Lecture No.6_Drill Stem Test

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Drill Stem Test

A drill stem test (DST) is a procedure for

isolating and testing the
pressure, permeability and productive
capacity of a geological formation during the
drilling of a well.
The test is an important measurement of
pressure behavior at the drill stem and is a
valuable way of obtaining information on the
formation fluid and establishing whether a
well has found a commercial hydrocarbon

Drill Stem Test

About Drill Stem Testing

Drill stem testing is an oil and gas exploration

procedure to isolate, stimulate and flow a downhole
formation to determine the fluids present and the rate
at which they can be produced.
The main objective of a DST is to evaluate the
commercial viability of a zones economic potential by
identifying productive capacity, pressure, permeability
or extent of an oil or gas reservoir.
These tests can be performed in both open and cased
hole environments and provide exploration teams with
valuable information about the nature of the reservoir.
Drill stem testing involves deploying a series of tools
known as a test bottomhole assembly (BHA).
About Drill Stem Testing

A basic drill stem test BHA consist of a packer or

packers, which act as an expanding plug to be
used to isolate sections of the well for the testing
process, valves that may be opened or closed
from the surface during the test, and recorders
used to document pressure during the test.
In addition to packers a downhole valve is used to
open and close the formation to measure
reservoir characteristics such as pressure and
temperature which are charted on downhole
recorders within the BHA..
Types of BHA DST

Below are two types of BHA DST, Cased Hole

which can be applied after the well has been
cased, and Open Hole which may be preformed
before casing
Cased Hole
Performed after the well is cased, cased hole drill
stem testing uses a retrievable production packer
that is set above the zone of interest. The well is
then flow tested through perforations in the
casing. The two types of cased hole testing are
pressure operated and mechanically operated.

Open Hole
 Because it's performed before casing is run, open hole drill
stem testing can be the most economical way to determine
productive capacity, pressure, permeability or the extent of
an oil or gas reservoir. The testing equipment is run into
the well and the zone of interest is isolated using inflate or
compression-set packers, depending on your requirements
and drilling conditions.
Alternate Procedures
 Depending on testing objectives and scope of work, drill
stem testing may also be performed in combination with
various other exploration and completion process such as
fluid loss control and well control, closed chamber tests,
well stimulation, and a combination of DST and TCP.

During normal well drilling, drilling mud is pumped

through the drill stem and out of the drill bit.
 In a drill stem test, the drill bit is removed and
replaced with the DST tool and devices are inflated
above and below the section to be tested.
These devices are known as packers and are used
to make a seal between the borehole wall and the
drill pipe, isolating the region of interest.
 A valve is opened, reducing the pressure in the
drill stem to surface pressure, causing fluid to flow
out of the packed-off formation and up to the

The key to successful testing depends upon planning

and teamwork between the geoscientist and the
engineer. Potential pay zones should be identified
before drilling commences so that the drilling program
can be designed to accommodate the test. If offset data
are available, the magnitude of porosity, permeability,
and reservoir pressure should be identified.
Knowledge of zonal mineralogy may prevent excessive
damage by drilling fluids and should be used in
designing the mud program. The anticipated reservoir
properties are used to design the test string and test
times so that the best, most useable data can be
DST Safety Requirements

Running a DST is one of the most dangerous jobs

in the oil field because the well is essentially
uncontrolled during the test.
All fire fighting equipment and the blowout
preventers should be inspected and tested before
starting a DST.
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) equipment should be on
hand if anticipated conditions are sour.
No test should be initiated at night or during an
electrical storm. No smoking should be allowed on
the drill floor or near any flowlines or surface test
Packer seats

The best time to run a DST is just after drilling through

a potential pay zone, when exposure to damaging fluids
is minimal and the hole is in its best condition for a
good packer seat. Packer seats are generally located in
competent sandstones or carbonates above the test
interval or both above and below it.
The packer seat is picked by the geoscientist or mud
logger using cuttings and the rate of penetration (ROP)
as guides. Soft formations, characterized by a fast ROP,
usually do not make good packer seats because the
packer has trouble seating or gripping the side of the
borehole. This results in poor pressure seals, or in
extreme cases, the packer may slide down the hole.
Length of test interval

The length of the test interval should be short so

that less mud will be displaced from the rathole
(the portion of the open hole below the bottom
packer) into the drill string.
The length of flow and shut-in periods during the
test are critical to obtaining good reservoir data.
The dual flow, dual shut-in test is most commonly
used. The initial flow period of 3-5 min removes
the “supercharge” effect of mud filtrate near
wellbore. The first buildup is run for 60 min to
determine a valid P* (reservoir pressure).
Length of test time

The second flow period is used to collect a fluid

sample and create a pressure disturbance at a
distance beyond any damaged zone. The duration of
the final flow period may be anywhere between 60
and 120 min, depending upon the time available for
the test and the final buildup.
The final buildup is used to evaluate reservoir
transmissibility, damage, and radius of investigation
and should be at least as long as the final flow period.
It is preferable (daylight permitting) to run the final
build up three times as long as the final flow period to
ensure that good pressure transient data is recorded.
Mud system

