like other religions, has adherents
whose beliefs and biblical interpretations vary.
Christianity regards the biblical canon, the

• The main symbol of Christianity is the cross or crucifix, it

reminds Christians that Jesus died for them by being
hung on the cross.
• Christians have lots of symbols. Candles represent the
light that Jesus brings to the world.
• Water represents cleanliness, washing away sins, and
new beginnings.
• The shroud of Turin-
Key beliefs
• Christians believe that there is only one God, who is all-powerful and all-knowing.
• Most Christians believe that God is a Trinity made up of the Father, the Son and
Holy Spirit.
– The second person of the Trinity, God the Son, became a human being in the
person of Jesus.
– Jesus was born to a human woman, Mary (whom many believe was a virgin),
and was subject to pain, suffering, and sorrow like other human beings.
– Jesus was put to death on a cross and three days later was raised from the
dead (the resurrection). Forty days after this he ascended to heaven (the
– After Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, the Holy Spirit was sent to bring the
knowledge and power of Jesus to the church.
• Christians believe in eternal life after death, but not earthly reincarnation.
• Christians await the second coming of Christ which will bring fulfillment of the
Kingdom of God and a final day of judgment.
• Christians share with Islam and Judaism a moral code that includes the Ten
• Many Catholics believe that the Western Catholic church is the church founded
by Jesus Christ and that only it offers the fullness of sacramental grace.
• Trinity refers to the teaching
that the one God comprises
three distinct, eternally co-
existing persons; the Father
(from whom the Son and Spirit
proceed), the Son (incarnate
in Jesus Christ), and the Holy
• Together, these three persons
are sometimes called the
Godhead, although there is no
single term in use in Scripture
to denote the unified
• The most conventional functional definition
of a sacrament is that it is an outward sign,
instituted by Christ, that conveys an
inward, spiritual grace through Christ. The
two most widely accepted sacraments are
BaptismThe most conventional functional
definition of a sacrament is that it is an
outward sign, instituted by Christ, that
conveys an inward, spiritual grace through
A priest preparing the
Holy Eucharist
Bread and wine
The Baptism of Last supper
• Baptism is the ritual act, with the use of water, by which a person is
admitted to membership of the Church. Beliefs on baptism vary
among denominations. Differences occur firstly, on whether the act
has any spiritual significance, some churches hold to the doctrine
of Baptismal Regeneration, which affirms that baptism creates or
strengthens a person's faith, and is intimately linked to salvation,
this view is held by Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches as well
as Lutherans and Anglicans, while others simply acknowledge it as
a purely symbolic act, an external public declaration of the inward
change which has taken place in the person. Secondly, there are
differences of opinion on the methodology of the act. These
methods being: Baptism by Immersion; if immersion is total,
Baptism by Submersion; and Baptism by Affusion(pouring)
and Baptism by Aspersion (sprinkling). Those who hold the first view
may also adhere to the tradition of Infant Baptism; theOrthodox
Churches all practice infant baptism and always baptize by total
immersion repeated three times in the name of the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit.
Ten Commandments

