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FAQ Lecture 22 - Sum Up and Program v3

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FAQs for Lecture 22

Full Lecture with Home Work

Key Points
FAQ List
Lecture 22
The Holistic Perception of
Harmony in Existence
Harmony in Existence vfLrRo esa O;oLFkk
Existence vfLrRo = CO-EXISTENCE
Units Submerged in Space Ever Present
bdkb;ka lai`Dr “kwU;
Limited in Size lhfer vkdkj Unlimited vlhe
(All Pervading, O;kid)
Activity, Active fØ;k] fØ;k'khy No Activity fØ;k”kwU; ¼“kwU;½
1. Energised in Space (“kwU; ds lg&vfLrRo esa ÅftZr gS)
2. Self organised in Space (“kwU; ds lg&vfLrRo esa fu;af=r gS] Lo;a esa
O;oLFkk gS)
3. Recognises it's relationship,
Fulfills its relationship with every other Unit in Space
(“kwU; ds lg&vfLrRo esa ijLijrk dks igpkurh gS] fuokZg djrh gS
cMh O;oLFkk esa Hkkxhnkj gS] lexz O;oLFkk esa Hkkxhnkj gS)
(= Co-existence = Units submerged in Space)

Units (Nature) Space (All-pervading)

Limited in size Unlimited
This is already in harmony
Activity No activity
Recognises the relationship and fulfills

Material tM+ Consciousness (Self) pSrU;

Temporary Continuous
Recognising, Fulfilling Knowing, Assuming,
Recognising, Fulfilling

Physical Order Bio Order

Animal Order
Atom Cell Only this part is remaining
+ And it has to happen in the
Molecule Plant
Human Order Self by the Self

Linear – Not Cyclic

Molecular Structure Animal Body Right Understanding &
Right Feeling

Lump Fluid Human Body

No Development Definite Human Conduct

Cyclic uf”pr Ekkuoh; vkpj.k
Now we can see that…
Happiness is an indicator, a feedback, that we
- have understood harmony and at all 4 levels of our being
- live in harmony

Unhappiness is an indicator, a feedback, that we

- have not understood harmony and at one or more of the 4 levels
- do not live in harmony of our being

Our role is to make the effort for excellence

- to understand harmony and at all levels of our being
- to live in harmony 1. In the Self, as an Individual
2. In Family
3. In Society
Continuous happiness 4. In Nature/Existence

This is our role in existence …

Program for Human Being (Our Role in Existence)
Existence is Co-existence

Human Being is by virtue of Co-existence; embedded in Co-existence

All the Human Being needs to do is

1. To understand Co-existence and
2. To live in Co-existence

Program for Human Being (Human Role in Existence)
Human beings have two important things to do:

1. To understand the co-existence

1.1. To understand co-existence – Knowledge (ज्ञान)
1.2. To ensure the feeling, thought of co-existence – Resolution (समाधान)

2. To live in co-existence
2.1. To live in co-existence with human-beings
–family to world family – Undivided Society (अखंड
2.2. To live in co-existence in nature
–family order to world family order – Universal Human Order
(सार्वभौम व्यवस्था)

By these two being ensured by human beings, the result will be Undivided Society and Universal Human
Order on Earth, in which Harmony and peace are very natural outcomes
(and there is every provision in Existence for it)
Deluded Self: Imagination on basis of Sensation & Preconditioning
Self verification on the basis
Power Dynamic Activity State Activity of Natural Acceptance
“kfDr xfr fØz;k fLFkfr fØz;k
1. Authentication Realization
lgt Loh—fr ds
Áek.k vuqHko 3 vkËkkj ij tkap dj
Self (I)
2. Determination Understanding
ladYi cks/k
3. Desire Imaging Contemplation
bPNk fp=.k fparu
4. Thought Analysing Comparing B2 Unguided Senses,
fopkj fo'ys"k.k rqyu Health, Profit
5. Expectation Selecting Tasting Unguided
vk'kk p;u vkLoknu Sensation

Body 'kjhj
Behaviour O;ogkj
Work dk;Z
Other Human ekuo Rest of Nature
nwljk euq";srj iz—fr
Pure Self: Imagination on basis of Realisation, Understanding & Contemplation
“kwU; Power Dynamic Activity State Activity
“kfDr xfr fØz;k fLFkfr fØz;k
1. Authentication Realization Co-existence
B1 lg&vfLrRo
Áek.k vuqHko
Self (I)

