Chapter 6 Railway I (1)

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8th IOE Graduate Conference

Kantipur Engineering
June 2020

Transportation Planning & Engineering

Instructor: Saurav Shrestha

Msc. In Transportation Engineering
IOE Pulchowk Campus
[email protected]
Course Introduction

1. Introduction (6hours)
2. Urban and Regional Transportation Planning (4 hours)
3. Urban Transportation Planning Process (8 hours)
4. Transportation System Analysis (2hours)
5. Introduction to Airport Engineering (10 hours)
6. Introduction to Railway Engineering (10 hours)
7. Ropeways in Nepal (5 hours)
Introduction to Railway Engineering (10 hours)

6.1 Classification of railways

6.2 Components of the railway section
6.3 Geometric design of railway track
6.4 Design of track structure
6.5 Railway switches and crossings
6.6 Railway side tracks and yards

•Trains move on the steel tracks laid on the ground

•can move at much higher speed than pneumatic tyre
•steel track can take three to four times heavier axle
loads than road
•energy required to haul unit load through a unit
distance by railway is about 16% in comparison to
road transport
•In 1804 construction of steam locomotive for railways
•In France
• 1828 railways with horse power
• 1842 steam locomotive
•UK :1825
•France: 1828
•Germany: 1835
•India: 1853
•Japan: 1872
•China: 1875

•Biggest undertaking in the world and employs a

sizeable section of society
•Cheapest mode of transport
•Less traction to move
•No steering required, control to the movement
•Safe in comparison with road transport
•Political advantages:
• Administration
• National unity
• In wars and emergency situations
• Human migration and interaction
• Social advantages:
• Communication
• Religious
• Economical advantages:
• Mobility of goods and passengers
• During natural calamities
• High employment of the society
• Price stability of goods due to the cheap transportation cost
• Industrial development
•requires a large initial
investment of capital. •Intermediate loading or
unloading involves greater
•inflexibility: Its route and cost, more wear and tear and
timings cannot be adjusted to wastage of time.
individual requirements. • The time cost of terminal
operations are a great
• cannot provide door to disadvantage of rail transport.
door service (limited • unsuitable and
assessibility) as it is tied to a uneconomical for short
particular track. distances and small traffic of
Rail gauges:
•Gauge is defined as the minimum distance between two rails.
•measured as the clear minimum distance between the
running inner faces of two rails.
•In European countries, the gauge is measured between the
inner faces of the two rails at a point 14 mm below the top of
the rail.
Choice of gauge:

•Cost considerations (marginal increase in the cost

of track if a wider gauge is adopted)

• Traffic considerations (wider gauge can carry

larger wagons and coaches or more traffic, has
greater potential for higher speeds)

•Physical features (possible to adopt steeper

gradients and sharper curves for narrow gauge)
Problems caused by change of gauge:

•Inconvenience to passengers (to change trains in

the mid journey along with luggage)
•Difficult in trans-shipment of goods
•Inefficient use of rolling stocks
•Hindrance to fast movement of goods and
passenger traffic
•Additional facilities at stations and yards
•Difficulties in future gauge conversion projects

•Broad Gauge (BG) routes – width 1676mm

•Metre Gauge (MG) routes – 1000mm
•Narrow Gauge (NG) route – 762mm/610mm
Classification of Railways

• Broad gauge routes:

• Meter gauge routes:
Rolling stock of railways
Moving part of railways is referred as rolling stock

• Locomotives
• Freight wagons
•Passenger coaches
•Multiple units
•Metro cars (usually multiple units)
• Light rail/Trams (usually articulated units)
•Rail mounted machines (cranes, tampers etc.)
•Inspection and maintenance trolleys
• Device which converts the
energy of fuels into the
mechanical energy of
• Fuel may be coal, water or
fuel oil
• conversion may be
brought about by steam or
• Now electric locomotives
are very popular all over the
Rolling stock
• The compartment which provides accommodation to the passengers in
trains are called coaches.

• To transport goods wagons are used. Types:
• Timber wagons
• Cattle wagons
• Oil wagons: cylindrical
• Petrol wagons
• Hoper wagons: ballast, minerals, coals
• Well wagons: bulky articles of excessive weight
• Power wagons: for explosives and chemicals
• Refrigerated wagons: milk, fruits, meats and fish
Rolling stock
• Train brakes
• Hand brakes
• Steam brakes
• Continuous automatic brakes

•Hand and steam brakes are used to stop locomotives itself only.

• They can not be used to stop a train moving with a high speed.

