Process Synchronization

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• When two or more process cooperate with each other, their order of
execution must be preserved otherwise there can be conflicts in their
execution and inappropriate outputs can be produced.
• A cooperative process is the one which can affect the execution of
other processes or can be affected by the execution of other processes.
• Such processes need to be synchronized so that their order of
execution can be guaranteed.
• The procedure involved in preserving the appropriate order of
execution of cooperative processes is known as Process
• There are various synchronization mechanisms that are used to
synchronize the processes.
• A Race Condition typically occurs when two or
more threads or processes try to read, write
and possibly make the decisions based on the
memory that they are accessing concurrently.

• The regions of a program that try to access shared resources and may
cause race conditions are called critical section.
• A critical section refers to a segment of code that is executed by
multiple concurrent threads or processes, and which accesses shared
• When more than one processes try to access the same
code segment, that segment is known as the critical
• To avoid race condition among the processes, we need to ensure that
only one process at a time can execute within the critical section.

• Critical Section is the part of a program which tries to access shared

• That resource may be any resource in a computer like a memory
location, Data structure, CPU or any IO device.

• The critical section cannot be executed by more than one process at

the same time; operating system faces the difficulties in allowing and
disallowing the processes from entering the critical section.

• The critical section problem is used to design a set of protocols which

can ensure that the Race condition among the processes will never
• In order to synchronize the cooperative
processes, our main task is to solve the critical
section problem.
• We need to provide a solution in such a way
that the following conditions can be satisfied.

• Our solution must provide mutual exclusion.

• By Mutual Exclusion, we mean that if one
process is executing inside critical section then
the other process must not enter in the critical

• Progress means that if one process doesn't

need to execute into critical section then it
should not stop other processes to get into the
critical section.

• We should be able to predict the waiting time

for every process to get into the critical section.
• The process must not be endlessly waiting for
getting into the critical section.

• Our mechanism must be architectural neutral.

• It means that if our solution is working fine on
one architecture then it should also run on the
other ones as well.

• This is the simplest synchronization mechanism.

• This is a Software Mechanism implemented in User mode.
• This is a busy waiting solution which can be used for more than two
• In this mechanism, a Lock variable lock is used.
• Two values of lock can be possible, either 0 or 1.
• Lock value 0 means that the critical section is vacant while the lock
value 1 means that it is occupied.
• A process which wants to get into the critical section first checks the
value of the lock variable.
• If it is 0 then it sets the value of lock as 1 and enters into the critical
section, otherwise it waits.
• The pseudo code of the mechanism looks like following.

• Entry Section →
• While (lock! = 0);
• Lock = 1;
• //Critical Section
• Exit Section →
• Lock =0;
• If we look at the Pseudo Code, we find that there are three sections in the
• Entry Section, Critical Section and the exit section.
• Initially the value of lock variable is 0.
• The process which needs to get into the critical section, enters into the
entry section and checks the condition provided in the while loop.
• The process will wait infinitely until the value of lock is 1 (that is implied
by while loop).
• Since, at the very first time critical section is vacant hence the process
will enter the critical section by setting the lock variable as 1.
• When the process exits from the critical section, then in the exit section,
it reassigns the value of lock as 0.
• Every Synchronization mechanism is judged on the basis of
four conditions.
• Mutual Exclusion
• Progress
• Bounded Waiting
• Portability
• Out of the four parameters, Mutual Exclusion and Progress
must be provided by any solution. Let?s analyze this
mechanism on the basis of the above mentioned

• The lock variable mechanism doesn't provide Mutual Exclusion in

some of the cases.
• This can be better described by looking at the pseudo code by the
Operating System point of view I.E.
• Assembly code of the program.
• Let's convert the Code into the assembly language.
• Load Lock, R0
• CMP R0, #0
• JNZ Step 1
• Store #1, Lock
• Store #0, Lock
• Let us consider that we have two processes P1 and P2.

• The process P1 wants to execute its critical section.

• P1 gets into the entry section. Since the value of lock is 0 hence P1 changes its
value from 0 to 1 and enters into the critical section.

• Meanwhile, P1 is preempted by the CPU and P2 gets scheduled.

