SL7000 - Product Presentation
SL7000 - Product Presentation
SL7000 - Product Presentation
ACE 7000
Load profile 16 channels TOU 16 I/Os 2 comm. ports cl0.5/0.2
Low commercial
Time Of Use AMR (IEC62056-31) Active E cl1 Connect/disct.
In response to existing and further deregulation, ACE SL7000 are T&D and Industrial three phase static meters which allow: Reduced inventory cost (flexibility of product adaptable on all type of networks: 4W and 3W, auto ranging power supply) Reduced data collection cost (modern protocol, Multi-quantity load profiling, Latest communications capabilities) Reduction of non technical losses (anti tamper) Network monitoring (instantaneous values, voltage quality data) Feature upgrade possibility Use in severe environmental conditions (NB: ACE8000 now preferred product for true T&D applications!!)
ACE SL7000
Provided with an auto-ranging redundant power supply and an extremely wide measuring range Designed for direct and transformer connections with accuracy class from 1 down to 0.2s Multiple recording of load profiles along with local and remote communication on several lines Network Monitoring Rich communications and input output capability IEC1107, IEC 870/5 and DLMS COSEM protocols (and dlt 645 for China)
Power supply
Fully redundant 3-phase auto-ranging All type of networks from 3x57.7/100V to 3x277/480V Power supply starts from 40V and supports up to 600V 50 or 60 Hz Continued operation :
> missing 1 or 2 phases (4w), missing 1 phase (3w) > inversion of 1 phase and neutral (4w) > insensitive to outages < 1 second
All metrological and metering data's are kept in non volatile memory (Flash) Clock Back-up
> Super-Cap - 150 hours capacity (7 days) > Optional Lithium battery (20 years shelf life, 3 years capacity) can be changed in the field
Auxiliary Power supply available; behaves as a 4th phase
Full 4 quadrants metrology MCT sensors for currents
> CT: Active class 0.2s > CT: Active class 0.5s > DC: Active class 1
Reactive class 0.5 for 1(2)A and 5(10)A Reactive class 0.5 for 1(10)A Reactive class 1 for 5(120)A
Scrolling push button LCD Display Sealable optical port Reset push button sealable Battery door, sealable
Serial communication Utility Serial communication end user
2 Metrology LED's
Measured quantities
52 energies 19 others 11 status 9 voltage quality
Energy registering
Dedicated to rate registers 10 energy quantities can be selected (among the 52) to be used for TOU: 10 energy channels
> TOU: up to 8 rates per channel > TOU: maximum 32 energy rate registers > Working time of registers is measured > Maximum resolution 0.1 Wh (secondary) > 9 significant figures, prog. unit, ratio, up to 3 decimals > Cumulative or reset mode (EOB)
Summation capacity
internal/external energy quantity 1 internal/external energy quantity 2 internal/external energy quantity 3 internal/external energy quantity 4 internal/external energy quantity 5
Quantity 1_3 Quantity 1_4 Quantity 1_5
if >= 0
Summation 1
if >= 0
Summation 4
> Several rates can be active at a given time for a given channel > TOU: maximum 24 demand rate registers (incl. 10 excess) > Maximum resolution 0.1 W (secondary) > Max value 65535, prog. unit (ratio), up to 3 decimals > Cumulative or reset mode (EOB)
Load Profiling
2x8 quantities can be selected (among the 52 energies, plus the Power Factor, U or I, Frequency and Excess Energy), to be used for L.P. 2X8 load profile channels with two different integration periods Depth of recording is 15 weeks for 8 channels -15min Average or cumulative mode Interval recording from 1 to 1440 Values of Load Profile can be displayed on LCD. Values of LP are stored in non volatile memory (Flash).