• For the purpose of stopping moving train continuous

automatic brakes are used.
Component parts of Railway Track(VVI)
• Railway track is the permanent way or final track for the movement of trains.
The track is the rail road on which trains run.
• Consists of two parallel rails having a specified distance between them (gauge)
and fastened to the sleepers
• Sleepers are embedded in the layer of Ballast of specified thickness, spread over
level ground known as formation.
Component parts of Railway Track
• Ballast provides a uniform
level surface and drainage
and transfers the load to a
larger area of the formation.
• Rails are joined in series by
fish plates and bolts and
these are fastened to the
sleepers with various types of
• Sleepers are spaced at a
specified distance and are
held in position by the ballast.
Function of track components

•steel girders over which the train moves
•transmit the wheel loads of train to the
sleepers below.
•hold the rails in proper position
•provide a correct gauge with the help of
fittings and fastenings
•transfer the train load to the ballast below.
Function of track components

•holds the sleepers in proper positions
•provides a uniform level surface
•provide drainage to the track
•transfer train load to the larger area of the
formation below.
•Fittings and fastenings
•provide a grip between rails and sleepers
•rails are fastened with the sleepers by fittings
and fastenings.
Function of track components

•is the base of the railway track
• gives a level surface where the ballast rests
•takes total loads of the track.
83 84 55 57 48 95 22 4 47 3 40 16 26 31 6 39 9 46
56 74 89 81 68 70 61 75 87 21 10 33 23 11 15 1 77
52 63 49 69
Requirements of an ideal railway track (IMP)

•Correct gauge
•Correct alignment
•Provision of Transition curves
•Perfect cross level of rails
•Uniform and gentle Gradient as possible
•Perfect drainage
Requirements of an ideal railway track

•Minimum friction between rails and wheels

•Joints, points and crossings should be designed
•Track should possess anti theft and sabotage
•Super elevation should be perfectly designed.
•Track should be resilient and elastic to absorb the
shocks and vibrations of running trains.
•Track should have good lateral strength so as to
maintain its stability despite variations in
temperature and other factors.

•Are the members of the track laid in two parallel

lines to provide an unchanging, continuous and
level surface for the movement of trains.

•Made of high carbon steel


•Provide level and continuous surface for the train

•Provide smooth pathway with very little friction
• Serve as lateral guide for running wheels
•Rails bear the stresses developed due to vertical
load and carry out the function of transmitting the
load to the larger area of the formation through
sleepers and the ballast.
•Double headed (DH), made of an I or dumb bell
•Bull headed rail (BH)
• Flat footed rail (FF) (vignole rail) inverted T type cross
Requirements of an ideal rail section

•Should have most economical section consistent

with the strength, stiffness and durability

•CG of rail section should preferably be very close

to the mid height of the rail so that maximum
tensile and compressive stresses are equal.
•Primarily consists of head, web and foot.
• Economical and balanced distribution of metals in its
•Head should have adequate depth to allow for vertical
•Head should be sufficiently wide
for wider running surface as well as
for desired lateral stiffness.
•Web should be sufficiently thick to withstand the
stresses due to load after allowing for normal corrosion.
• Foot should be sufficiently
thick to withstand vertical
and horizontal forces after allowing
for loss due to corrosion.
• Foot should be wide enough
for stability against overturning.
• Finishing angles must ensure
proper transmission of loads
from the rails to the fish plates.
• Height should be adequate so
that the rail has sufficient
vertical stiffness and strength.
Weight of rails:

•Maximum axle load = 560 x sectional weight of

rail kg per meter

•Length of rail
•Cost of production
•Difficulties in handling and transport
•Difficulties in manufacturing
•Big expansion joints
•Heavy internal thermal stresses
Minimum rail length:
should not be less than the distance between two
adjacent axles which has been kept 3.6 m in India.

•transverse support for a railway track to give


•introduced on the railway track for the first time

in 1853.

•transmit the wheel load from the rails to the

Functions of sleepers:

•Holding rails to correct gauge and alignment

•Giving firm and even support to the rails
•Transfer and distribute the axle load from rails
•Acting as an elastic medium between rails and
•Provide insulation for electrified track
•To provide proper grade, longitudinal and lateral
Requirements of sleepers

•Initial and maintenance cost should be minimum

•Weight should be moderate (convenient for
•Should be designed such that fixing and removing
of rails are easy
•Should have sufficient bearing area
Sleeper density(IMP):
•Number of sleepers used per rail length
•Generally one sleeper is used for every one meter length
of the rail.
•It is specified as (N+X) where N is the length of the rail and
X is an mathematical number which depends upon the
following factor:

Axle load
Type and section of rails
Type and strength of sleepers
Type of ballast and ballast cushion
Nature of the formation
The number of sleepers in a track can also be
specified by indicating the number of sleepers per
kilometer of the track.