• Now there is no other process in the critical section and the value of lock
variable is 0. P2 also wants to execute its critical section. It enters into the
critical section by setting the lock variable to 1.

• Now, CPU changes P1's state from waiting to running.

• P1 is yet to finish its critical section. P1 has already checked the value of lock
variable and remembers that its value was 0 when it previously checked it.

• Hence, it also enters into the critical section without checking the updated
value of lock variable.
• Now, we got two processes in the critical section. According to the
condition of mutual exclusion, more than one process in the critical
section must not be present at the same time.
• Hence, the lock variable mechanism doesn't guarantee the mutual
• The problem with the lock variable mechanism is that, at the same
time, more than one process can see the vacant tag and more than
one process can enter in the critical section.
• Hence, the lock variable doesn't provide the mutual exclusion
that's why it cannot be used in general.
• Since, this method is failed at the basic step; hence, there is no
need to talk about the other conditions to be fulfilled.

• In lock variable mechanism, Sometimes Process reads the old value of

lock variable and enters the critical section.
• Due to this reason, more than one process might get into critical section.
• However, the code shown in the part one of the following section can be
replaced with the code shown in the part two.
• This doesn't affect the algorithm but, by doing this, we can manage to
provide the mutual exclusion to some extent but not completely.
• In the updated version of code, the value of Lock is loaded into the local
register R0 and then value of lock is set to 1.
• However, in step 3, the previous value of lock (that is now stored into R0)
is compared with 0. if this is 0 then the process will simply enter into the
critical section otherwise will wait by executing continuously in the loop.
• The benefit of setting the lock immediately to 1
by the process itself is that, now the process
which enters into the critical section carries the
updated value of lock variable that is 1.
• In the case when it gets preempted and
scheduled again then also it will not enter the
critical section regardless of the current value
of the lock variable as it already knows what
the updated value of lock variable is.
Section 1 Section 2

1. Load Lock, R0 1. Load Lock, R0

2. CMP R0, #0 2. Store #1, Lock

3. JNZ step1 3. CMP R0, #0

4. store #1, Lock 4. JNZ step 1


• However, the solution provided in the above segment provides

mutual exclusion to some extent but it doesn't make sure that the
mutual exclusion will always be there.
• There is a possibility of having more than one process in the critical
• What if the process gets preempted just after executing the first
instruction of the assembly code written in section 2?
• In that case, it will carry the old value of lock variable with it and it
will enter into the critical section regardless of knowing the current
value of lock variable.
• This may make the two processes present in the critical section at
the same time.
• To get rid of this problem, we have to make sure that the preemption must
not take place just after loading the previous value of lock variable and
before setting it to 1.
• The problem can be solved if we can be able to merge the first two
• In order to address the problem, the operating system provides a special
instruction called Test Set Lock (TSL) instruction which simply loads the
value of lock variable into the local register R0 and sets it to 1
• The process which executes the TSL first will enter into the critical section
and no other process after that can enter until the first process comes out.
• No process can execute the critical section even in the case of preemption
of the first process.
• The assembly code of the solution will look like

• TSL Lock, R0
• CMP R0, #0
• JNZ step 1

• Let's examine TSL on the basis of the four


• Mutual Exclusion is guaranteed in TSL

mechanism since a process can never be
preempted just before setting the lock variable.
• Only one process can see the lock variable as 0
at a particular time and that's why, the mutual
exclusion is guaranteed

• According to the definition of the progress, a process

which doesn't want to enter in the critical section
should not stop other processes to get into it.
• In TSL mechanism, a process will execute the TSL
instruction only when it wants to get into the critical
• The value of the lock will always be 0 if no process
doesn't want to enter into the critical section hence
the progress is always guaranteed in TSL.

• Bounded Waiting is not guaranteed in TSL.

• Some process might not get a chance for so
• We cannot predict for a process that it will
definitely get a chance to enter in critical
section after a certain time.

• TSL doesn't provide Architectural Neutrality.

• It depends on the hardware platform.
• The TSL instruction is provided by the operating
• Some platforms might not provide that.
• Hence it is not Architectural neutral.

• In TSL mechanism, there can be a problem of priority inversion.

