IAS 1 & 2
IAS 1 & 2
IAS 1 & 2
BBAF 308
(IAS 1 & IAS 2)
IAS 1:
Presentation of Financial Statements
IAS 1: Presentation of Financial Statements
o Objective and scope
o General purpose financial statements (covered already)
o Accounting concepts (covered already)
o Elements of financial statements (covered already)
o Measurement of the Elements of financial statements
Accounting concepts (covered already)
o Components of financial statements
o Disclosures
Objective of IAS 1
The purpose of IAS 1 is to provides guidelines on the presentation of
the “general purpose financial statements,”.
of profit or Income and Expenses
Cash Flow
Cash inflows & outflows
Statement from operating, financing,
and investing activities
• Current assets. A current asset is one that is likely to be realized within the normal
operating cycle or 12 months after balance sheet date, held for trading purposes,
or is cash or cash equivalent. All other assets are noncurrent.
• Current liabilities. A current liability is one that is likely to be settled within the
normal operating cycle or 12 months after Statement of Financial Position date,
held for trading purposes, or there is no unconditional right to defer settlement for
at least 12 months after Statement of Financial Position date. All other liabilities
are noncurrent.
Statement of Financial Position
The minimum line items to be included on the face of SFP are:
o Property, plant, and equipment
o Investment property
o Intangible assets
o Financial assets
o Inventories
o Trade and other receivables
o Cash and cash equivalents
o Trade and other payables
o Provisions
o Liabilities and assets for current tax
o Deferred tax etc.
o Issued capital and
o Reserves
Statement of Financial Position
Statement of Financial Position as at 31st December 2018
Non-Current Assets: GH¢'000
Property, Plant and Equipment 41,655
Investment Property 9,000
Intangible Assets 700
Current Assets:
Inventories 3,150
Trade Receivables 8,200
Total Assets 62,705
Statement of Financial Position Cont’d
Stated Capital 15,750
Retained Earnings 10,480
Revaluation Surplus 15,560
General /Statutory/Contingency Reserve 1,500
10% Loan Note 2,500
10% Preference shares (redeemable) 3,000
Deferred taxation 2,300
Statement of Financial Position Cont’d
Current Liabilities:
Trade payables 3,400
Loan interest accrued 305
Bank overdraft 910
Income tax accrued 7,000
Total Equity and Liabilities 62,705
Statement of Profit or Loss and other
Comprehensive Incomehensive
Statement of Profit orIncome
Loss and other Comprehensive
Income for the year ended 31 December 2018
Revenue 68,865
Cost of sales (35,500)
Gross profit 33,365
Administrative expenses (10,695)
Selling, Marketing & Distribution costs (5,600)
Operating profit 17,070
Other incomes-(rental/investment income/Gain IAS 40) 1,360
Statement of Profit or Loss and other
Comprehensive Income Cont’d
Profit before Interest and Tax 18,430
Finance Cost (500)
Profit before Tax 17,930
Income tax expense (7,000)
Profit after Tax 10,930
Other Comprehensive Income:
Revaluation gain (IAS 16) 14,760
Total Comprehensive Income 25,690
Statement of Changes in Equity
Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31st December 2018
Stated Retained Revaluation General Total
Capital Earnings Surplus Reserve
GH¢’000 GH¢’000 GH¢’000 GH¢’000 GH¢’000
Balance as at 1/1/2017 14,500 3,200 800 1,500 20,000
Profit for the year 10,930 10,930
Revaluation gain on PPE 14,760 14,760
Bonus issue of shares (500000/4*10) 1,250 (1,250) 0
Dividends ______ (2,400) ______ _____ (2,400)
15,750 10,480 15,560 1,500 43,290
Statement of Cashflow
The statement of cash flow serves as a basis for evaluating the entity’s ability
to generate cash and cash equivalents and the needs to utilize these cash
Cost excludes:
abnormal amounts of wasted materials,
labour or other production costs
storage costs, unless necessary in the
production process before the next
production stage
administrative overheads
selling costs
IAS 2- Measurement
Example 1- Valuing Inventory
LBC manufactures mechanical talkative recorder, which trade under the name
‘Talkative’. In the year ended 31 December 2018, 10,000 Talkatives were
manufactured and the related costs were
Materials 3,000
Labour 4,000
Depreciation of Machinery 2,000
Factory rates 1,000
Sundry factory expenses 3,000
Selling expenses 2,000
Expenses at head office 4,000
In addition to the information above, at 31 December 2018, there were 1,000 Talkatives
in inventory.
Assuming that these have a resale value of GH₵4 and a Net Realisable Value of
GH₵1.20 each, what value should be placed on the closing inventory?
IAS 2- Measurement
Example 1- Valuing Inventory
Materials 3,000
Labour 4,000
Depreciation of machinery 2,000
Factory rates 1,000
Sundry factory expenses 3,000
Total cost 13,000
In addition to the information above, at 31st December 2017, there were 2,000 Talkatives in
Assuming that these have a resale value of GH¢5 and a Net Realisable Value of GH¢1.15
each, what value should be placed on the closing inventory?
a) State how closing inventory is to be measured according to IAS 2.
b) Using the following information calculate;
(i) The value of closing inventory for each of the Phones (Nokia, Sumsung and Motorola).
(ii) The total value of all the closing inventories (Nokia, Sumsung and Motorola).
Azonto trades in different types of phones on wholesale basis. The following data was
extracted at the end of the year 31st December, 2016.