New Final MCS PPT - 1
New Final MCS PPT - 1
New Final MCS PPT - 1
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Nitin mankeForum parmarPrkash thakkarAlok avasthiRitesh shirsat47 50 59 61 102
Q1. What are transfer pricing and its objectives? When market based transfer prices are most appropriate? Definition: Transfer Pricing A transfer price is the internal price charged by a selling department, division, or subsidiary of a company for a raw material, component, or finished good or service which is supplied to a buying department, division, or subsidiary of the same company. Transfer pricing refers to the setting, analysis, documentation, and adjustment of charges made between related companies for goods, services, or use of property including intangible property. The concept of transfer pricing is fundamentally aimed at stimulating external market conditions within the organization so that the managers of individual business units are motivated to perform well.
determine the optimum trade-off between company cost and revenues. y It should bring goal correspondence decision i.e., the system should be designed so that decision that improve business unit profit will also improve company profits. y It should help to measure the economic performance of the individual business units. y The system should be simple to understand and easy to administer. Thus, from the objective, it is understandable that the Transfer price is mainly transferring of goods and services from one unit to another where much important is not given to accounting basis but also to all other effect.
maximize divisional profits, a market-based transfer price supports their incentives with owners incentives of maximizing overall corporate profits. y Market based transfer price appropriate, if the selling profit center can sell all of its product to either insider or outsider and if the buying center can obtain all of its requirement from either outsider or insider. y The market price represent the opportunity cost to the seller of selling the product inside. This is because if the product were not sold inside ,it would be sell outside . y From company point of view , the relevant cost of the product is the market price because that is the amount of cash that has been forgone by selling inside .
Other situation market based transfer price are more appropriate :Competent people:Manager should be interested in long-run as well as the short-run performance of their responsibility center. Good Atmosphere:Manager must regard profitability, as measure in their income statement , as an important goal and a significant consideration in the judgment of their performance. Freedom to source:Alternative source should exist, and manager should be permitted to choose the alternative that is in their own best interests. The buying manger should be free to buy from outside, and selling manager should be free to sell outside. In this circumstance, the transfer price policy simply gives the manager of each profit center the right to deal with either insider or outsider. The market thus establishes the transfer price. Full information:Manager must know about available alternatives and relevant cost and revenues of each. Negotiation:There should smoothly working mechanism for negotiating contract between business units.
Q2. What do you understand by investment centre? Explain 2 different methods by which the performance of this canters are measured. Also discuss their advantages and disadvantages
Investment centre
y It is a classification used for business units within an
enterprise. y The essential element of an investment center is that it is treated as a unit which is measured against its use of capital.
y To make sound investment decision y Covers responsibilities of all the other responsibility centers y It is concerned with the profit earned against the assets employed y It is interested in earning profit and using the assets at its disposal
Investment centre
Profit centre
Revenue centre
Task- Generate sales
Cost centre
Task- control costs
y It is the profitability ratio
y It emphasizes the net present
which relates the profits to the investment. y Investment in turn represents the assets based utility by the unit to earn the profit.
value concept in performance evaluation over accounting standards. y It looks mare to long tern then short term decisions.
3. What do you understand by non-profit organization? How do these organizations price their products? What criteria are used to measure their performance?
uses surplus revenues to achieve its goals rather than to distribute them as profit or dividends.
y A non-profit company is like any other Company. There is only
one important difference. It is not supposed to make profits. In other words, it does not exist for commercial gain.
y While Non-profit organizations are permitted to generate
surplus revenues they must be retained by the organization for its self-preservation, expansion, or plans.
provide service to its members . y The main source of income is admissions fees, subscriptions, donations, grant-in-aid, etc. y They also prepare their accounts following the same accounting principles and systems that are followed by business for profit organizations that are run with an objective to earn profits.
y A full cost price is sum of direct cost, indirect cost and perhaps a
small allowance for increasing the organization equity. This principle is applies to services that are directly related to the organization objective. Pricing for peripheral activity should be market based. Thus a NP hospital should price its health care services at full cost.
not measurable in rupee (currency) terms, though rupee is the language of financial reporting. It, thus, follows that it is more difficult to measure performance in a Not-For-Profit Organization than in a for-profit organization.
y Indeed the research shows that most NPOs are attempting results
measurement of some type, but all are struggling with developing quantitative measures to track their works impact on their mission.