For example: 1540 sleepers/km.

• The spacing of sleepers is fixed depending upon
the sleeper density.
• Spacing is not kept uniform throughout the rail
• It is closer near the joints because of the
weakness of the joints and impact of moving loads
on them.
• Now a days sleeper density is also indicated in
terms of the number of sleepers/km
Classification of sleepers

•Wooden sleepers
•Cast iron sleepers
•Steel sleepers
•Concrete sleepers

•layer of broken stone or gravel or any other

material placed under and around the sleepers
•to distribute the load from sleepers to the
•for providing drainage as well as lateral and
longitudinal stability to track.

• Suitable foundation for sleepers

• Transfer and distribute load from sleeper to
larger area of formation
•Increases elasticity and resilience of the track for
getting good riding comfort.
• Lateral and longitudinal stability
•Provide effective drainage
•Protects top surface of the formation

•Broken stone: it is best to be used as ballast. The

size of the ballast is generally is 40 to 50 mm. at
points and crossing 25 mm size may be used.
•Gravel ballast: it is cheaper
•Cinder or coal ash: used in yards or sidings or as
the initial ballast in new construction. Harmful for
steel sleepers and fittings (corrosive action).

•Sand ballast: coarse sand is cheap if available

locally. Used primarily for cast iron pots. Is also
used with wooden and steel through sleepers in
areas where traffic density is low. Causes excessive
wear of the rail top and the moving parts of the
rolling stock.
•Moorum ballast: it is the decomposed laterite
rocks. Red or yellow in color. Used as the initial
ballast in new construction and also as sub ballast.
•Brick ballast:
Requirements of good ballast:

• Tough and wear resistant

•Cubical with sharp edges
•Non porous and should not absorb water
•Resist both attrition and abrasion
•Durable and should not get pulverized or
•Good drainage
•Cheap and economical
Minimum depth of ballast cushion

Where D is the depth of ballast cushion.

Normally minimum cushion of about 20 cm under the sleeper

bed is provided in Indian railways.
If a BG track is laid with wooden sleepers with sleeper
density of N+6, then the sleeper spacing would be 68.4
cm. If the width of the sleeper is 25.4 cm, then the depth
of the ballast cushion would be
•To provide lateral stability to the track, the width
of the ballast section should be sufficient.

•It should be extended by 30 cm on BG track and

23 cm on MG track beyond the edge of sleepers.

•This ballast is known as shoulder ballast.

•The ballast under the sleeper is known as ballast
• ballast outside the sleeper is known as shoulder
and in between the sleeper is called crib ballast
Test for ballast:

•Abrasion test:
• <50%
•Aggregate impact test:
• <20%
•Flakiness index:
• 50%.
Track fittings and fastening:

•Purpose is to hold the rails in their proper position

to ensure the smooth running of trains.

•Are used for joining rails together as well as fixing

them to the sleepers

•Level, alignment and gauge of the railway track

are maintained within permissible limits
Rail joints:

•Weakest part of rail

•In order to provide provision for expansion and

contraction of rails due to variation in temperature,
certain gap is provided at each joint

•The joint cause severe blows to the passenger due

to moving of wheels over this gap.
Joints types
•According to the position of joints:
• Square joints
• Staggered joints
•According to the position of sleepers
•Suspended joint
•Supported joint
Fastening of rails
• The devices used to connect rails and sleepers together to
form the track are known as fastening.
• Fish plates, bolts, chairs, keys and bearing plates
• Fish plates:
• used to hold two rails together in horizontal as
well as in vertical planes.
• At each joint a pair of fish plate is used.
• Holes are drilled through the plates and the
web of rails.
• Rails are jointed by tightening fish bolts with
the help of nuts.
Fitting for wooden sleepers
•the device used to hold the rails to the
wooden sleepers
• Types of spikes: dog spikes, round spikes,
screw spikes, elastic spikes.
Spring steel clip
Materials requirement per km of railway track

•No. of rails per km length = (1000x2) rail length

•For BG track 60 kg rail and 13 m length of rail
•No. of rails per km length = (2x1000)/13=154
•Weight of rail per km length = 154x13x60=120120
•No. of sleepers per km length = (no. of rails per
km)/2x(sleeper density)
Materials requirement per km of railway track