• Let?s say that there are two cooperative processes, P1 and P2.
• The priority of P1 is 2 while that of P2 is 1. P1 arrives earlier and got
scheduled by the CPU.
• Since it is a cooperative process and wants to execute in the critical
section hence it will enter in the critical section by setting the lock
variable to 1.
• Now, P2 arrives in the ready queue.
• The priority of P2 is higher than P1 hence according to priority
scheduling, P2 is scheduled and P1 got preempted.
• P2 is also a cooperative process and wants to execute inside the critical
• Although, P1 got preempted but it the value of lock variable will be shown
as 1 since P1 is not completed and it is yet to finish its critical section.
• P1 needs to finish the critical section but according to the scheduling
algorithm, CPU is with P2.
• P2 wants to execute in the critical section, but according to the
synchronization mechanism, critical section is with P1.
• This is a kind of lock where each of the process neither executes nor
• Such kind of lock is called Spin Lock.
• This is different from deadlock since they are not in blocked state.
• One is in ready state and the other is in running state, but neither of the
two is being executed.

• Turn Variable or Strict Alternation Approach is the software

mechanism implemented at user mode.
• It is a busy waiting solution which can be implemented only
for two processes.
• In this approach, A turn variable is used which is actually a
• This approach can only be used for only two processes.
• In general, let the two processes be Pi and Pj.
• They share a variable called turn variable.
• The pseudo code of the program can be given as following.
• For Process Pi
• Non - CS
• while (turn ! = i);
• Critical Section
• turn = j;
• Non - CS
• For Process Pj
• Non - CS
• while (turn ! = j);
• Critical Section
• turn = i ;
• Non - CS
• The actual problem of the lock variable approach was the
fact that the process was entering in the critical section
only when the lock variable is 1.
• More than one process could see the lock variable as 1 at
the same time hence the mutual exclusion was not
guaranteed there.
• This problem is addressed in the turn variable approach.
• Now, A process can enter in the critical section only in
the case when the value of the turn variable equal to the
PID of the process.
• There are only two values possible for turn
variable, i or j. if its value is not i then it will
definitely be j or vice versa.
• In the entry section, in general, the process Pi
will not enter in the critical section until its value
is j or the process Pj will not enter in the critical
section until its value is i.
• Initially, two processes Pi and Pj are available
and want to execute into critical section.
• The turn variable is equal to i hence Pi will get
the chance to enter into the critical section.
• The value of Pi remains I until Pi finishes critical
• Pi finishes its critical section and assigns j to
turn variable.
• Pj will get the chance to enter into the critical
• The value of turn remains j until Pj finishes its
critical section.

• The strict alternation approach provides mutual

exclusion in every case.
• This procedure works only for two processes.
• The pseudo code is different for both of the
• The process will only enter when it sees that the turn
variable is equal to its Process ID otherwise not .
• Hence No process can enter in the critical section
regardless of its turn.

• Progress is not guaranteed in this mechanism.

• If Pi doesn't want to get enter into the critical
section on its turn then Pj got blocked for
infinite time.
• Pj has to wait for so long for its turn since the
turn variable will remain 0 until Pi assigns it to j.

• The solution provides portability.

• It is a pure software mechanism implemented
at user mode and doesn't need any special
instruction from the Operating System.

• We have to make sure that the progress must be provided by our

synchronization mechanism.
• In the turn variable mechanism, progress was not provided due to the
fact that the process which doesn't want to enter in the critical
section does not consider the other interested process as well.
• The other process will also have to wait regardless of the fact that
there is no one inside the critical section.
• If the operating system can make use of an extra variable along with
the turn variable then this problem can be solved and our problem
can provide progress to most of the extent.
• Interested variable mechanism makes use of an extra Boolean
variable to make sure that the progress is provided.
• For Process Pi

• Non CS
• Int[i] = T ;
• while ( Int[j] == T ) ;
• Critical Section
• Int[i] = F ;
• For Process Pj

• Non CS
• Int [1] = T ;
• while ( Int[i] == T ) ;
• Critical Section
• Int[j]=F ;
• In this mechanism, an extra variable interested is used.
• This is a Boolean variable used to store the interest of the processes
to get enter inside the critical section.
• A process which wants to enter in the critical section first checks in
the entry section whether the other process is interested to get
• The process will wait for the time until the other process is
• In exit section, the process makes the value of its interest variable
false so that the other process can get into the critical section.
• The table shows the possible values of interest variable of both the
processes and the process which get the chance in the scenario.
Interest [Pi] Interest [Pj] Process which get the

True True The process which

first shows interest.
True False Pi
False True Pj
False False X
• Let's analyze the mechanism on the basis of
the requirements.

