Lecture no.5
Chapter 3: Public goods and externalities
Associate Professor Ph.D Ramona MARA
Finance Department
Chapter 3: Public goods and externalities
1. The concept of “market
2. What is a public good?
3. Externalities
Key concepts
Market Public
failure goods
Free rider
1. The concept of “market failure”
Market failure
is the economic situation defined by an
inefficient distribution of goods and
services in the free market.
Furthermore, the individual incentives for
rational behavior do not lead to rational
outcomes for the group. Put another way, each
individual makes the correct decision for
him/herself, but those prove to be the wrong
decisions for the group.
1. The concept of “market failure”
Private markets, if certain conditions are met, will allocate
goods and services among individuals efficiently.
For example, if many people can enjoy the same good at the
same time (non-rival, non-excludable consumption), then
private markets may supply too little of that good. National
defense is one example of non-rival consumption, or of a
public good.
1. The concept of “market failure”
The public sector is the part of economic and administrative
life that deals with the delivery of public goods and services at
different government levels:
regional or
In the real world, there may be no such thing as an absolutely non-
rivaled and non-excludable good; but economists think that some
goods approximate the concept closely enough for the analysis to be
economically useful.