LCM Elemenet 23 Disaster Management 2

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Module: 23 Emergency &

Disaster Management
• Explain the legal basis of disaster
• Discuss the workplace emergency and
the type of emergency.
Course • Define disaster management and
Objectives identify its main goal.
• Discuss the phases of disaster
• The National Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Council
(NDRRMC), formerly known as the
Legal National Disaster Coordinating
Basis Council (NDCC), is a working group of
various government, non-
government, civil sector and private
sector organizations of the
Government of the Republic of the
Philippines established by Republic
Act 10121 of 2010.
• Instructions: Here is a list of natural,
Emergenc technological, and human
y- emergencies.
Workshop • List each emergency into the category
it belongs to in the tables below
(Natural, Technological, or Human).
Disaster Video
• A workplace emergency
is an unforeseen situation
that threatens your
employees, customers,
Workplace or the public; disrupts or
shuts down your
emergency operations; or causes
physical or environmental
• A disaster can be defined as an
occurrence causing widespread
destruction and distress.

Disaster • Disaster management is a collective

term encompassing all aspects of
planning for and responding to
emergencies and disasters, including
both pre- and post-event activities.
 Proactive plans to mitigate
Goals of various business risks.
disaster  Minimizing loss via more effective
preparedness and response.
 Creating more effective and
durable recovery.
• Ways to report fires and other emergencies;
• Evacuation procedures and emergency
escape route assignments;
Elements of • Procedures to be follow by those who remain
Emergency and to operate critical plant operations before
Disaster they evacuate;
Management • Procedures to account for all employees after
an emergency evacuation has been
Plan completed
• Rescue and medical duties for those who are
to perform them;
• Names or job titles of persons who can be
contacted for further information or
explanation of duties under the plan.
Phases of
• It focuses on preventing the
human hazard, primarily from
potential natural disasters or
terrorist attacks.
Prevention • Preventive measures are taken,
designed to provide permanent
protection from disasters.
• Disaster mitigation measures are
those that eliminate or reduce the
impacts and risks of hazards
Mitigation through proactive measures taken
before an emergency or disaster
• Focuses on preparing equipment
and procedures for use when a
Preparedness disaster.
• Search and Rescue
• Disaster response refers to
actions taken during and
immediately after a disaster to
ensure that its effects are
Response minimized, and that people
affected are given immediate
relief and support.
• The immediate goal of the
recovery phase is to bring the
affected area back to normalcy as
quickly as possible.
Recovery • During reconstruction it is
recommended to consider the
location or construction material
of the property.
Evaluating Your Workplace
• Design and construction requirements for exit routes
• Maintenance, safeguards, and operational features for
exit routes.
• Emergency action plans (EAP)
• Fire prevention Plan
Emergency Systems
• Portable fire extinguishers
• Fixed extinguishing systems
• Fire detection systems
• Employee alarm systems
Vulnerability Analysis
• A Vulnerability Analysis allows you to
consider many different types of events,
which could have a negative impact on
your people and your business.
Assess the potential human

Analyze the potential human impact of each emergency – the

possibility of death or injury.
Assess the potential
property impact

• cost to replace
• cost to set up temporary
• cost to repair
• business interruption
Assess the • employees unable to report to work
potential • customers unable to reach the site
business • company in violation of contracts
impact • imposition of fines, penalties, and legal costs
• interruption of supplies
• interruption of product distribution
• Information gathering systems and/or outlets (early
warning, needs assessment, post-disaster recovery)
Develop • Information assessment processes
• Establishment of assessment teams (including plans
policies and for training them)

procedures • Evacuation procedures (including how to disseminate

these procedures to employees)
• Search and rescue teams (including plans for training
• Inventory of services and products that
can be mobilized in event of a disaster
Develop • Agreement with government agency or
policies and NGO to facilitate distribution of
procedures services or products
• Preparations for emergency reception
centers and shelters
General training for your employees should

• individual roles and responsibilities

• threats, hazards, and protective actions
• notification, warning, and communications procedures
• emergency response procedures
• notification, warning, and communications procedures
• emergency response procedures
• location and use of common emergency equipment
• emergency shutdown procedures

Limited mobilization of resources (e.g. personnel,

Types of
equipment, etc.) used to simulate and test response
plans, often focused on one component of the plan (e.g.
building evacuation).

Full-scale exercises

Comprehensive simulations that test multiple

components of a plan.
ies in
Emergency Management
and Disaster  lead employees
Managemen  engage with the media and/or other
t  make decisions about response
ies in
• All employees should be able to react
Emergency to disaster warnings
and Disaster • All employees should understand the
Managemen emergency plan
t • All employees should know how to
obtain information and guidance
during an emergency from both
internal and external sources
Responsibilities Emergency response staff
in Emergency • Employees with specific
and Disaster responsibilities in disaster
Management response should receive special
Routes and
• Working with emergency responders, other
Coordinating building occupants, and community
with Other organizations help their employees to
become familiar with your emergency
Organizations procedures, egress routes, and assembly
locations, so if an actual emergency should
occur, they will respond properly.
Benefits of strengthening your company’s efforts in
disaster preparedness
• Preventing Direct Loss
• Protecting Assets and Promoting Efficient Operations
• Nurturing a Positive Corporate Culture
• Leveraging CSR
• Supporting Sustainability
• Connecting with Communities
Review and Update your
Emergency & Disaster
Management Plan
Maraming Salamat Po

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