• The Ten CommandmentsThe Ten Commandments are a set of biblical

The Ten Commandments are a set of biblical principles relating to ethics
The Ten Commandments are a set of biblical principles relating
to ethics and worshipThe Ten Commandments are a set
of biblical principles relating to ethics and worship which play a
fundamental role in JudaismThe Ten Commandments are a set
of biblical principles relating to ethics and worship which play a
fundamental role in Judaism and most forms of Christianity. They include
instructions to worship only GodThe Ten Commandments are a set
of biblical principles relating to ethics and worship which play a
fundamental role in Judaism and most forms of Christianity. They include
instructions to worship only God and to keep the SabbathThe Ten
Commandments are a set of biblical principles relating
to ethics and worship which play a fundamental role in Judaism and most
forms of Christianity. They include instructions to worship only God and to
keep the Sabbath, and prohibitions against idolatryThe Ten
Commandments are a set of biblical principles relating
to ethics and worship which play a fundamental role in Judaism and most
forms of Christianity. They include instructions to worship only God and to
keep the Sabbath, and prohibitions against idolatry, blasphemyThe Ten
• Peter Jesus selected 12 men from
• Andrew among his early followers to
become his closest disciple .
• James They have seen the
• John resurrection .
• Philip
• Nathanial or Bartholomew
• Mathew
• Thomas
• James the less
• Simon
• Jude or Thaddeus
• Judas-traitor
‫عيسى! ثثوتانا لواحق قائم كيدا‪ ،‬حواريين سي مشظظور ؛‪،‬‬
‫رواية ما ؛ كه سككال شكاري تها‪ ،‬مححهي مار تهاـ عيسى نا‬
‫حواريين‪ ،‬ايك رواية ما ؛ سككال رنككريز تها‪ ،‬ايك رواية ما ؛‬
‫كه عيسى نا حواريين دهوبي تها‪ْ ،‬ا سككلي حقيقة لوككو‬
‫سمجها نظظيطط‪ ،‬ظاهر ما دهوبي هوئي؟ ْا سوطط وات‬
‫؛! رنككريز هوئي؟ رنككسس ته رنككريز؟ يا مححهي‬
‫مار؟ مححهي مار نسس كتني عقل هوئي؟ نه! مراد يه‬
‫نتهي مراد تو ْا ؛ كه‪ ،‬عيسى خود فرماوسس ؛‪ ،‬كه‬
‫تميطط شكار كرو ححهو مححهي نوـ تو ميطط تمنسس‬
‫لوككو نو شكار كرتا سكهاؤطط ححهوطط‪ ،‬لوككو نو‬
‫شكار كرو‪ ،‬تو‪ ،‬يه شكاري تها‪ ،‬لوككو نو شكار كري نسس‬
‫دعوة ما الؤتا تها‪ْ ،‬ا شكار‪ ،‬حق ني دعوة ما الؤتا تها لوككو‬
Spread of Christianity
• In the early years after the death and resurrection of Christ, Christianity
functioned as a Jewish sect. Unlike most Jewish sects, however, Christianity
allowed non-Jews as members. Indeed, it actively sought new adherents,
most notably through the missionary work of Paul, one of Jesus’ first
disciples. When the pagan Roman empire conquered Jerusalem in 70 CE,
Christianity attracted many Roman converts. By 100 CE, ethnically-Jewish
Christians were a minority. Although being a Christian under Roman rule
was illegal, churches were slowly established throughout the Roman
empire, including Europe and Africa.
Christians were a persecuted minority in the Roman empire and many were
executed for their faith. A pivotal event in the early church was the
conversion of the Roman Emperor Constantine in 312 CE, who gave State
approval to Christianity and gave it significant political and financial support.
• Over the next century, the Roman empire was remoulded as Christian.
From these small beginnings, Christianity rose to become the world’s
largest religion, with over 2 billion adherents, and its most geographically
Split in the church
• Despite the New Testament vision of one church united by faith, the
history of Christianity has been one of crisis and fragmentation.
World Christianity is divided into three main groups: Roman
Catholic, Protestant (including Anglican/Episcopal, Lutheran,
Reformed/Presbyterian, and a cluster of Free, or Unassociated,
Churches), and Eastern Orthodox.
These divisions are the result of two historic crises – firstly, the
“Great Schism” of 1054 which resulted in the division between
Catholic and Orthodox Christianity; and secondly, the Reformation
in the 16th Century, which led to the emergence of Protestantism.
The distinctions between these major groups are both
organizational and doctrinal.
• Protestant Christians believe that the Bible is a self-
sufficient revelation, the final authority on all
Christian doctrine, and revealed all truth necessary
for salvation.
• Protestants characteristically believe that ordinary
believers may reach an adequate understanding of
Scripture because Scripture itself is clear (or
"perspicuous"), because of the help of the Holy
Spirit, or both.
• They don't want any pope
• Martin Luther translated bible.
• After 16 century separated.
Catholic church, the Eastern Orthodox
Church the Greek East has always tended to be more
• Culturally,
philosophical and abstract in its thinking, while the Latin
West tended toward a more pragmatic and legal-minded

