Unit 1, Fundamental of Economics
Unit 1, Fundamental of Economics
Unit 1, Fundamental of Economics
Bharat Raj Adhikari
Asst. Professor, Economics
Gandaki University, Pokhara
Economics (BCT303)
Program: Bachelor of Information Technology
Semester: 5
Credit Hour: 3 CR.
Course Objectives:
The aim of this course is to enhance understanding of economic theories and its application to develop student's skills in
personal and professional decision making in the areas of management, IT, and business.
Course Description
This course of Economics consists of the introduction to economic theories and application. It consists of theory of demand
and supply, theory of consumer behavior, theory of production, cost and revenue curves, theory of product pricing and
contemporary macroeconomics like national income accounting, money banking and international trades with reference to
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course the students shall be able to;
understand the basic concept of microeconomics and macroeconomics.
analyze the behavior of consumer, producer, market and firms and their decision-making process in practical sense.
aquire knowledge about cost, revenue, market structure and market equilibrium.
acquaint with concept of national income and its various concepts and their determinants.
apprehend the role and importance of money, banking and international trade in the national economy.
Unit 1.
Introduction to Economics
Introduction to economics with various definition and ten
basic principles.
Concept of microeconomics, macroeconomics.
Distinction between microeconomics and macroeconomics
and their mutual interdependence.
Learning Objectives
Microeconomics studies individual economic units such as Macroeconomics is a study of national aggregates
2. Area of study a consumer, a household, a firm, an industry, a commodity such as national income, national output, general
price level etc.
3. Problems The central problem of microeconomics is price The central problem of macroeconomics is
determination of individual commodities and factors of determination of national income, employment
and output of a particular country.
4. Equilibrium It is based on partial equilibrium analysis i.e. other things It is based on general equilibrium.
remaining the same.
It is also called price theory or value theory. It is also called theory of income and employment
7. Alternative name
or Keynesian theory.
Interdependence between Micro and
Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole, whereas
microeconomics is the study of specific economic components. It
will be wrong and incomplete to understand that the two
approaches are distinct, independent, and unrelated to one
another. Although economists may prioritize one analysis over the
other based on convenience, neither method is complete without
the other. Rather of competing with one another, the two branch
of knowledge strengthen one another. As Edward Shapiro puts it,
Strictly speaking, there is only one economics. Macroeconomic
theory has a foundation in microeconomic theory and
micro economic theory has a foundation in macroeconomic theory”.
The next section illustrates how micro and macroeconomics are
1. Dependence of microeconomics on macroeconomics:
Present is a newspaper.
Thank you