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 Skeleton of body comprised of BONES and

 Both are made up of specialized connective

tissue called skeletal (Sclerous ) tissue

 It can bear weight without bending and has

considerable tensile strength

 Skeletal system consists of the same

components (eg. Cells, matrix) as in a

general connective tissue, but physically
differs from it as its matrix is solidified
 1. Form a rigid framework of the body
 2. Provides protection to the viscera ( viz.

heart, brain, lungs, liver, etc.,)

 3. Provides leverage for the body

 2 types based on the arrangement
 1. Axial
 2. Appendicular

 Consists of bones and cartilages that lie close

to the central axis of the body.

 It includes the skull, auditory ossciles, hyoid

bone, vertebral column and rib cage.

Axial skeleton
Axial Skeleton
 1. Skull : two sets bones – the cranial bones that
from the cranium or brain case and the facial
 2. Auditory ossciles : 3 small bones present in

each middle ear cavity of the skull. They are

bones within the bone
 3. Hyoid Bone : located above the larnyx and

below the lower jaw

 4. Vertebral column (back bone) :
 Consists of 33 vertebrae
 Cervical -7
 Thoracic – 12
 Lumbar -5
 Sacral -5
 Coccygeal – 4

5. Rib cage :
forms the bony and cartilaginous frame
work of thoracic cavity
Consists of 12 pairs of ribs with costal cartilage
and sternum in front.
 Comprises of bones of upper limb and lower limb.
 Along with bony gridles that anchor these

 1. Pectoral region : consists of both side of

Clavicles &
2. Bones of Upper limb
1. Humerus

2. Radius

3. Ulna
4. Carpal bones
5. Meta carpals
6. Phalanges
Appendicular skeleton
 3. Pelvic gridle :
 Consists of Hip bones
 4. Bones of Lower Limb :
 Femur
 Patella
 Tibia

 Tarsals
 Metatarsals
 Phalanges
Axial Skeleton : Number of bones Number of bones Total
1. Skull - 22 Un Paired : 4 Paired : 4
i) Cranium Frontal -1 Temporal – 2 4 +4 = 8
Occipital - 1 Occipital -2
Sphenoid -1
Ethmoid -1
ii) Facial Unpaired : 2 Paired : 12 2+12 = 14
Mandible -1 Maxilla -2
Vomer -1 Conchae -2
Nasal -2
Lacrimal -2
Zygomatic -2
Palatine -2

2. Ear Ossicles - Paired : 6 6

Maleus – 2
Incus -2
Stapes - 2
3. Hyoid bone 1 1
Axial Skeleton Number of bones Number of bones Total

4. Thoracic cage : Unpaired : Paired : 24+1=25

Sternum -1 Ribs – 24

5. Vertebral column - 26
Cervical -7
Thoracic – 12
Lumbar – 5
Coccyx -1

Total - 80
Appendicular Skeleton - Number of bones Total
1. Shoulder gridle 2+2=4
Clavicle – 2
Scapula -2
2. Upper Limb 60
Humerus -2
Carpals -16
Metacarpals - 10
Phalanges- 28

3. Pelvic gridle Hip bones - 2 2

4. Lower limb Femur -2 60
Patella -2
Fibula -2
Tibia -2
Tarsals – 14
Meta tarsals – 10
Phalanges - 28
Skeleton Number of bones Total

Axial Skeleton 80

Appendicular skeleton 126

Total 206
Lattisimus dorsi
 Covers large area of lower back
 Overlapped by Trapezius

 Origin :
 Post 1/3 of outer lip of Illiac crest
 Post layer of Lumbar fascia
 T7-T12 spines & Lower 4 ribs
 Inferior angle of Scapula
 Insertion : winds around the lower border of

Teres major & forms Post fold of Axilla

 Tendon twisted upside down & inserted into

floor of the Inter tubercular sulcus of

 Nerve supply :
 Thoraco dorsal nerve (C6-C8)
 Actions :
 Adduction, extension & Medial rotation of

 Swimming, rowing, climbing, pulling, folding

arm behind the back & scratching the

opposite scapula
 Helps in violent expiratory effort like

coughing, sneezing, etc

 Climbing Muscle
 Holds inferior angle of Scapula in place
Origin Insertion Nerve supply Action

Levator scapulale Medial border of 3rd & 4th cervical

Transverse process scapula ( dorsal) nerve (C3,C4) Elevation of
of atlas(C1) & superior angle Twig from dorsal scapula
axis(C2) & posterior to root of spine scapular nerve Steadies Scapula
tubercles on (C5) during
transverse movement of
processes of C3,C4. arm

Rhomboideus Base of the root Dorsal scapular Retraction of the

minor Lower part of the spine of nerve (C5) scapula
of ligamentum Scapula
Rhomboideus Medial border of Dorsal scapular Retraction of
major Scapula below the nerve (C5) Scapula
T2-T5 Spines root of Spine
Triangle of auscltation
 Small triangular interval bounded
 Medially –lateral border of Trapezius
 Laterally – medial border of scapula
 Inferiorly – upper border of Lattisimus

Floor : 6th & 7th rib and VI Inter Costal Space
 Only part of back not covered by the big

 Respiratory sounds of apex of lower lobe

heard through stethoscope

 Small triangle surrounded
by muscles bounded
 Medially – lateral border
of Latissimus dorsi
 Laterally – Post border
of External obique
 Inferiorly – illiac crest
( Base)
 Lumbar hernia –
occasional hernia at this

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