406 Engineering as Social Experimentation
406 Engineering as Social Experimentation
406 Engineering as Social Experimentation
Engineering as
Social Experimentation
B.Tech. - V Semester
Mechanical Engineering
HSIR 14 Syllabus Topics
Courtesy : Dr. T. Suthakar
1. Scope and Aims 2. Moral Reasoning and Ethical 3. Engineering as Social
Theories Experimentation
1. What is Engineering Ethics 1. Professional Ideals and Virtues 1. Engineering as Experimentation
2. Why Study Engineering Ethics 2. Theories about right action 2. Engineers as responsible
3. Professions and Professionalism 3. Self interest Experimenters
4. Customs / Religion 3. The Challenger case
5. Uses of Ethical Theories 4. Code of Ethics
5. A Balanced Outlook on Law
4. Responsibility to Safety 5. Responsibility to Employers
1. Safety and Risk Text Book, Ethics in 1. Collegiality and Loyalty
2. Assessment of Safety and Risk Engineering 2. Respect for Authority
3. Risk Benefit Analysis and by 3. Collective Bargaining
Reducing Risk Qin Zhu, Mike W. Martin 4. Confidentiality
4. Three mile Island, Chernobyl & 5. Conflicts of Interest
and Safe Exits Roland Schinzinger 6. Occupational Crime
5e McGrawHill
6. Rights of Engineers 7. Global Issues 8. Engineers as Managers,
Consultants and Leaders
1. Professional Rights 1. International Corporation 1. Consulting Engineers
2. Whistle Blowing 2. Environmental Ethics 2. Engineers as Expert Witnesses
3. The Bart case 3. Computer Ethics and Advisers
4. Employee Rights 4. Weapons Development 3. Molal Leadership
5. Discrimination 4. Concluding remarks
3. Engineering as Social
1. Engineering as Experimentation
2. Engineers as responsible
3. The Challenger case
4. Code of Ethics
5. A Balanced Outlook on Law
Modern Engineering Marvels
- Example 1
Modern Engineering Marvels
- Example 2
The world’s highest outdoor lift which is more than 300 meters (1,000
feet) up the cliff face that inspired the scenery for the blockbuster film
“Avatar,” whisks brave visitors to breathtaking views
Modern Engineering Marvels
- Example 3
Have a Triple Sandae
Triple Treat
• Engg Mechanics...
• Music ...
• Love ...
Engineering as Social Experimentation
Corporates Stake
Engineers Holders
• Societies
Engineering as Social Experimentation contd...
# touted
• praised
• publicized
• promoted
• As an introduction sinking of
Titanic is briefly outlined.
• During design, worst collision
envisaged was at the juncture of
two of its sixteen watertight
compartments, and since it could
float with any four compartments
flooded,the Titanic was believed to
be virtually unsinkable 14
• Elated by such confidence, captain sailed full
speed at night in an area frequented by icebergs,
one of which tore a large gap in the ship’s side,
flooding five compartments
• Enough Time remained to evacuate the ship, but
there were not enough lifeboats to accommodate
all the passengers and crew. British regulations
then in effect did not foresee vessels of this size.
Accordingly only 825 places were required in
lifeboats, sufficient for a mere one-quarter of the
Titanic’s capacity of 3,547 passengers and crew.
No extra precautions had seemed necessary for
an unsinkable ship resulting in the deaths of
1,522 people out of the 2,227 on board . 15
Conjectures regarding the haunting tragedy of
technological complacency
A safe exit in social experimentation
refers to the ethical and practical
steps taken to ensure participants
can withdraw from a study without
negative consequences. This involves:
11.1.1 Similarities to Standard Experiments
• First, any project is carried out in partial
• Uncertainties
in precise characteristics of the materials
in precision of materials processing
and fabrication
• about the nature of the stresses finished
products encounters
• one talent crucial to an engineer’s success lies
precisely in the ability to accomplish tasks safely
with only a partial knowledge of scientific laws
about nature and society. 25
11.1.1 Similarities to Standard Experiments contd.
• Second, final outcomes generally uncertain
• great risks may attend even seemingly benign
• A reservoir may do damage to a region’s social
fabric or to its ecosystem. It may not even serve
its intended purpose if the dam leaks or breaks.
• A nuclear reactor, the scaled-up version of a
successful smaller model, may exhibit unexpected
problems that endanger the surrounding population,
leading to its untimely shutdown at great cost to
owner and consumers alike.
• In the past, a hair dryer may have exposed users to
lung damage from the asbestos insulation in its
barrel. 26
11.1.1 Similarities to Standard Experiments contd.
• Third, ongoing success in engineering depends
upon gaining new knowledge, as does ongoing
success in experimentation.
