Dig. 4
Dig. 4
Dig. 4
• CHO and protein --- digested in SI and LI
• Fat --- digested in SI
Enteric interneuron contain 2 gps of neurons: Serotonin (5-HT) & Substance P: excitatory
Enkephalins, somatostatin ( Ach secretion) : inhibitory
• 3 ganglia: celiac
cranial &
Mesenteric ganglia---interconnected---passed information from one
end to the another of the gut
• Adrenal hormones: Epinephrine & aldosterone : Increase Na and water absorp from
intestine and colon.
• ANH: arterial peptide : increase Na and water secretion from the intestine and colon
• Angiotensin II: Increase Na and water absorp from SI
• Angiotensin II & epinephrine: potent vasoconstrictor, affect enteric circulation
3) Paracrine control:
• Mediators secreted by mesenchymal cells and immune cells: have regulatory action
on motor, secretory and barrier functions (Inflammation, physiological also)
• Eg:
1. PG: released from fibroblast (protection and maintenance of mucosal epithelial
barrier and blood flow)
2. Cytokines: means of communicating signals to other cells, thereby amplify initial
3. GF: GIT--- EGF
4. Mast cells: histamine, serotonin: directly i) contract smooth muscle cells and
ii) epi cells electrolyte secretion