If a drill stem test is anticipated, low fluid

loss mud will prevent excessive leakoff into
the target zone and doping the mud with
nitrates will distinguish filtrate from
recovered formation water.
Test tools

A drill stem test string consists of packers, a

downhole shut-in valve, a safety joint, and
pressure gauges (Figure 1). The bottom
packer and blanked off gauge are shown as
an “add on” to a straddle test.
Test Tools

Compression set packers are generally more

reliable than inflatable packers because they
can withstand more differential pressure
between the annulus and the drill string. The
number of packers depend upon experience
and test type (conventional, straddle, or
Figure 2 illustrates other types of test strings.
Packer selection is also determined by the
need for a cushion. A cushion consists of water
or gas and is run for the following reasons:

To prevent drill string collapse during deep tests or

when high mud weights are used
To prevent excessive differential pressure across the
packer(s) during the flow periods
To prevent high differential pressure across the sand
face in unconsolidated formations, which will result in
sand flow
To prevent corrosion of the drill string from corrosive
gases such as H2S or CO2
Cushions also provide back pressure on the formation,
which inhibits flow into the test string. If considerable
damage or low permeability is expected, the cushion
should be small.
Pressure gauges

 A minimum of three (mechanical, electronic, or a combination)

pressure and temperature recorders should be run on a conventional
test and four on a straddle test. Selection depends on how accurate
the data need to be.
 One gauge should always be run inside the drill string above the
closing tool. This gauge measures the hydrostatic head of fluid
produced into the drill pipe and is critical to evaluating the volumes
of fluids produced during the test. It also indicates drill string
leakage during the test.
 Two gauges should be run below the closing tool to measure
pressure during the flow and shut-in periods. Two are needed to
verify that they are reading within their calibration ranges and to
provide a backup in case one fails.
 A blanked off gauge must be run on a straddle test to verify that the
bottom packers were holding. In most cases of straddle test failure,
it is the bottom packers that fail.

Perfect chart.
Gauge located
inside and above the
closing tool.
(A) Add (A)
cushion/run in
(B) (B) initial flow
(C) (C) initial shut-
in period;
(D) (D) final flow
(E) (E) final shut-in
period; and
(F) (F) pulling out
Analyzing the DST
of hole.

Collar leak.
Gauge located
inside and
above the
closing tool.
running in
hole and shut- Analyzing the DST
in periods.

Fluid loss
from drill
pipe. Gauge
inside and
above the
closing tool.
valve on
drill string
left open
Analyzing the DST
during shut-
in periods.

Perfect chart.
Gauges inside
above and outside
below the closing
tool. Pressure
transient analysis
done from these
gauges. (A) Run in
hole, gauge
pressure of mud
column; (B) initial
flow period; (C)
initial buildup; (D)
final flow period;
(E) final buildup;
and (F) release Analyzing the DST
packer and pulling
out of hole.

Perfect chart.
Blanked off gauge
below the bottom
packer on a
straddle test.
(A) running in
(B) initial flow
(C) initial buildup;
(D) final flow
(E) final buildup;
(F) pulling out of Analyzing the DST

Bottom packer
failure. Blanked off
gauge below
bottom packer on a
straddle test. When
the bottom packer
fails, the pressure
gauge will read
some flow and
buildup data but
will not replicate
gauges run above
the bottom packer
because of a
restricted flow area
around the packer
elements. (Types of
gauge failures are Analyzing the DST
described in [5].)
Fluid recovery (Non flowing Test)

 On an NFDST, the volume of fluid produced from the

formation is contained in the drill string. A fluid level must be
determined to calculate the volume recovered. If the fluid is
highly gas-cut, a straight volume calculation will be
inaccurate. Therefore, samples should be collected at regular
intervals while reversing to a clean tank on location. Although
it is common to reverse to a pit, the amount of fluid recovered
cannot be determined if this is done. Error in measuring fluid
recovery often makes the difference between an economic
disaster or a success. Also, grindouts (centrifuge) must be
performed on each sample to determine the percentage of oil,
water, and solids. Resistivity, chloride content, and nitrate
content of produced water and the specific gravity of all
phases should be measured.
Estimating flow rates (Non-flowing Test)

During the flow period on a DST, the flow

rate is not constant. A flow rate can be
calculated using pressure data from the
gauge above the shut-in tool. By dividing the
time scale into discrete increments and
recording the pressure, the data can be
transposed to a position in the drill pipe.
Since the volume of the drill string and the
changing fluid composition are known,
instantaneous flow rates can be calculated as
shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Calculation of instantaneous flow rates

The most important parameters in DST

interpretation are the radius of investigation (ROI)
and the observed wellbore storage constant (WBSC).
 A short ROI, combined with knowledge of drilling
fluid properties (fluid loss or amount of
overbalance), may indicate that the calculated
permeability is indicative of only the damaged zone.
Usually, a skin factor close to zero is calculated
under these conditions, along with a low formation
transmissibility (kh/μ). One way to “see” past this
damaged zone is to rerun the drill stem test with
longer flow and shut-in periods.