TOU Calendar
Seasons : up to 12 (periods with same daily profiles)
> season change can be linked to DST (in this case only 2 seasons)
Week profiles for each season made of 7 day profiles Day profiles : up to 24 (type of days with same rate switching)
> Each day profile is described between 00h00 to 24h00 in terms of rate pattern switching (index) > Max. 16 switching by day and a total of 100 max
Special days: (specific day profiles)
End Of Billing
Internally controlled :
> Scheduled control (at given dates - fixed or generic), or > Periodical (after a given duration)
Externally controlled:
> Reset Push button > Communications (electrical or optical) > Control Inputs
Lock-out time can be activated
LCD Display
Displays up to 100 parameters in each list units Active Rate Low Battery Excess Demand Phase presence, voltage quality event Code Identification (OBIS) List type: Energy Quadrant: blinks - Normal in case of inverse phase - Alt long sequence - Alt short General alarm Communication
Transmit: End of Billing, End of Integration Indicate a general alarm Transmit a synchronisation signal to slave meters Indicate excess demand Transmit the energy direction of output pulses Indicate phase cut Energy pulse retransmission as a pulse output
End of Integration, End of Billing Tariff : change current index (rate pattern), or season, or day profile Receive an external alarm Receive a clock synchronisation signal Receive the energy direction of input pulses
> For treatment by an external device: summation, data logger, energy management system, > Metrological pulse outputs up to 2
Pulse Inputs (up to 4):
> For summation, > For acquisition of other energy type (gas, ), in order to proceed to automatic or remote reading
Communication features
Optical port
"read-out" via IEC 61107 (up to 9600 bauds) Dlms/COSEM read/write (HDLC) - up to 9600 bauds in parallel with electrical port Dlt645 in China variant (SL 764)
> Dlms/COSEM read/write (HDLC) - up to 19200 bauds > Dlt645 in China variant (SL 764)
Electrical port # 2 - RS232
> Dlms/COSEM read/write (HDLC) - up to 19200 bauds > Dlt645 in China variant (SL 764)
TCP/IP Connectivity available
Voltage Quality
For each phase: > Voltage sags, swells, cuts > maximum duration event, minimum duration event (time stamp), cumulated duration, number of occurrences 10 last (- time stamp, duration, magnitude, phase) For power failures (3-phase cut > 1s): > maximum duration event, minimum duration event (time stamp), cumulated duration, number of short and long occurrences > 10 last (duration, time stamp)
Alarms can be fatal or non fatal (Status Word available on the LCD in ALT modes, and through read-out, and communications) Some alarms are cleared automatically (self healing), some other upon a reset command (trapped). According to configuration, occurrences of alarms can be recorded in the log book According to configuration they can trigger a "general alarm" flag
Additional Features
CT/VT error correction Display site scan picture (I, U, Phase angles) on reading and programming software Recording of 10 last occurrences of communications with user identification, communication channel, and date/time. Alarm notification via email and/or SMS (GSM, PSTN) Firmware download
Impact on system:
> Yes on existing systems managing the IEC4 such as MV90, Primestone, Goerlitz > All integration system files available upon request for new integration
Why IEC5 ?
Product specific
Obsolescence of LCD s driver component
Usage specific
Main Parameters protection by lab switch
Market needs:
High industrial and T&D applications (THD, SCADA) Enhancement of fraud tampering functions (detection and immunity) Compliance with international standards (MID, COSEM) Severe conditions on low voltage networks enhancement External mechanical enhancements (push buttons, display) Sparklet modem mechanical integration Specific local market drivers:
> > > > > > Primary values U and I in Africa UFER compliance for Brazil Alarm channel in LP for Hungary CO enhancement for Czech republic Communication port RS485 enhancement for SCADA customers in China Current reversal alarm enhancement for Latin America
Meter will manage alarm monitoring using aggregate relative THD values. When the aggregate THD relative value increases strictly above the upper threshold, an event is sent to record the default, and when the value decreases strictly under the lower threshold, the duration and magnitudes are recorded, and the end of the default is notified (same behaviour as Voltage quality). A defect counter is also incremented. A finer harmonic analysis require more advanced equipments The wave form of the results recorded in the meter can be viewed through ACE Vision also with the up to 13 harmonics view.
> IEC5 version offers optionally the detection of external magnet from all sides from 40mT (Optical head does not disturb). Upon detection, alarm is created and treated as all other alarms (display, LP, call).
MID compliance
The latest version IEC5 V 5.35 is MID module B compliant. The MID compliance has some effect over the meter behaviour. The MID compliance will be activated into the meter on customer request, it is a manufacturer parameter. The MID compliance is given: By official laboratory (NMI) for meter compliance module B By official office (LNE in France) for meter manufacturing compliance module D SL7000 IEC5 Hardware and FW V 5.35 is compliant module B and D.
> It is possible to get the primary voltage calculation for each phase at each second. The result can be displayed on the meter LCD if programmed. > Depending of the network meter connection type, the calculation is done: Between phase and neutral or Between phases if connection is 3 wires.
IEC5 version can be used with:
AIMSPRO today V5.33 ACE VISION from V4.0