• In interested variable mechanism, if one

process is interested in getting into the CPU
then the other process will wait until it becomes
• Therefore, more than one process can never be
present in the critical section at the same time
hence the mechanism guarantees mutual

• In this mechanism, if a process is not interested

in getting into the critical section then it will not
stop the other process from getting into the
critical section.
• Therefore the progress will definitely be
provided by this method.

• To analyze bounded waiting, let us consider two

processes Pi and Pj, are the cooperative
processes wants to execute in the critical
• The instructions executed by the processes are
shown below in relative manner.
Process Pi Process Pj Process Pi Process Pj

1. Int [Pi] = True 1. Int [Pj] = True 1. Int [Pi] = 1. While (Int [Pi]
2. while (Int [Pj] 2. while False == True);
== True); (Int[Pi]==True); 2. Int [Pi] = True //waiting for Pj
3. Critical 3. while (Int [Pj]
Section == True);
//waiting for Pj
• Initially, the interest variable of both the processes is false.
• The process Pi shows the interest to get inside the critical
• It sets its Interest Variable to true and check whether the Pj is
also interested or not.
• Since the other process's interest variable is false hence Pi will
get enter into the critical section.
• Meanwhile, the process Pi is preempted and Pj is scheduled. Pj is
a cooperative process and therefore, it also wants to enter in the
critical section.
• It shows its interest by setting the interest variable to true.
• It also checks whether the other process is also interested or not.
• We should notice that Pi is preempted but its interested variable is true
that means it needs to further execute in the critical section.
• Therefore Pj will not get the chance and gets stuck in the while loop.
• Meanwhile, CPU changes Pi's state from blocked to running. Pi is yet to
finish its critical section hence it finishes the critical section and makes
an exit by setting the interest variable to False.
• Now, a case can be possible when Pi again wants to enter in the critical
section and set its interested variable to true and checks whether the
interested variable of Pj is true.
• Here, Pj's interest variable is True hence Pi will get stuck in the while
loop and waits for Pj become uninterested.
• Since, Pj still stuck in the while loop waiting for the
Pi' interested variable to become false.
• Therefore, both the processes are waiting for each
other and none of them is getting into the critical
• This is a condition of deadlock and bounded waiting
can never be provided in the case of deadlock.
• Therefore, we can say that the interested variable
mechanism doesn't guarantee deadlock.

• The mechanism is a complete software

mechanism executed in the user mode
therefore it guarantees portability or
architectural neutrality

• This is a software mechanism implemented at

user mode.
• It is a busy waiting solution that can be
implemented for only two processes.
• It uses two variables that are turn variable and
interested variable.
• The Code of the solution is given below
• # define N 2
• # define TRUE 1
• # define FALSE 0
• int interested[N] = FALSE;
• int turn;
• voidEntry_Section (int process)
• {
• int other;
• other = 1-process;
• interested[process] = TRUE;
• turn = process;
• while (interested [other] =True && TURN=process);
• }
• voidExit_Section (int process)
• {
• interested [process] = FALSE;
• }
• Till now, each of our solution is affected by one
or the other problem.
• However, the Peterson solution provides you all
the necessary requirements such as Mutual
Exclusion, Progress, Bounded Waiting and
• voidEntry_Section (int process)
• {
• 1. int other;
• 2. other = 1-process;
• 3. interested[process] = TRUE;
• 4. turn = process;
• 5. while (interested [other] =True && TURN=process);
• }

