Ch. 10 Image Manipulation and Storage
Ch. 10 Image Manipulation and Storage
Ch. 10 Image Manipulation and Storage
• What is an Image?
• Digital Image File Format
• Digital Image Processing - Digital
Image Enhancement
What is an Image?
An image is a visual representation of something. In information technology, the term
has several usages:
1) An image is a picture that has been created or copied and stored in electronic form.
An image can be described in terms of vector graphics or raster graphics. An image
stored in raster form is sometimes called a bitmap. An image map is a file containing
information that associates different locations on a specified image with hypertext
Common image file formats online include:
• JPEG (pronounced JAY-peg) is a graphic image file produced according to a
standard from the Joint Photographic Experts Group, an ISO/IEC group of experts
that develops and maintains standards for a suite of compression algorithms for
computer image files. JPEGs usually have a .jpg file extension.
• GIF (pronounced JIF by many, including its designer; pronounced GIF with a hard
G by many others) stands for Graphics Interchange Format. The GIF uses the
2D raster data type and is encoded in binary. GIF files ordinarily have the .gif
• GIF89a is an animated GIF image, formatted according to GIF Version 89a. One of
the chief advantage format is the ability to create an animated image that can be
played after transmitting to a viewer page that moves - for example, a twirling icon
or a banner with a hand that waves or letters that magically get larger.
A GIF89a can also be specified for interlaced GIF presentation.
• PNG (pronounced ping ) is a Portable Network Graphics) is a file format for
image compression that was designed to provide a number of improvements over
the GIF format. Like a GIF, a PNG file is compressed in lossless fashion (meaning
all image information is restored when the file is decompressed during
viewing). Files typically have a .png extension.
• SVG is Scalable Vector Graphics, the description of an image as an application of
XML. Any program such as a browser that recognizes XML can display the image
using the information provided in the SVG format. Scalability means that the file
can be viewed on a computer display of any size and resolution, whether the small
screen of a smartphone or a large widescreen display in a PC. Files usually
have .svg extension.
• TIFF (Tag Image File Format) is a common format for exchanging raster
graphics (bitmap) images between application programs, including those
used for scanner images. A TIFF file can be identified as a file with a .tiff
or ".tif" file name suffix.
2) A disk image is a copy of the entire contents of a storage device, such as a
hard drive or DVD. The disk image represents the content exactly as it is on
the original storage device, including both data and structure information.
3) Another use of the term image is for a section of random access memory (
RAM) that has been copied to another memory or storage location.
Digital Image File Format
DNG (Digital Negative)
Just about every camera these days uses a different proprietary format to capture
RAW files. Even cameras from the same manufacturer will often use different
formats, which means image editing software must be able to read files from all of
these different cameras.
As a result, editing software providers face a challenge: how to manage and
continuously provide updates for their program so it can read all these different file
Enter the DNG.
This file format, created by Adobe, is an attempt to provide a standard RAW file for
all manufacturers and cameras.
The DNG is offered as a main RAW file format, or as an alternative to the
manufacturer’s native RAW format. One of the problems with keeping images in the
original RAW format is that, several years from now, you may be unable to access
these files, because they are specific to cameras and manufacturers.
But using an Adobe DNG Converter means you can also store your RAW files
as DNGs for maximum future-proofing.
This does add another step to the post-processing workflow, which takes extra
time. However, editing software such as Lightroom can
convert large batches of files to DNGs so that it doesn’t have to be done
DNG benefits
• Ability to use image-processing software such as Lightroom and Photoshop
• Possibly the safer option long-term, because it guards against the inability
to open or access files in the future
DNG negatives
• Extra time needed to convert camera RAW files to DNGs (if your camera
does not have the option to create files in this format)
Digital Image Processing
• Digital Image Processing provides basic and advanced concepts of Image
Processing. Our Digital Image Processing Tutorial is designed for
beginners and professionals both.
• Digital Image Processing is used to manipulate the images by the use of
algorithms. For processing digital images the most common software that
used widely is Adobe Photoshop.
• Our Digital Image Processing Tutorial includes all topics of Digital Image
Processing such as introduction, computer graphics, signals, photography,
camera mechanism, pixel, transaction, types of Images, etc.
Digital Image Enhancement
Enhancement of an image can be implemented by using different operations of sharpening,
brightness increment, noise
removal or blurring. Unfortunately, there is no general theory for determining what ‘good’
image enhancement, when it
comes to human sensing. [5]
a) Noise Removal
It is an operation to remove undesirable details from an image. This detail gets attached to an
image while clicking
image or acquisition process. Noise may be capturing device inability, due to environment
particles, lack of experience
of machine/computer operator or some other reason. [5]
b) Contrast enhancement
Contrast is related to the color and brightnessterms. It is basically improving the
interpretability, sensing of information
in images for human viewers and providing `better' input for other automated image
processing techniques
Contrast Stretching
An image can have DN values ranging from 0 to a maximum value
depending on its radiometric resolution:
• E.g., an 8-bit image can have DNs ranging from 0 – 255 • A 12-bit
image can have DNs ranging from 0 – 4095
• Etc.
– When the image data are visualized on a screen of a computer, they
are displayed as brightness values for each screen pixel
• A data pixel with a larger value is brighter than one with a smaller
• However, unlike the image data, screen pixels can only have 256
unique brightness values (i.e., 0 to 255).
• This limitation prevents the data from being display with brightness
exactly equal to their real value.
Stretching the image data refers to a method by which the data
pixels are rescaled from their original values into a range that the
monitor can display - namely, into integer values between 0 and 255.
The parameters of the stretch can be adjusted to maximize the
information content of the display for the features of interest this
process is referred to as contrast stretching.
• Contrast stretching changes contrast in the image
• Contrast = the relative differences in the brightness of the data
– increasing an image's contrast means the dark pixels will become
darker, and the bright pixels will become brighter
– brightness difference between the two increases
What is a Histogram?
• a graphical representation of the distribution of
numerical data.
• To construct a histogram, the first step is to "bin" the
range of values —that is, divide the entire range of
values into a series of intervals —and then count how
many values fall into each interval.
• The bins are usually specified as consecutive, non -
overlapping intervals of a variable.
• The bins (intervals) must be adjacent, and are usually
• A type of histogram that acts as a graphical
representation of the tonal (“DN”) distribution
in a digital image.
• It plots the number of pixels for each tonal/DN
• By looking at the histogram for a specific
image a viewer will be able to judge the entire
tonal distribution at a glance.