2. Determination Understanding Harmony in Nature

ladYi cks/k O;oLFkk
3. Desire Imaging Contemplation Participation in Larger
Order, Relationship
bPNk fp=.k fparu O;oLFkk esa
B2 Co-existence, Harmony,
4. Thought Analysing Comparing
Justice Guided Senses,
fopkj fo'ys"k.k rqyu Health, Profit
5. Expectation Selecting Tasting Goal, Value
Guided Sensation
vk'kk p;u vkLoknu
Body 'kjhj
Behaviour O;ogkj
Work dk;Z Participation Òkxhnkjh
Other Human ekuo Rest of Nature in larger Order O;oLFkk esa
nwljk euq";srj iz—fr
Realisation of Co-existence & it’s expression – Universal Human Order


Human Tradition
Mutual Happiness Mutual Prosperity Fulfillment of Human Goal

mHk; lq[k mHk; le`f) Ekkuo y{; dh iwfrZ

Undivided Human Society EXPRESSION Universal Human Order
v[k.M ekuoh; lekt OUTSIDE lkoZHkkSe ekuoh;
Existence Universal
(= Co-existence = Units submerged in Space)
Units (Nature) Space (All-pervading)
Limited in size Unlimited
Activity No activity
Self-organized म
Recognises the relationship and fulfills
Material tM+ Consciousness (Self) pSrU;
Temporary Continuous
Recognising, Fulfilling Knowing, Assuming, + +
Recognising, Fulfilling
Animal Order
Human Order

Physical Order Bio Order

Linear – Not Cyclic

Atom Cell

Molecule Plant

Molecular Structure Animal Body

Lump Fluid Human Body

No Development
Role of Human Being
1.Realise the co-existence
2.Ensure universal human order

kl ss
od gre
& f Pr o
.k n&

Øe tio
la rma


Universal Human Order: Dynamics
Conduct that ensures
continuity of mutual
happiness &
Education that
ensures the
development of the
competence to live
Nature of Conduct
Entry Point
of people living
together in a
relationship of
mutual fulfillment

The society in which

Human Goal
is realised
Sum Up

lkj la{ksi
Value of a unit is its participation in the larger order
(larger order = larger, harmonious system)
e.g. Value of pen is that it helps to write
(participation in education)
Value of water is that it quenches thirst
(participation in health)

Value of your activities (desire, thought, expectation..) is participation in the harmony within you (in the
Value of your body is participation in your activities as a human being.
Your value in the family is your participation in the harmony in the family.
Your value in the society is your participation in the harmony in the society.
Your value in the nature is your participation in the harmony in the nature.
Your value in the existence is your participation in the co-existence.

So far, we have tried to co-explore the universal values of a human being.

Level. Name Sum Up Relationship Details

4b. Existence Co-existence Co-existence

Potential for human being to realise
4a. Nature Mutual Fulfillment Harmony, relationship
4 orders Potential for human being to be in harmony
3. Society Right Understanding and Human-Nature relationship
Right Feeling, Potential, through participation of individuals and families in
Prosperity, various societal systems
Fearlessness (Trust),
2. Family Feeling of Co-existence Human-Human relationship
Trust, Respect … Love Potential for right feeling in the Self – mutual happiness
1b. Individual Co-existence of Self-Body relationship
Human Being Self and Body Potential for feeling of self-regulation
1a. Self Continuous Happiness = Will to live with continuous happiness
Happiness, Peace, Potential for right understanding,
Satisfaction, Bliss… right feeling and right thought

Universal Human Values Mutually fulfilling behavior, work and participation…

Program of Action
Program of Action (Individual)

To understand harmony and to live in harmony

– at all levels of being (individual, family, society, nature/existence)

1. Self-exploration – What I Really Want to Be

Verify the proposals on your own right My Natural Acceptance
 right understanding (of harmony) My Intention
 feeling and thought of harmony
 harmonious behaviour, work and
participation in larger order
2. Self-awareness – Be aware of your
desire, thought and expectation What I am
– every moment

My Desire, Thought,
3. Self-evaluation – Evaluate your desire, Expectation…
thought and expectation My Competence
– on the basis of your Natural Acceptance
Program of Action (Individual) – 1: Develop Right Understanding

1. Self-exploration

Verify the proposals

(on your own right)

Right understanding of
harmony at all levels

Feeling and thought

of harmony

Harmonious behaviour, work

and participation in larger

Program of Action (Individual) – 2: Purification of Sanskar
2. Self-awareness – Be aware of your desire, Sanskar =
thought and expectation – every moment Acceptances derived out of
3. Self-evaluation – Evaluate your desire, ∑ [Desire + Thought + Expectation]
thought and expectation from all time
– on the basis of your Natural Acceptance

Sanskar (t+1) =
Sanskar (t) +
Environment (t) +
Self-exploration (t)

