XII-5PPT (1)
XII-5PPT (1)
XII-5PPT (1)
The clinical formulation is a ongoing process. As the time passes, the therapist
receives in-depth information about the client and his/her background and
Type of therapies
Psychodynamic Therapy Pioneered by Sigmund Freud
• Transference neurosis helps the therapist see the client’s intrapsychic conflicts more
Transference exposes the
unconscious desires and wishes of
the client, which alerts the ego
Transference guards and the clients sometimes
begin to show resistance.
Resistance can be
Positive (Client Negative (Client conscious or unconscious in
is used to
idolises or falls in feels hostile, nature. Conscious
love with anger towards the deal with the
resistance expresses itself
therapist) therapist) resistance
in forms of hiding
the client
information from the
therapist. Unconscious
resistance can be noted
when the client goes silent
in sessions, misses the
Interpretation (Mode of treatment)
• Psychoanalysts use interpretation by and large for changing the
client’s feelings/attitudes/behaviour. It is considered to be the
pinnacle of psychoanalysis.
• Interpretation involves Confrontation and Clarification
The repeated process of
using confrontation,
clarification and
interpretation is known
Interpretation as “WORKING
Working through
helps in the
Clarification Confrontation development of
A vague or confusing The therapist insight.
event is made sense confronts the client In psychoanalysis, the "insight" is a
of and brought to with the conflicts of sort of "clear understanding", but this is
focus. the psyche.
related to a kind of a feeling of liberation
as from a psychical burden.
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (At a glance)
Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy
Transference Interpretation
Dream (Positive & Negative;
Free association Interpretation (Confrontation and
Transference Clarification)
Stages of psychoanalytic therapy (Duration of therapy)
• Therapeutic relationship is formed/ Rapport formation
Initi • Client becomes familiar with process.
al • Basic details and information about the subject is pursued.
Identifying the Identifying
maladaptive antecedent of the
behaviours the behaviour maintaining
(cause/origin) factors
Disintegrated self is
integrated through the use of Therapist encourages the Done by encouraging the
empathy, non judgementalism client to find the meaning of client to act out his feelings,
and unconditional positive his unique existence. conflicts and fantasies.
Factors leading to healing in therapy
Therapeutic alliance
between the client & Catharsis or
therapist, emotional
Patient variables-
Motivation for
Therapy techniques change,
used by the therapist Therapist variables-
Positive nature,
absence of his own
Ethics in psychotherapy
• Informed Consent
• Confidentiality of the client
• Goal of therapy is to alleviate distress.
• Integrity in the therapeutic relationship.
• Respect for human rights & dignity.
• Professional competence.
Alternative therapies