• Critical Section

• voidExit_Section (int process)
• {
• 6. interested [process] = FALSE;
• }
• This is a two process solution.
• Let us consider two cooperative processes P1 and P2.
• The entry section and exit section are shown below.
• Initially, the value of interested variables and turn variable is 0.
• Initially process P1 arrives and wants to enter into the critical
• It sets its interested variable to True (instruction line 3) and
also sets turn to 1 (line number 4).
• Since the condition given in line number 5 is completely
satisfied by P1 therefore it will enter in the critical section.
• P1 → 1 2 3 4 5 CS
• Meanwhile, Process P1 got preempted and process P2 got scheduled.
• P2 also wants to enter in the critical section and executes instructions 1, 2, 3 and 4 of entry section.
• On instruction 5, it got stuck since it doesn't satisfy the condition (value of other interested variable
is still true).
• Therefore it gets into the busy waiting.
• P2 → 1 2 3 4 5
• P1 again got scheduled and finish the critical section by executing the instruction no. 6 (setting
interested variable to false).
• Now if P2 checks then it are going to satisfy the condition since other process's interested variable
becomes false.
• P2 will also get enter the critical section.
• P1 → 6
• P2 → 5 CS
• Any of the process may enter in the critical section for multiple numbers of times. Hence the
procedure occurs in the cyclic order.

• The method provides mutual exclusion for sure.

• In entry section, the while condition involves
the criteria for two variables therefore a
process cannot enter in the critical section until
the other process is interested and the process
is the last one to update turn variable.

• An uninterested process will never stop the

other interested process from entering in the
critical section.
• If the other process is also interested then the
process will wait.

• The interested variable mechanism failed because it

was not providing bounded waiting.
• However, in Peterson solution, A deadlock can never
happen because the process which first sets the turn
variable will enter in the critical section for sure.
• Therefore, if a process is preempted after executing
line number 4 of the entry section then it will
definitely get into the critical section in its next

• This is the complete software solution and

therefore it is portable on every hardware.
• All the solutions we have seen till now were intended to provide mutual
exclusion with busy waiting.
• However, busy waiting is not the optimal allocation of resources because
it keeps CPU busy all the time in checking the while loops condition
continuously although the process is waiting for the critical section to
become available.
• All the synchronization mechanism with busy waiting are also suffering
from the priority inversion problem that is there is always a possibility of
spin lock whenever there is a process with the higher priority has to wait
outside the critical section since the mechanism intends to execute the
lower priority process in the critical section.
• However these problems need a proper solution without busy waiting
and priority inversion.
• Let's examine the basic model that is sleep and wake.
• Assume that we have two system calls as sleep and wake.
• The process which calls sleep will get blocked while the process which
calls will get waked up.
• There is a popular example called producer consumer problem which
is the most popular problem simulating sleep and wake mechanism.
• The concept of sleep and wake is very simple. If the critical section is
not empty then the process will go and sleep.
• It will be waked up by the other process which is currently executing
inside the critical section so that the process can get inside the critical
• In producer consumer problem, let us say there are two
processes, one process writes something while the other
process reads that.
• The process which is writing something is called producer
while the process which is reading is called consumer.
• In order to read and write, both of them are using a buffer.
• The code that simulates the sleep and wake mechanism in
terms of providing the solution to producer consumer
problem is shown below.
• #define N 100 //maximum slots in buffer
• #define count=0 //items in the buffer
• void producer (void)
• {
• int item;
• while(True)
• {
• item = produce_item(); //producer produces an item
• if(count == N) //if the buffer is full then the producer will sleep
• Sleep();
• insert_item (item); //the item is inserted into buffer
• countcount=count+1;
• if(count==1) //The producer will wake up the
• //consumer if there is at least 1 item in the buffer
• wake-up(consumer);
• }
• }
• void consumer (void)
• {
• int item;
• while(True)
• {
• {
• if(count == 0) //The consumer will sleep if the buffer is empty.
• sleep();
• item = remove_item();
• countcount = count - 1;
• if(count == N-1) //if there is at least one slot available in the buffer
• //then the consumer will wake up producer
• wake-up(producer);
• consume_item(item); //the item is read by consumer.
• }
• }
• }
• The producer produces the item and inserts it into the buffer.
• The value of the global variable count got increased at each insertion.
• If the buffer is filled completely and no slot is available then the producer
will sleep, otherwise it keep inserting.
• On the consumer's end, the value of count got decreased by 1 at each
• If the buffer is empty at any point of time then the consumer will sleep
otherwise, it keeps consuming the items and decreasing the value of count
by 1.
• The consumer will be waked up by the producer if there is at least 1 item
available in the buffer which is to be consumed.
• The producer will be waked up by the consumer if there is at least one slot
available in the buffer so that the producer can write that.
• Well, the problem arises in the case when the consumer
got preempted just before it was about to sleep.
• Now the consumer is neither sleeping nor consuming.
Since the producer is not aware of the fact that consumer
is not actually sleeping therefore it keep waking the
consumer while the consumer is not responding since it is
not sleeping.
• This leads to the wastage of system calls.
• When the consumer get scheduled again, it will sleep
because it was about to sleep when it was preempted.
• The producer keep writing in the buffer and it got filled after
some time.
• The producer will also sleep at that time keeping in the mind
that the consumer will wake him up when there is a slot
available in the buffer.
• The consumer is also sleeping and not aware with the fact that
the producer will wake him up.
• This is a kind of deadlock where neither producer nor consumer
is active and waiting for each other to wake them up.
• This is a serious problem which needs to be addressed
• A flag bit can be used in order to get rid of this problem.
• The producer can set the bit when it calls wake-up on the first time.
• When the consumer got scheduled, it checks the bit.
• The consumer will now get to know that the producer tried to wake him and
therefore it will not sleep and get into the ready state to consume whatever
produced by the producer.
• This solution works for only one pair of producer and consumer, what if
there are n producers and n consumers.
• In that case, there is a need to maintain an integer which can record how
many wake-up calls have been made and how many consumers need not
• This integer variable is called semaphore. We will discuss more about
semaphore later in detail.
• To get rid of the problem of wasting the wake-up signals, Dijkstra proposed
an approach which involves storing all the wake-up calls.
• Dijkstra states that, instead of giving the wake-up calls directly to the
consumer, producer can store the wake-up call in a variable.
• Any of the consumers can read it whenever it needs to do so.
• Semaphore is the variables which stores the entire wake up calls that are
being transferred from producer to consumer.
• It is a variable on which read, modify and update happens automatically in
kernel mode.
• Semaphore cannot be implemented in the user mode because race condition
may always arise when two or more processes try to access the variable
• It always needs support from the operating system to be implemented.
• According to the demand of the situation,
Semaphore can be divided into two categories.
• Counting Semaphore
• Binary Semaphore or Mutex
• We will discuss each one in detail.