Self-evolution Human

• Living on the basis of knowing

• Happiness by being in harmony within
and harmony in all aspects of being
• Acceptance of relationship – from one
to many, to all [HAPPINESS]
• Identifying need, production, right
utilisation of physical facility
• Participation in larger order, expanding

Transformation / Development

• Living on the basis of assuming (without

• Happiness from outside (through feeling from the
other, sensual pleasure and physical facility)
• Domination and opposition in relationship
Animal • Exploitation and indulgence [DEPRIVATION]
Consciousness • Exploitation in larger order, increasing disorder
Program of Action (at the level of Society)
1. People’s Education Program : for adults
10 yrs 1 People with Right Understanding & Right Feelings
Next 10 yrs 10 - Parents - Policy Makers
100 yrs 1000 cr -Teachers …
Course in Academic Curriculum
Socially Relevant Projects
2. Education-Sanskar Program : for children Conducive Environment

20-50 yrs People with Right Understanding & Right Feelings

- People with definite Human conduct, the competence
to participate in Universal Human Order

3. Undivided Society, Universal Human Order Program

Fulfilment of Human Goal
10-20 yrs

Just as a seed replicates itself, so the vision of an Undivided Society and Universal Human Order can be
evidenced on this planet…

Family – Family cluster – Village – Village cluster ... Nation ... World Family
Self Reflection
Key Points
Lecture 22: The Holistic Perception of Harmony in Existence
FAQs for Lecture 22
The Holistic Perception of Harmony in Existence
Question(s): Response
• How do we go about ensuring right • Let us first try to understand what meditation
understanding? Is Meditation helpful in this? is, and then we can see how it may be useful
What is Meditation? in ensuring right understanding:

FAQ: Meditation (Paying Attentiion): To See The Reality As It Is
Paying attention (focus on some reality) Process of paying attention
To see the reality as it is (5 aspects of reality) Purpose of paying attention
- Form, property can be seen by the self through the body
- To see the other 3 aspects viz. natural characteristic, innateness, co-existence you have to look within &
every self has the potential to see these directly

Realisation of Co-existence

Feeling of Love Outcome of paying attention

Expression of Love, i.e. Living with Compassion

If the purpose of meditation is clear & the object of attention is within (B1), it can lead to awakening to
contemplation, understanding and eventually realisation

If the object of attention is outside or it is B2, it does not yield any significant results, however elaborate the
process of meditation may be. One continues to live at the level of B2

FAQ: Meditation: To See The Reality As It Is
Example: 4 steps in Vipassana Meditation
1.Kaya Focus on body
2.Vedana " sensation
3.Sanskar " sanskar (B2)
4.Dhamma " underlying laws (Co-existence)

Example: Ashtang Yoga

1.Yam laws of how we relate to the external world
2.Niyam laws of how we relate to ourselves, the inner world
3.Asan balancing of the body parts and organs
4.Pranayam balancing of breathing, the life force energies
5.Pratyahara paying attention to one's self, Withdrawal of senses from their external objects
6.Dharana paying attention to (Concentration of the Chitta upon) a object, a reality
7.Dhyan continuity of paying attention- Meditation
8.Samadhi direct observation of the reality- Oneness with the object of meditation (Co-
FAQ: Meditation: To See The Reality As It Is
Paying attention is primary or object of attention is primary?

For example, a thief knows how to concentrate. He does pay attention to something he
considers valuable

You are also concentrating on what you consider valuable. For example
- If money is important for you, you keep track of your bank balance
- If relationship is important for you, you keep track of trust

It is the object of focus that is significant and not just the method of concentration. If you can
realise that you are significant, then you will pay attention to your Self(I)
- You will become aware of what is going on in your desire, thought & expectation
- You will become aware of your natural acceptance (so whenevery you decide, it will be on the basis of
your natural acceptance)

So essentially we are talking about meditation every moment. Living with awareness, of reality as
it is, every moment
Question(s): Response
• They say “live in the present”… is that the
way to right understanding?

Living in the Present Living in the Ever Present
• Regret of Past • Evaluating Past on the basis of co-existence
(no regret)

• Fear of Future • Planning Future on the basis of co-existence


• Opposition for Present • Living Now on the basis of co-existence

(mutual fulfillment with units)

We tend to recall past when the present is We tend to think of the future when the
not engrossing and present is not engrossing and
- some happy event (to draw happiness) or - we want to plan for the future course of
- there is some regret action or
- when there is an apprehension /
We tend to to be engrossed in the present
uncertainty about the future
- we are in harmony within and We are not engrossed in the present when
- making effort for harmony outside - we are in dis-harmony within
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