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What is a Fibonacci sequence ?

In mathematics, the random

Fibonacci sequence is a
stochastic analogue of the
Fibonacci sequence defined by

𝑓n =𝑓n-1 ± 𝑓n-2 , where the signs +

the recurrence relation

or − are chosen at random with

 By a theorem of Harry Kesten and
Hillel Furstenberg, random recurrent
sequences of this kind grow at a
certain exponential rate, but it is
difficult to compute the rate explicitly.
 In 1999, Divakar Viswanath showed
that the growth rate of the
random Fibonacci sequence is equal
to 1.1319882487943... (sequence
A078416 in the OEIS), a
mathematical constant that was later
 Fibonacci sequence generates
mathematical patterns that can
be found in all aspects of life.

 Ex: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34,

55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987,
1597, 2584, 4181 and so on…….

 These numbers are obtained by

adding the two previous numbers
Origin of the Fibonacci
It is believed that the contribution
to the theory of Fibonacci sequence
began in 200 BC by Indian
Mathematician Pingala. The
sequence was introduced to the
Western Mathematics in 1202 by
Leonardo of Pisa, aka Fibonacci
Fibonacci sequence
Fibonacci sequence can be
seen in the nature such as
sunflower head’s seed
 The arrangement of seeds are
based upon the golden mean
which corresponds to the golden
Fibonacci sequence in
flower petals
 In most of the flower petal
patterns such as daisies have 34,
55 or 89 petals ie. The 9th, 10th
and 11th numbers of the Fibonacci
Fibonacci sequence in
 The numbers form the Fibonacci sequence
directly corresponds to the spiral found in
 These numbers are called ‘Fibonacci
rectangles’ or ‘Golden rectangles’.
 These rectangles are unique because each
rectangle has sides equal to the length of the
Fibonacci series.
 Within this rectangle we can create a spiral
with cross sections equal to exactly 1.618
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