• There are the scenarios in which more than one

processes need to execute in critical section
• However, counting semaphore can be used when we
need to have more than one process in the critical
section at the same time.
• The programming code of semaphore implementation
is shown below which includes the structure of
semaphore and the logic using which the entry and
the exit can be performed in the critical section.
• struct Semaphore
• {
• int value; // processes that can enter in the critical section simultaneously.
• queue type L; // L contains set of processes which get blocked
• }
• Down (Semaphore S)
• {
• SS.value = S.value - 1; //semaphore's value will get decreased when a new
• //process enter in the critical section
• if (S.value< 0)
• {
• put_process(PCB) in L; //if the value is negative then
• //the process will get into the blocked state.
• Sleep();
• }
• else
• return;
• }
• up (Semaphore s)
• {
• SS.value = S.value+1; //semaphore value will get increased when
• //it makes an exit from the critical section.
• if(S.value<=0)
• {
• select a process from L; //if the value of semaphore is positive
• //then wake one of the processes in the blocked queue.
• wake-up();
• }
• }
• }
• In this mechanism, the entry and exit in the critical section are performed on the basis of the
value of counting semaphore.
• The value of counting semaphore at any point of time indicates the maximum number of
processes that can enter in the critical section at the same time.
• A process which wants to enter in the critical section first decrease the semaphore value by 1 and
then check whether it gets negative or not.
• If it gets negative then the process is pushed in the list of blocked processes (i.e. q) otherwise it
gets enter in the critical section.
• When a process exits from the critical section, it increases the counting semaphore by 1 and then
checks whether it is negative or zero.
• If it is negative then that means that at least one process is waiting in the blocked state hence, to
ensure bounded waiting, the first process among the list of blocked processes will wake up and
gets enter in the critical section.
• The processes in the blocked list will get waked in the order in which they slept.
• If the value of counting semaphore is negative then it states the number of processes in the
blocked state while if it is positive then it states the number of slots available in the critical
• The questions are being asked on counting
semaphore in GATE.
• Generally the questions are very simple that
contains only subtraction and addition.
• Wait → Decre → Down → P
• Signal → Inc → Up → V
• The following type questions can be asked in
• A Counting Semaphore was initialized to 12. then 10P (wait)
and 4V (Signal) operations were computed on this semaphore.
• What is the result?
• S = 12 (initial)
• 10 p (wait) :
• SS = S -10 = 12 - 10 = 2
• then 4 V :
• SS = S + 4 =2 + 4 = 6
• Hence, the final value of counting semaphore is 6.
• In counting semaphore, Mutual exclusion was not provided
because we have the set of processes which required to
execute in the critical section simultaneously.
• However, Binary Semaphore strictly provides mutual
• Here, instead of having more than 1 slots available in the
critical section, we can only have at most 1 process in the
critical section.
• The semaphore can have only two values, 0 or 1.
• Let's see the programming implementation of Binary
• StructBsemaphore
• {
• enum Value(0,1); //value is enumerated data type which can only have two values 0 or 1.
• Queue type L;
• }
• /* L contains all PCBs corresponding to process
• Blocked while processing down operation unsuccessfully.
• */
• Down (Bsemaphore S)
• {
• if (s.value == 1) // if a slot is available in the
• //critical section then let the process enter in the queue.
• {
• S.value = 0; // initialize the value to 0 so that no other process can read it as 1.
• }
• else
• {
• put the process (PCB) in S.L; //if no slot is available
• //then let the process wait in the blocked queue.
• sleep();
• }
• }
• Up (Bsemaphore S)
• {
• if (S.L is empty) //an empty blocked processes list implies that no process
• //has ever tried to get enter in the critical section.
• {
• S.Value =1;
• }
• else
• {
• Select a process from S.L;
• Wakeup(); // if it is not empty then wake the first process of the blocked queue.
• }
• }

