Presentación Euromonitor
Presentación Euromonitor
Presentación Euromonitor
Euromonitor International
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Euromonitor International
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What we offer:
Online information system, Market reports, Business reference books, custom research 115 million internationally comparable statistics on industries, countries and consumers 4000 products and service categories Population, economy, household, lifestyles, business and environment data Forward looking analysis in full text reports and articles from global, regional, country and company perspectives
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World leading consumer-facing manufacturers and retailers Raw material suppliers, ingredient manufacturers, distributors and packagers Investment banks and strategic consulting firms Marketing consultancies and the advertising industry Public, national and government libraries Universities and business schools
Global Snapshot
Global Snapshot
Regional Overview
Regional Overview
Regional Overview
Regional Overview
Regional Overview
Regional Overview
Regional Overview
MEA - Total South Africa Saudi Arabia Iran Israel UAE Egypt Morocco Algeria Kenya Nigeria Tunisia Cameroon Other MEA
Regional Overview
Global Prospects
personal care market expected to expand at a much lower pace than seen in the past, company investments need to be more focused and targeted. The most prominent growth potential will be in the rapidly expanding skin care market in Asia (China's premium skin care is set to increase by 11% by 2013), fragrances in Latin America (Brazil is expected to account for over half of the global absolute growth, an additional US$ 2.6 billion in the next five years), and hair care in China, India and Brazil, contributing with a combined extra revenue of US$ 2.9 billion by 2013, nearly a third of global absolute hair care growth. Sun care will continue to align itself with beauty, as many skin care operators venture into this segment with particular focus on anti-ageing benefits. The category's growth dynamics will remain largely unscathed, with sun protection in North America and Asia posting highest revenue gains The only regions to show sustained growth in premium cosmetics in 2009 and most dynamic CAGR for the category by 2013 will be Latin America and the MEA (the latter should contribute with over half of total absolute growth in premium fragrances).
The rise of As consumers increasingly look for better value, acceleration in masstige beauty (particularly successful in antiagers) will continue, while companies focus on investing in more sophisticated formulations 'masstige/ Consumers will continue to trade up from mass to more specialised, but slightly more expensive brands, as well focus on as trade down from department stores to the upper end of mass to benefit companies, such as P&G and value Beiersdorf. While many are opting for lower priced brands, high quality and novelty continue to be a key factor.
The most successful brands will be those that offer something unique, but also put extra emphasis on value, while preserving the 'functional' benefits and a luxury status. The price points on certain premium products may need to come down in order to retain the mid-luxury market, as already evidenced by heavy discounting and promotional activity in the luxury arena. The interest in masstige alternatives to replace premium products will depend on the depth and length of the current recesssion. In many emerging markets, the current halt of the premiumization trend is likely to prove temporary as economies rebound.
Global Prospects
Ingestible beauty The convergence between beauty and food will maintain its momentum. This will present further
Demand for natural/organic beauty products will continue to boom, as consumers become more Demand for focused on safety and well-being, as well as more educated about product claims and labelling natural, organic While a strong industry-wide impact will not be felt in the short term, certain categories, such as products
baby care, deodorants and mineral make up have shown resilience in demand for natural product lines and look set to remain strong despite the recession. As more retailers tap into this trend and branch out into natural cosmetics distribution through more mainstream outlets is bound to increase, fuelling further demand. However, the lack of a unified global standard for natural cosmetics will continue to be a hindrance to growth and increasing consumer product awareness.
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