If fractures are present, the measured WBSC

may be much higher than the calculated
WBSC. A high transmissibility and a negative
skin will be computed under these conditions.
A negative skin implies stimulation, which
cannot occur during normal drilling
operations. If an interval is fractured,
recoveries and calculated flow rates can be
much greater than expected future
Calculating wellbore storage capacity

To calculate the wellbore storage capacity

(WBSC), plot log (Pws – Pwf) versus log (ts –
twf) . Because of storage effects, the early
portion of the data will have a unit slope. As
these effects diminish, data points on the log-
log plot fall below the unit slope line and
approach the slowly curving line for no
wellbore storage. The measured WBSC
(WBSCmeas) is calculated using one point from
the unit slope line in the following equation:
Variable Symbol Explanation Units

Pw s Pressure during the shut-in psi ,

 Pwf Final flowing pressure psia ,
t0 Time during shut-in minutes
twf Time at last flowing pressure minutes,
 ts Shut in time minutes
Qlast Last flow rate stb/day
 Δ t Time difference minutes
Δ P Pressure difference psi
Vrh Volume of the rathole below the packer bbl
h Sand thickness ft
μ Fluid viscosity cp
Variable Symbol Explanation Units

q Producing rate stb/day ,

 P * Reservoir pressure determined from buildup #1 psia,
 Pave Average flowing pressure psia
 m Slope from Horner plot psi/cycle
k Permeability md
 t Flow time (in skin equation)
hr φ Porosity decimal
Ct System compressibility psi–1
rw Wellbore radius ft
kh /μ Transmissibility md-ft/cp
 re Estimated drainage radius ft
Variable Symbol Explanation Units

Bo Formation volume factor bbl/stb

S Skin term (dimensionless)
WBSCcalc Calculated wellbore storage constant bbl/psi
WBSCmeas Measured wellbore storage constant bbl/psi
G1 , G2 , Gn Gradients of individual fluid samples psi/ft
P0 ,. P1 , P2 , Pn Flowing pressures at times
 t0 , t1t2 , tn psi t0 , t1 , t2 , tn Flowing times minutes
The calculated WBSC (WBSCcalc) is computed as follows

Reservoir pressure (P*)

is calculated by
extrapolating the
pressure data (from the
first buildup on a DST)
on the Horner (or
superposition) plot to an
infinite shut-in time .
This pressure provides a
guide for selecting the
slope of the second
buildup Horner plot. If
the second buildup slope
extrapolates to a
pressure significantly
less than P*, depletion
might be suspected. To
see true depletion, the
reservoir would have to
be very small. Although
depletion is possible in
rare cases, identifying it
is usually a result of Calculating static reservoir
poor test design and
analysis. pressure
Calculating static reservoir pressure

A method for constructing the Horner plot is

outlined as follows. After determining the
effective producing time and producing rate,
tabulate time and pressure for each buildup
Make plots using Cartesian paper because this
makes it easier to expand the plot (see Figure 9).
Now plot P versus log[(t + Δt)/Δt] for buildup #1
(the first buildup following the first flow period).
Note that t in this equation is equal to the length
of the initial flow period and that Δt is the time
since the start of the buildup period.
Calculating static reservoir

Extrapolate this curve to P* at log[(t + Δt)/Δt] = 0. P*

provides the “guiding light” for determining the proper
slope found using buildup #2. Now plot P versus log[(t
+ Δt)/Δt] for buildup #2. Note here that this t is the
effective producing time calculated from one of the
methods outlined earlier.
Extrapolate the straight-line portion of the data to P*.
Use a data band within the accuracy of the gauge to
make sure you choose the correct slope. In other words,
if the gauge is accurate within ±5 psig, then the data
band should be 10 psi wide on the graph. A data band is
extremely important in cases where m using two points:
(x1, y1) and (x2, y2), where
Calculating static reservoir

Formulae Explanation

Note that k/μ can be

calculated directly from
the transmissibility
term if the thickness, h,
is known.
Also, if a good value for
μ is known, the
formation capacity, kh,
can be determined.
Calculating skin factor
 If fluid properties are
unavailable, skin can be
calculated assuming that
the log term in the previous
equation is equal to 7.5.
 In most cases, the skin will
either be positive or close
to zero.
 A negative skin greater
than –1 should be viewed
with caution since the well
has not been stimulated.
 The skin factor (S) can be
calculated as follows:

The radius of
Click icon to add picture
investigation (ROD is
important because it
helps determine
whether or not the
test saw beyond
wellbore damage. It
is defined as

where t is the
buildup time in hours
and all other terms
have been previously

The ROI calculated

from a DST should
not be used to
identify faults or
boundaries. If such
items are in question, Calculating radius of
they should be investigation
determined through
further transient

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