The first social scientist to use the term sociology
was a Frenchman by the name of Auguste Comte
who lived from 1798-1857. As coined by Comte,
the term sociology is a combination of two words.
The first part of the term is a Latin, socius- that
may variously mean society, association,
togetherness or companionship. The other word,
logos, is of Greek origin. It literally means to speak
about or word.
However, the term is generally
understood as study or science (Indrani,
1998). Thus, the etymological, literal
definition of sociology is that it is the word
or speaking about society. A simple
definition here is that it is the study of
society and culture.
The first social philosopher He defined sociology as the
to coin and use the term scientific study of social
sociology (Nobbs, Hine and dynamics and social static. He
Flemming, 1978). He was argued that sociology can and
also the first to regard should study society and social
himself as a sociologist. phenomena following the
pattern and procedures of the
natural science.
Comte believed that a Comte defined sociology as
theoretical science of the study of social dynamic
society and the systematic and social static, the former
investigation of human signifying the changing,
behavior were needed to progressing and
improve society. He argued developmental dimensions of
that the new science of society, while the latter refers
society could and should to the social order and those
make a critical contribution elements of society and social
towards a new and phenomena which tend to
improved human society. persist and relatively
permanent, defying change.
Karl Marx was a world-renowned social philosopher,
sociologist and economic historian. He made remarkable
contributions to the development of various social sciences
including sociology. He contributed greatly to sociological
ideas. He introduced key concepts in sociology like social
class, social class conflict, social oppression, alienation,
Marx, like Comte, argued that people should make active
efforts to bring about societal reforms. According to Marx,
economic forces are the keys to underestimating society
and social change. He believed that the history of human
society has been that of class conflict.
He dreamed of, and worked hard towards realizing, a
classless society, one in which there will be no
exploitation and oppression of one class by another, and
wherein all individuals will work according to their
abilities and receive according to their needs. Marx
introduced one of the major perspectives in sociology,
called social conflict theory (Macionis, 1997).
The most influential scholar in the academic and
theoretical development of sociology. He laid
down some of the fundamental principles,
methods, concepts and theories of sociology; he
defined sociology as the study of social facts.
8. Urban Sociology
Just like Rural Sociology, Urban Sociology is
also studied as a branch. It is equally
important to learn urban people lifestyle,
values, and habits. There are many things
which are occurring in urban areas at a
rapid rate like robbery, corruption,
9. Political Sociology