Community Health by Mr.kemboi 1
Community Health by Mr.kemboi 1
Community Health by Mr.kemboi 1
1. Demonstrate understanding of the principles and concepts of
community health.
2. Utilize the concepts of Primary Health Care in the management of
orthopedic and trauma conditions.
3. Carry out health education in the community.
Unsanitary environment
Unclean and inadequate water supply
Lack of nutritious food
Unsafe environment
Epidemic and endemic disease
Unstable family life
Illiteracy and ignorance
Poor leadership and lack of participation
Adverse weather conditions
Poor infrastructure
Political instability
A community is made up of various subsystems, all of which have a bearing on
how people live and behave. For a community to function smoothly the various
sub-systems must work in harmony.
• 1. Socio-cultural System This system is made up of all the customs and beliefs,
family and kinships, leadership and power structures in society. This sub-
system exerts a powerful influence on the lifestyles of the community
members, their priorities and their attitudes and values towards health and
illness. For example some cultural factors promote either acceptance or stigma
towards a certain illness. High-risk behaviour may be a result of cultural
• 2. Political System This sub-system is made up of the government and its
development policies as well as political organisations. If there is political
support towards improving health care delivery, the government provides the
mechanism and structure for the planning, implementation and evaluation of
the health care delivery system. The constitution of Kenya contains a
declaration for the elimination of poverty, ignorance and disease
• 3. Economic System The government’s ability to provide health and other
services to its citizens depends on the state of the economy. The poorer the
economy of the country, the more disadvantaged its people will be. Low
economic status is highly associated with malnutrition and communicable
• 4. Education System Education is the main tool of changing behavior and
improving individual and community health. Low educational status
perpetuates underdevelopment, harmful traditions and superstitions. The
educational system can be effectively used to pass health related
information and messages that could significantly transform the perception
of the communities on healthy living and prevention of illnesses.
• 5. Religious System The religious system may be a source of health
promotion when its values and teachings positively influence lifestyles and
healthy behaviour, for example, forbidding smoking, alcohol consumption,
pre-marital and extramarital sex. On the other hand, religious teachings may
promote ill health, for example, by forbidding the followers from seeking
treatment in hospitals.
6. Environmental System Environmental sanitation is one of the leading
promoters of individual and community health. Clean water supply,
proper disposal of waste and adequate housing are key to community
wellness. Environmental pollution is a cause of various illnesses.
• Evaluate the impact of community health services/activities A
successful community health programme is one in which the
community and health care providers collaborate to achieve the
following benefits
The community has five functions: production-distribution-consumption,
socialization, social control, social participation, and mutual support.
• 1. Production, Distribution, Consumption
The community provides its members with the means to make a living. This may
be agriculture, industry, or services. No community can survive if it does not
provide some way for its people to make a living and obtain the material
resources that they need for living. This involves eg. the industrial sector (broadly
understood). Someone has to take raw material and fashion it into some sort of
useful product. It is also the transportation/warehousing/retail sector, since
somehow the goods that are produced have to be moved to and through the
market. Finally, production and distribution are useless if there is no one to buy
or use it, if there is no market.
• 2. Socialization
The community has means by which it instils its norms and values in its members.
This may be tradition, modelling, and/or formal education. No community can
survive if it does not arrange for its continuation. A way must be found for children
to learn what they will need to know to be adults; for workers to develop the
knowledge, skills and abilities to do their jobs; etc.
3.Social Control
The community has the means to enforce adherence to community values. This
may be group pressure to conform and/or formal laws. Communities are incredibly
complex systems. For all those players (whether human or corporate) are to move
around and do their thing, there have to be traffic rules to keep them from crashing
into each other. This function is also often referred to as boundary maintenance.
4. mutual support-is the function of families friends paters volunteers
ad professionals carry when they care for the sick , unemployed or
5. Social participation- Includes Interaction with others the community
groups association and organization people are assumed to need some
form of social outlet and communities provide opportunities for people
to express this need and build natural helping and support network.
some find these outlet In local religious group some informal
neighborhood etc.
Community Networks and Community
4. Health Resources
• Manpower / Health officer, nutritionist, Nurse, Doctor • Health
• Health financing: Public funds versus private funding • Health related
legislations: National; Local
• 5. Organized Community health programs
• Expanded program on Immunization
• Maternal and Child health
• Reproductive health
• Nutrition program
(F)Social mobilization
• Social mobilization is undertaken for the purpose of social change
and it involves masses.
• Social mobilization is not a single event.
• It sometimes a very long drawn process and may even take months or
years, however some takes a few days. All social mobilization does not
follow same path.
Nature of social mobilisatiion
• Social mobilization is a process of activating large group of people in
a given community to participate in an event activity or process of
social nature which is intended to bring about a change in people
attitude knowledge or actions.
• Social mobilization is essential for gaining support of masses for
activity which requires acceptance approval and adoption by majority.
• Enhance the capacity of individual group and community to identify
and fulfill their needs.
• Increases community participation.
• Helps to improve program design
• Help to improve quality and results of the programme
• Is a cost effective way to achieve sustainable results
• Increases community ownership
• Enables community to determine their own development
• Helps to build trust within the communities so they can work
• Increases capacity of communities to work together effectively.
• Increases capacity of communities to work with government and
other sectors health services , research)
Needs for social mobilization