Intn to Mgmt - Distance
Intn to Mgmt - Distance
Intn to Mgmt - Distance
Mulugeta Debebe
Chapter One
1.1Define Management
An organization according to system view
An organization according to system view is:
•A subsystem of its broader environment
•Goal oriented: people with the purpose of
maximization of profit ,meeting society expectation
•A technical subsystem: using knowledge,
techniques, equipment and facilities.
•A structural subsystem: people working together on
interrelated activities.
The Contingency Theory
Contingency theory has been developed
mainly in the 1970s.It builds on the major
premises of the systems theory that
organizations are organic and open
systems,and there is a relationship of
interdepedence between an organization and
its environments,as well as with in and
between its subsystems.
Contingency approach emphasizes that
there is no one best way to design
organizations and manage
them .Management is situational and
managers should design organizations.
Defineobjectives, and formulate
strategies,policies,and plans in accordance
with the prevailing environmental
The End of Chapter
Two !
Planning is the most fundamental function of
management. An organization can succeed effective
utilization of its resources when its management decides
in advance its objectifies, and methods of achieving
them. Without this purposive and coordinated effort the
results are chaos, confusion, and wastage of resources.
Planning encompasses defining the organization
objectifies or goals, establishing an overall strategy, and
developing a comprehensive hierarchy of plans to
integrate and coordinate. It is concerned with ends(what
is to be done) and with means(how it is to is to be done).
Planning answers six basic questions in
regarded to any intended activity. These are:
The “what" is the goal or goals
The question of “when" is a question of
The “where" issue concerns the place where
the planswill reach their conclusion.
The question of “who" asks which specific
people will perform specific tasks
The “how"issues involves methods for
reaching short term and long term goal.
The question of “how much" is concerned
with the expenditure of resources that are
determined to be reach goals.
Organizing is used in two different senses. In
the first sense, It is used to denote the
process of organization. In the second is used to denote the result of the
process, namely the organization structure.
organization is the process of defining and
grouping the activities of the enterprise and
establishing the authority relationship among
them. In performing organizing function, the
manager differentiate and integrates the
activities of his or her organization.
Bydifferentiationsis meant the process of
departmentalization or segmentation of activities
on the bases of some homogeneity.
Integration is the process of achieving unity of
effort among the various departments.
Organizing is the process of assembling the
necessary resource and denoting
organization structure.By having department
of specialist,a manager creates at least
theioretically ,the most efficient unit
Authorityis the right to command
resources in an organization.
Types of authority:In an
organization,different types authority
are created by the relation ships
between individuals and between
departments.There are three types of
Line authority:defines relationship
between superior and subordinate.It is a
direct supervisory relationship.Managers
who supervise operating employees
Staff authority:is advisory in
nature.Managers whose role it is to provide
advice or technical assistance are granted
advisory authority.Advisory authority does
not provide any basis for direct control over
the subordinates or activities of others
departments with whom they consult
Functional authority:is authority
delegated to an individual or department
over specific activities undertaken by
personnel in other departments
Delegation is a passing of formal authority to
another person.
The four stepprocess of delegation are:
Assigments of tasks:Specific tasks or duties that
are to be undertaken are identified by the manager
for assigments to the subordinates.
Delegation of authority:In order for the
subordinate to complete the duties or tasks the
authority necessary to do them should be
delegated by the manager to the subordinate.
Acceptance of responsibility :Responsibility is
the obligation to carry out one's assigneds duties
to the best of one's ability. Responsibility is not
delegated by a manager to an employee,but the
employee become obligated when the
assignment is accepted.
Creation of accountability:Accountability is
having to answer to some one for your
actions.It means taking the consequence
either credit or blame
The End of Chapter
Two !
Staffing is the Process of identifying human
resource needs,Procuring the necessary
separation of those emPloyees.
Human Resource refers to the sum total of
all the inherent abilities,acquired
knowledge,and skills represented by the
aPtitudes,attitudes,and talents of an
organizational work force.
The major cbjective of the staffing
The major cbjective of the staffing function is
enabling an organization to
attract,maintain,and utilize efficient and
effective work force.
Major element of the staffing function are:
Training and DeveloPment
Maintenace and Utilization
Directing is the Process of integrating the
PeoPle with the organization so as to obtain
their willing and enthusiastic cooperation
for the achievement of its goals.This
requires integration of organizational goals
with individual and group goals
To actuate direct the behavior of
individuals ,a manager requires
three basic skills: namely,
LeadershiP, Motivational and
6.2 LEADERSHIP is important and
necessary for achieving individual, group
and organizational Performance.
Managers,whether they are chief executive
officers or first line supervisors, influence
attitudes and expectations that encourage or
discourage Performance, secure or alienate
employee commitment, rewards or Penalize
Leadership can be defined in different ways:
Democratic LeadershipStyleis
characterized by participation of the group
and utilization of its opinions.Initiative by
those being led is encouraged.The leader
suggests possible actions with his
recommendations but awaits approval of the
group before putting in to effect.It
emphasizes the group's interest strives to
satisfy them.For best results,members of the
group should be competent and informed
about the subjects discussed
Democratic style has the following features:
Permits subordinates to Participate in
decision making.
Permits subordinates to take initiative and
exercise judgment
Emphasizes group effort
There is general or broad supervision
Uses two way communication
Employee centered, consultative Permissive
High moral and Positive attitude
Some one slow unless a vigorous leader
succeeds in winning agreement on a
Program with out unnecessary delay.
Strengths: The focus of Power is with the
group, subordinates Participatein decision
making, there is two communications, it is
People centered.
Limitation:Democraticstyle frequently
leads to abdication of management and
harmony, to in difference Performance.
People take advantage of the soft approach;
they continually expect more but give less
and less. However, currently, thePopular
team is "firm but fair”. This is an attempt to
gain the advantage of both the hard and the
soft approach.
Laissez faire LeadershipStyle
Controlling is considered as the last basic
function of management.
Controlling attepts to prevent failure and to
promote success by providing the means to
monitor the performance of individuals,
departments, divisions, and the entire
The feedback in the control process is
intended to provide management with
informations o the progress of the various
levels of
ics,or individual performances.The control
process consists of the three basic steps.The
three steps are as follow:
Establishstandards to be used in
measuring progress or lack of progress
towards orts goals.
Measure performance against
standerds,nothing deviations from the
Take actions necessary to correct
deviations from standards
There are three basic types of
Establishing Standatrds
A standard is a measuring
device ,quantitative,or qualitative,that is
designed to help monitor the performance of
people, capital goods or processes.The exact
nature of the standerds to be used depends
on what is being monitored.Standerds for
comparison can apply to
personnel ,marketing,production,financial
operations and so on.What ever the
standerds ,however,they all can be assigned
to one of groups:managerial standerds or
ManagerialStanderdsinclude such things
as reports,regulations ,and performance
required to reach specific goals .All should
focus on only the key areas and the kinds of
performance required to reach specific
Technical Standerds specify the what and
the how of the business.They apply to
Productions methods and process es,to
materials,machinery,safety equipments,parts
and supplies.
Measuring Performance