• The political aspects of the split began with the Emperor

Constantine, who moved the capital of the Roman
Empire from Rome to Constantinople (in modern
Turkey). Upon his death, the empire was divided
between his two sons, one of whom ruled the western
half of the empire from Rome while the other ruled the
eastern region from Constantinople.
• These various factors finally came to a head in
1054 AD, when Pope Leo IX excommunicated the
patriarch of Constantinople, the leader of the
Eastern church. The Patriarch condemned the
Pope in return, and the Christian church has been
officially divided into West (“Roman Catholic") and
East (“Greek Orthodox") ever since.
• The patriarch Constantinople is the head of
eastern orthodox.
‫انت الحجر ابني عليه‬
How is pope
Key Festivals and their Meaning
• Key Festivals and their Meaning
The following make up the principal dates of the Western Church calendar:
• Advent: The beginning of the Christian Year. Four Sundays before Christmas,
Christians set aside time for reflection and preparation for recalling the coming
of Christ.
• Christmas (December 25): The celebration of Jesus’ birth
• Christmas to Epiphany: Marks the traditional 12 days of Christmas. Epiphany
marks the arrival of the magi or wise men at Jesus’ birthplace.
• Lent: The 40 days of preparation and penance which begins on Ash Wednesday
and concludes at sundown on Holy (Easter) Saturday.
• Easter: The holiest period of the Christian calendar. It begins with Good Friday,
which solemnly commemorates Jesus’ crucifixion, and continues until Easter
Sunday which celebrates the resurrection of Jesus.
• Ascension Day: Takes place 40 days after Easter and celebrates Jesus’
ascension into heaven.
• Pentecost: The celebration of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit on earth after
Jesus’ ascension. It takes place 50 days after the Jewish Passover festival. It is
popularly accepted as the birthday of the church.
• Some denominations celebrate Saints’ Days and Feast Days
• Christians assemble for communal worship on
Sunday, the day of the resurrection, though other
liturgical practices often occur outside this
• Scripture readings are drawn from the Old and
New Testaments, but especially the Gospels.
• There are a variety of congregational prayers,
including thanksgiving, confession, and
intercession, which occur throughout the service
and take a variety of forms including recited,
responsive, silent, or sung.
St. Peter's BasilicaSt. Peter's Basilica,
Vatican CitySt. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City,
the largest church in the world and a symbol
of the Catholic Church
Holy places
• Jerusalem because of The last supper
• Bethlehem is the birthplace of Jesus.
• Nazareth is Jesus‘ hometown
‫وكان من سنة المسيح التنقل كل يوم من قرية إلى قرية من‬
‫قرى فلسطين‪ ،‬ومن مدينة إلى مدينة من ديار بني إسرائيل‪ ،‬يداوي‬
‫الناس‪ ،‬ويعظهم ويذكرهم ويدعوهم إلى ملكوت السماء‪ ،‬ويرغبهم‬
‫فيها‪ ،‬ويزهدهم في الدنيا‪ ،‬ويبين لهم غرورها وأمانيها‪ ،‬وهو‬
‫مطلوب من ملك بني إسرائيل وغوغائهم‪ ،‬وبينا هو في محفل من‬
‫الناس‪ ،‬هجم عليه ليؤخذ‪ ،‬فتجنب من بين الناس‪ ،‬فال يقدر عليه وال‬
‫يعرف له خبر‪ ،‬حتى يسمع بخبره من قرية اخرى‪ ،‬فيطلب هناك‪،‬‬
‫وذلك دأبه ودأبهم ثالثين شهرًا‪ ،‬فلما أراد الله تعالى أن يتوفاه‬
‫ويرفعه إليه‪ ،‬اجتمع معه حواريوه في بيت المقدس في غرفة‬
‫واجدة مع أصحابه وقال‪ :‬إني ذاهب إلى أبي وأبيكم‪ ،‬وأنا أوصيكم‬
‫بوصية قبل مفارقة ناسوتي‪ ،‬وآخذ عليكم عهدًا وميثاقًا‪ ،‬فمن قبل‬
‫وصيتي وأوفى بعهدي‪ ،‬كان معي غدًا ومن لم يقبل وصيتي‪،‬‬
‫فلست منه في شيء‪ ،‬وال هو من ي في شيء‪ ،‬فقالوا له‪ :‬ما هي?‬
‫قال‪ :‬اذهبوا إلى ملوك األطراف وبلغوهم مني ما ألقيت إليكم‪،‬‬
‫وادعوهم إلى ما دعوتكم إليه وال تخافوهم وال تهابوهم‪ ،‬فإني إذا‬
‫فارقت ناسوتي‪ ،‬فإني واقف في الهواء عن يمنة عش أبي وأبيكم‪،‬‬
‫وأنا معكم حيث ما ذهبتم‪ ،‬ومؤيدكم بالنصر والتأييد بإذن أبي‪،‬‬
‫اذهبوا إليهم‪ ،‬و ادعوهم بالرفق‪ ،‬وداووهم‪ ،‬و أمروا بالمعروف‪،‬‬
‫وانهوا عن المنكر‪ ،‬ما لم تقتلوا أو تصلبوا أو تنفوا من األرض‪،‬‬
‫فقالوا‪ :‬ما تصديق ما تأمرنا? قال‪ :‬أنا أول من يفعل ذلك‪ ،‬وخرج من‬
‫الغد وظهر للناس‪ ،‬وجعل يدعوهم ويعظهم‪ ،‬حتى اخذ وحمل إلى‬

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