4. Explain the element of control and how each element is helping the management control, with diagram.
in the place to ensure that is strategic intentions are achieved. But controlling the organization is much more complicated than controlling a car.
happening in the process being controlled. y An assessor- the device that determine the significance of what is actually happening by comparing it with standard or expectation of what should happen. y An effector a device (often called feedback) that alter the behavior if the assessor indicates the need to do so. y A communication network- device that transmit information between the detector and assessor and between the assessor and the effector.
Short Note:
Balance scorecard
y Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a performance management tool y Comprehensive view
The following problems unless suitably dealt with, could limit the usefulness of the balanced scorecard approach:
y Poor correlation between nonfinancial measures and result. y Fixation on financial result. y No mechanism for improvement. y Measures overload.
Interactive control
Internal Control
y Internal control is the process designed to ensure reliable
financial reporting, effective and efficient operations, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. y internal control objectives relate to the reliability of financial reporting, timely feedback on the achievement of operational or strategic goals, and compliance with laws and regulations. y Roles and responsibilities in Internal Control Management Board of Directors Auditors y Limitations
Case Study
y Five Departments i.e. the new cars sales and used cars
sales, service, parts, body shop and oil change operated as part of one business. y New leader assumed that the existing compensation system not enough for motivating the employees. y He developed a system for so that each department will be treated as decentralized profit centers to track the departmental performance effectively.
y This new system requires that cost be broken down per
department. Also, the bonuses per each department head will be based on departmental gross profits. y Earlier the Department Managers were paid salaries and a year-end bonus from Company profits. y Issues of setting of transfer prices and allocation of costs and profits between departments, as well as intercompany transactions, the divisional structure (use of profit or cost center), and the proper allocation of company profits.
Problem y The different departments of North Country Auto, must choose between three pricing systems: base on market price, full retail better than others, and based on book value. y Also, the company must decide whether they should continue treating each department independently in order to gain huge profits considering that the managers incentives are determined upon the departments earnings.
Executive Summary
y North Country Auto Inc. was restructured by George
Liddy so that each department will operate as an independent profit center. y However, a recent new car purchase sparked friction and disagreements among division heads on setting of transfer prices and allocation of costs and profits. y Issues that needed to be resolved include setting of transfer prices between departments, formalizing intercompany transactions, the divisional structure (use of profit or cost center), and the proper allocation of company profits among departments.
Return On Sales: y A ratio widely used to evaluate a company's operational efficiency. ROS is also known as a firm's "operating profit margin". It is calculated using this formula: = Net income before interest and tax / sales
Return On Sales
y This measure is helpful to management, providing insight
into how much profit is being produced per dollar of sales. y As with many ratios, it is best to compare a company's ROS over time to look for trends, and compare it to other companies in the industry. y An increasing ROS indicates the company is growing more efficient, while a decreasing ROS could signal looming financial troubles. y In some instances, a low return on sales can be offset by increased sales.
to implement. y Since the departments rely on each other to maximize efficiency, it seems unfair to charge full retail price within your own organization. y Furthermore, some of the departments (service) have a higher standard profit margin, on average, then some of the other departments (sales).
y Incentives should be based on company profits. y A better system should be established such that managers of the
two departments are given incentives based not on the gross profits of their respective departments but on the profits of the company as a whole. y This would help ensure that conflicts of the two departments will be lessened and that the two departments will no longer compete but will work together to enrich the value of the firm. y Here we can use return on sales ratio to determine the effectiveness of respective departments. This will be enough for Mr. Liddys expectations and it will solve any inter-departmental conflict too.
Thank you