• Monitoring is essential
• Monitoring cannot be restricted to the in-house
development or testing phases of an engineering
• It also extends to the stage of client use.
• Just as in experimentation, both the intermediate
and final results of an engineering project
deserve analysis if the correct lessons are to be
learned from it. 27
11.1.2 Learning from the Past
• Engineers learn from their own earlier design
and operating results, and as from those of other
• Unfortunately that is not always the case.
• A lack of established channels of
communication, misplaced pride in not asking for
information, embarrassment at failure or fear of
litigation, and neglect often impede the flow of
such information and lead to many repetitions of
past mistakes. Here are a few examples:
11.1.2 Learning from the Past (contd…)
a) The Titanic lacked a sufficient number of
lifeboats decades after most of the passengers and
crew on the steamship Arctic had perished because of
the same problem.
b) Tragedy caused by impact due to shipping in1980.
• Same year saw disaster at Tampa Bay, Florida -
largest and most tragic
• Repeated tragedies by
Errant ships colliding with bridges.
Piers of bridges not designed for
horizontal impact force by a colliding ship
Floating concrete bumpers to deflect
ships – also went unnoticed 29
11.1.2 Learning from the Past (contd…)
c) June 1966 a section of the Milford Haven Bridge
in Wales collapsed during construction.
• A bridge of similar design was being erected by
the same builder in Melbourne, Australia, also
partially collapsed, killing 33 people and
injuring 19.
• Shortly after chief construction engineer Jack
Hindshaw (also a casualty) had assured worried
workers that the bridge was safe.
11.1.2 Learning from the Past (contd…)
d) Valves are notorious for being among the least
reliable components of hydraulic systems. It was
a pressure relief valve, and a lack of definitive
information regarding its open or shut state,
which contributed to the nuclear reactor accident at
Three Mile Island on March 28, 1979. Similar
malfunctions had occurred with identical valves on
nuclear reactors at other locations. The required
reports had been filed with Babcock and Wilcox,
the reactor’s manufacturer, but no attention had
been given to them.
11.1.3 Contrasts with Standard Experiments
• “Standard experiments” here we are comparing
with engineering mainly refer to medical
experiments which often involve human subjects.
• Some scientific experiments in chemistry,
physics, and geological sciences may not directly
involve human subjects. Exploring the differences can
also aid our thinking about the great moral
responsibilities of all those engaged in engineering.
11.1.3 Contrasts with Standard Experiments contd…
• In engineering, this is not often the usual
practice-unless the project is confined to
laboratory experimentation-because the
experimental subjects are human beings or finished
and sold products out of the experimenter’s
control. Indeed, clients and consumers exercise most
of the control as they choose the product or item they
wish to use. This makes it impossible to obtain a
random selection of participants from various
• Nor can parallel control groups be established
based on random sampling. 33
11.1.3 Contrasts with Standard Experiments contd…
• Thus it is not possible to study the effects that
changes in variables have on two or more
comparison groups
• One must simply work with the available
historical and retrospective data about various
groups that use the product.
Informed Consent
• A subject’s safety and freedom of choice as to
whether to participate in medical experiments is
of the utmost importance.
11.1.3 Contrasts with Standard Experiments contd…
• Ever since the revelations of the horrors
conducted in prisons and concentration camps in the
name of science and medicine, an increasing number of
moral and legal safeguards were put in place to
ensure that subjects in experiments participate on
the basis of informed consent.
• Informed consent is understood as including two
main elements: knowledge and voluntariness.
First, subjects should be given not only the
information they request, but all the information
needed to make a reasonable decision. Second,
subjects must enter into the experiment without
being subjected to coercion, fraud, or deception. 35
11.1.3 Contrasts with Standard Experiments contd…
• Supplying complete information is neither
necessary nor in most cases possible. In both
medicine and engineering there may be an enormous
gap between the experimenter’s and the subject’s
understanding of the complexities of an
• Still it should be possible to convey all pertinent
information needed for making a reasonable
decision on whether to participate.
11.1.3 Contrasts with Standard Experiments contd…
• Engineers cannot succeed in providing essential
information about a project or product unless
there is cooperation by superiors and also receptivity
on the part of those who should have the information.
Management is often understandably reluctant to
provide more information than current laws require,
fearing disclosure to potential competitors and
exposure to potential lawsuits.
• Moreover, it is possible that, paralleling the
experience in medicine, clients or the public may not
be interested in all of the relevant information about an
engineering project, at least not until a crisis looms.
11.1.3 Contrasts with Standard Experiments contd…
• Still all avenues for disseminating ## such
information be kept open and ready.
- spread (something,
especially information) widely).
11.1.3 Contrasts with Standard Experiments contd…
A broad notion of informed consent, valid
consent defined by the following conditions: