Quantum Theory L4
Quantum Theory L4
Quantum Theory L4
- Procedure
- Observations
- Assumptions
- Necessary equations
- deductions
Compton effect
Please do on your own:
- Description
- Explanation
- mathematics
X-ray generation
- Description
- Diagrams
- Spectrum
- explanation
Wave particle duality
Particles have wavelike properties and waves have particle like
The associated wavelength of particles is given by the equation:
- entire physical universe is composed of matter and radiation
- In quantum theory of radiation a fragment or quantum of energy
is assigned a frequency, (=2) such that . Although there is no
physical sense of frequency , nevertheless the theory based on this
assumption works well. From this notion de Broglie speculated
that material particles, which are also fragment of energy (e.g., =
mc2), might be assigned some characteristic frequency.
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
it is impossible to determine both position and
momentum simultaneously with perfect accuracy.
If x is the uncertainty in position and px is the
uncertainty in the corresponding momentum then