• Monitors are used for process synchronization.

• With the help of programming languages, we can use a monitor
to achieve mutual exclusion among the processes.
• Example of monitors: Java Synchronized methods such as Java
offers notify() and wait() constructs.
• In other words, monitors are defined as the construct of
programming language, which helps in controlling shared data
• The Monitor is a module or package which encapsulates shared
data structure, procedures, and the synchronization between
the concurrent procedure invocations.

1. Inside the monitors, we can only execute one process at a time.

2. Monitors are the group of procedures, and condition variables that
are merged together in a special type of module.
• 3. If the process is running outside the monitor, then it cannot
access the monitor’s internal variable. But a process can call the
procedures of the monitor.
• 4. Monitors offer high-level of synchronization
• 5. Monitors were derived to simplify the complexity of
synchronization problems.
• 6. There is only one process that can be active at a time inside the

• There are four main components of the

• Initialization
• Private data
• Monitor procedure
• Monitor entry queue
• Initialization: – Initialization comprises the
code, and when the monitors are created, we
use this code exactly once.
• Private Data: – Private data is another
component of the monitor. It comprises all the
private data, and the private data contains
private procedures that can only be used within
the monitor. So, outside the monitor, private
data is not visible.
• Monitor Procedure: – Monitors Procedures are
those procedures that can be called from
outside the monitor.
• Monitor Entry Queue: – Monitor entry queue
is another essential component of the monitor
that includes all the threads, which are called

• There are two types of operations that we can

perform on the condition variables of the
• Wait
• Signal
• Suppose there are two condition variables
• condition a, b // Declaring variable


• a.wait(): – The process that performs wait

operation on the condition variables are
suspended and locate the suspended process in
a block queue of that condition variable.

• a.signal() : – If a signal operation is performed

by the process on the condition variable, then a
chance is provided to one of the blocked

• It makes the parallel programming easy, and if

monitors are used, then there is less error-
prone as compared to the semaphore.
In semaphore, we can use condition variables
We can use condition variables only in the
anywhere in the program, but we cannot use
conditions variables in a semaphore.
In semaphore, wait does not always block the
In monitors, wait always block the caller.
The monitors are comprised of the shared The semaphore S value means the number of
variables and the procedures which operate shared resources that are present in the
the shared variable. system.
Condition variables are present in the Condition variables are not present in the
monitor. semaphore.

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