3. Preparation of EVM
4. Mock Poll
5. Sealing of EVM
of identity Read out
In charge of Electors serial No
of and entry of the
marked copy elector in the
electoral roll
in the
Roll PB
In charge of Register
Of Voters (Form 17A)
This envelope must be kept in the special plastic box for mock poll
and sealed with a pink paper seal placed all around in such a
manner that opening of the box will require breaking of the seal. The
number and name of the polling station, number and name of
Assembly Constituency and the date of poll shall be written on the
plastic box
The Presiding Officer and Polling Agents must put their signatures
on the pink paper seal and keep the box along with other documents
relating to elections. Thereafter, Presiding Officer will sign the Mock
A)When an elector enters the polling station, he will first go to 1st Polling
officer, who shall identify the voter as per the marked copy of Electoral role
and valid ID proof. PRO may intervene if necessary. The slide below is from
the ECI Minor errors in EPIC are to be ignored. Please Note: PVS won’t be
accepted as stand-alone id proof. Pl see next slide
Electors Photo Identity Card or one of The Eleven Specified
Photo Identity Documents, Essential for Casting Vote
The Election Commission of India has directed that all electors in all
constituencies who have been issued Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC) have to
produce the Electors Photo Identity Card for their identification at the polling station
before casting their votes. Those electors who are not able to produce the EPIC shall
produce one of the following alternative photo identity documents for establishing
their identity. The list of eleven documents is:
2.Driving License
3.Service Identity Cards with photograph issued to
employees by Central/State Govt./PSUs/Public Limited
4.Passbooks with photograph issued by Bank/Post Office
5.PAN Card
6.Smart Card issued by RGI under NPR
7.MNREGA Job Card
8.Health Insurance Smart Card issued under the scheme of
Ministry of Labour
9.Pension document with photograph
10.Official identity cards issued to MPs/MLAs/MLCs, and
11.Aadhaar Card
• During the process of identification of voter, the
voters will require to lower the facemask for
identification, when required.
• At any given time, only 1(one) voter shall be
allowed to stand in front of each polling official
maintaining social distance.
• Hand gloves shall be provided to the voter, for
signing on the voter register and pressing
button of EVM for voting.
• Sanitizers shall be kept inside the booth at
appropriate locations with clear direction for the
use by voters.
• COVID-19 patients who are quarantined
will be allowed to cast their vote at the
last hour of the poll day at their
respective Polling Stations, under the
supervision of health authorities, strictly
following COVID-19 related preventive
measures. Sector Magistrates shall
coordinate this in their allocated polling
Who will first recheck that the indelible mark is clear on the finger of the
elector. If it is found that it is not clear or has been wiped off then, apply once
Thereafter, he will take voters slip and allow the voter to go to voting compartment
so that he may cast vote. For this, he will press “Ballot” button of the machine. The
voter shall be allowed to vote exactly in the same sequence in which, his details have
been recorded in Register of Voters (17A).
The Application of indelible ink is a must under Rule 49 K which is a guard against a
vital safeguard against impersonation and ensures that the same voter does not vote
more than once. It has to be applied on the left forefinger. If an elector has no left
forefinger, then indelible ink should be applied on any such finger, which he has on
his left hand
If an elector after having recorded his vote alleges that
the paper trail generated by the printer has shown the
name or symbol of a candidate other than the one he
voted for, the Presiding Officer shall :
For closing the poll after the last voter has recorded his
vote, the voting machine has to be closed so that no
further recording of votes in the machine is possible. For
that purpose, the Presiding Officer should press the
‘Close’ button on the control unit. When the close button
is pressed, display panels on the control unit will show
the total number of votes recorded in the voting machine
till the end of the poll (but not the candidate-wise tally).
The total number of votes recorded in the machine must
tally with account of votes
Supply of
attested Closing of
copies Voters
of 17 C to Register
Polling (17 A)
1.The account of votes recorded and paper seal account (in Form 17C).
2. The declarations by the Presiding Officer before the commencement of poll, during the
poll and after close of poll (Annexure 5).
3. The Presiding Officer’s Diary
4. Visit Sheet and
5. The 16-Point Observer’s Report
(Even if a statement or record to be put in any cover mentioned above is ‘Nil’, a slip noting
on it that the statement or record is ‘Nil’ may be put in the cover and the total number of
five inner covers be made ready. Each of the five smaller covers/packets to be included in
the first packet marked“STATUTORY COVERS” should be sealed.)
1. The cover containing the copy or copies of electoral roll (other than the marked copy)
2. The cover containing the appointment letters of polling agents in Form 10
3. The cover containing the election duty certificates in Form 12- B
4. The sealed cover containing the list of challenged votes in Form14
5. The cover containing the list of blind and infirm electors in Form14-A and the
declarations of the companions
6. The cover containing the declarations obtained from electors as to their age and the list
of such electors
7. Cover containing the receipt book and cash, if any, in respect of challenged votes
8. Cover containing unused and damaged paper seals
9. Cover containing unused voter’s slips
10. Cover containing unused and damaged special tags
11. Cover containing unused and damaged strip seals
(Even if a statement or record to be put in any cover mentioned above is ‘Nil’, a slip noting on it that
the statement or record is ‘Nil’ may be put in the cover and the total number of five inner covers be
made ready. The other smaller covers/packets containing various non-statutory papers and items of
election materials to be included in the 2 nd, 3rd & 4th packets marked “NON- STATUTORY COVERS”
may be prepared separately but need not be sealed {except the cover containing the list of challenged
votes in Form 14) in order to save time.})
1. The Handbook for Presiding Officer
2. Manual of Electronic Voting Machine and VVPAT
3. Indelible ink set (with stopper having been secured on each phial effectively with
molten candle or wax applied thereon to prevent leakage or evaporation)
4. Self-inking pads
5. The metal seal of the Presiding Officer
6. The arrow cross-mark rubber stamp for marking tendered ballot papers
7. Cup for setting the indelible ink
(The other smaller covers/packets containing various non-statutory papers and items of
election materials to be included in the 2 nd, 3rd & 4th packets marked “NON-
STATUTORY COVERS” may be prepared separately but need not be sealed {except
the cover containing the list of challenged votes in Form 14) in order to save time.)