Dig. 4

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Digestive and absorptive functions of the

• CHO and protein --- digested in SI and LI
• Fat --- digested in SI

• SI: mucosae amplifies the surface area for absorption

Microvilli : greatest amplification
LI: No villi, but have microvilli
• SI: 5 major cell types:
1.Columnar absorptive cells
2.Mucus (goblet) cell
3.Enterochromaffin cell (endocrine)
4.Undifferentiated cell
5.Paneth cell (in some species only)

Countercurrent blood supply of the villus:

1.Oxygenated blood carried by the central arteriole towards
the tip of the villi.
2.Capillary network ramifies outwards & collected into venules and
3.Exchange of O2 and nutrients can occur in such a hairpin CC
Control of gut functions
1. Neural control: A) Sympathetic and parasympathetic div of ANS. (vagal & sacral nerve)
• B) Neurons located in the myenteric and submucosal plexuses, collectively known as
enteric nervous system (ENS).

• Fig: Scheme of the intrinsic and extrinsic innervation of the intestine

-ANS modulate the activity of ENS
However, the cell bodies of enteric neurons do not simply
acts as a relay station for preganglionic cholinergic impulses

-Information trans from afferent receptor of GIT---

dorsal vagal nucleus----back to the ENS neurons:
simple reflex arc.
Complex process also there: interneurons
A) Sympathetic and parasympathetic div of ANS. ( act thro. vagal & sacral
In sympathetic system,
• Pre-ganglionic efferent neuron: leaving the spinal cord, synapses in
sympathetic ganglia outside the gut. – prevertebral ganglia (impulse
transmitted mediated by Ach)
-Ach (E) : major NT: act on cholinergic receptor

• Post-ganglionic sympathetic neuron: innervating the gut contain NE .

- N. E: act on adrenergic receptor
PG adrenergic neuron : 1.NE/somatostatin: submucosal ganglia
2. neuropeptide Y/NE: act on blood vessels
3. NE alone: act on myenteric plexus
Para sympathetic efferent nerves: originating vagal nucleus of the
medulla, project to the gut, where they form synapses (cholinegic)
with ganglionic cells of the submucousal and myenteric plexus.

P.S. post ganglionic : cholinergic fiber which innervate the muscles or

epithelium, release Ach.

Parasympathetic – Ach (increase secretion and activity)

Other substances:
VIP: vasoactive intestinal peptide
GRP: Gastrin releasing peptide
• In general:
cholinergic innervation: (Ach): increase contraction and secretion
Adrenergic (NE) : decrease motility, secretion and blood flow (Powerful blanket like
protection in stress). Also inhibit secretion of Ach

ENS: 1. Cell bodies lie in submucosal and myenteric plexus

2. Neurons are of 3 types:
1. motor neurons: innervate the muscle / epithelium :
Two types: Cholinergic – Ach (excitatory (Increase contraction & secretion)
Also have inhibitory subs: non-cholinergic inhibitory neuron (NANC)
2. Interneurons: send information from one ganglion to another
3. Sensory neurons: receive signals from sensory receptors in the muscle/mucosae & convey
theses information to 2 / 1

Enteric interneuron contain 2 gps of neurons: Serotonin (5-HT) & Substance P: excitatory
Enkephalins, somatostatin ( Ach secretion) : inhibitory
• 3 ganglia: celiac
cranial &
Mesenteric ganglia---interconnected---passed information from one
end to the another of the gut

Ileus: functional intestinal obstruction caused by an inhibition of

motor activity due to mechanical obstruction (mechanical ileus) of
surgery or peritonitis (adynamic ileus)
2) Endocrine regulation: secret peptide and amines
• Gastrin, CCK, Secretin, Motilin,
• Enteroglucagon, peptide YY (PYY): located in the distal SI causes ileal break, a mechanism
that slows gastric emptying and small intestinal transit and promotes increased SI

• Enterochromaffin cells (largest endocrine cells): 5HT (paracrine)

• D cell: somatostatin
• Gastrin & CCK: structurally homologous, functions are common.

• Adrenal hormones: Epinephrine & aldosterone : Increase Na and water absorp from
intestine and colon.

• ANH: arterial peptide : increase Na and water secretion from the intestine and colon
• Angiotensin II: Increase Na and water absorp from SI
• Angiotensin II & epinephrine: potent vasoconstrictor, affect enteric circulation
3) Paracrine control:
• Mediators secreted by mesenchymal cells and immune cells: have regulatory action
on motor, secretory and barrier functions (Inflammation, physiological also)

• Eg:
1. PG: released from fibroblast (protection and maintenance of mucosal epithelial
barrier and blood flow)
2. Cytokines: means of communicating signals to other cells, thereby amplify initial
3. GF: GIT--- EGF
4. Mast cells: histamine, serotonin: directly i) contract smooth muscle cells and
ii) epi cells electrolyte secretion

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