• On BG track sleeper density = 13+7 = 20

• No. sleepers per km track = (154/2) x20=1540 nos.
• No. of fish plates per one km of track length = no. of rails per km
x 2 = 154x2=308 nos.
• No. of fish bolts = 4xno. of rails per km = 4x154=616 nos.
• No. of bearing plates = 2xno. of sleepers per km length =
2x1540=3080 nos.
• No. of labors required to lay one km of track (with 8 hour shift) =
total tonnage +20%

26 15 23 33 10 21 75 63 87 49 72 82 69 1 11 81 68 78 70 68 39 9 46
2 31 57 55 84 85 83 42 48 95 61 50 22 4 47 3 40 3
Geometric design of railway track

•provide maximum efficiency in the traffic

operation with maximum safety at reasonable

•Any departure of track from the level is known as

grade or gradient

•Purpose of proving gradient

• To provide uniform rate of rise or fall
• To reduce cost of earth work
• To reach different stations at different level
Types of gradient:

•Ruling gradient:
•the steepest gradient allowed on the track
•determines the maximum load that the
locomotive can haul on that section.
• The steep gradient needs more powerful
locomotives, smaller train loads, lower
speed, resulting in costly hauling.
• The extra force P will be required by a locomotive to pull a train of weight W
on a gradient with an angle of inclination θ is

(θ is very small)

In plains: 1 in 150 to 1 in 250

In hilly regions: 1 in 100 to 1 in 150

All other gradients provided in that section should be

flatter than the ruling gradient after making due
compensation for curvature.

•Momentum gradient:
•the gradient on a section which is steeper
than the ruling gradient
• can be overcome by a train because of the
momentum it acquires while running on the
section is known as momentum gradient.

•Pusher (helper) gradient:

• a ruling gradient limits the maximum
weight of a train which can be hauled over
the section by a locomotive.
•If the ruling gradient is so severe on a
section that it needs the help of extra engine
to pull the same load than this gradient is
known as pusher or helper gradient.
•In Darjeeling Railways 1 in 37 pusher
gradient is used on Western Ghat BG track.
Gradient at stations
• at stations gradient are provided sufficiently low due to following
• To prevent movement of standing vehicle due to
effect of gravity combined with strong wind or gentle push
• To prevent additional resistance due to grade on
starting the vehicles
• Stations are not leveled completely
• certain flat gradients are provided to ensure good
•On Indian railways, maximum gradient permitted is 1 in 400
in station yards while the recommended gradient is 1 in
Grade compensation on curves

•If a curve is provided on a track with ruling

gradient, the resistance of the track will be
increased by the curve.
•In order to avoid resistance beyond the allowable
limits, the gradients are reduced on curves.
•The reduction in gradient in known as grade
compensation for curves:
Grade compensation

•BG track:
• 0.04% per degree of curve or 75/R v
whichever is minimum
•MG track:
• 0.03 % per degree of curve or 52.5/R
whichever is minimum
•NG track:
• 0.02% per degree of curve or 35/R
whichever is minimum
Where R is the radius of the curve in meter.

The ruling gradient on a BG track section has been

fixed as 1 in 200. What should be the
compensation gradient with a 4 degree horizontal
curve to be provided on this ruling gradient?

•As per IS recommendation the grade

compensation on BG track is 0.04% per degree
of the curve.
• The compensation for 4 degree curve = 0.04 × 4 =
•Ruling gradient is 1 in 200 = 0.5%
•Allowable gradient to be provided = 0.5-0.16=0.34
= 1 in 249

Find the steepest gradient on a 2°curve for a BG

line with a ruling gradient of 1 in 200.
Design of Superelevation for Railway Track
Design of Superelevation for Railway Track
Design of Superelevation for Railway Track
Design of Superelevation for Railway Track
Design of Superelevation for Railway Track
Example 2

•Calculate the super elevation and the maximum

permissible speed for a 2° BG transition
curve on a high speed route with a maximum
sanctioned speed of 110 kmph. The speed for
calculating the equilibrium super elevation is
decided by the chief engineer as 80 kmph and
the booked speed of goods trains is 50 kmph.
•Assume permissible cant deficiency as 100 mm
and cant excess as 75 mm.


Superelevation for maximum sanctioned speed
(110 km/h):


The maximum permissible speed on the curve is

the least of the following:
 Maximum sanctioned speed i.e., 110 km/h.
 Maximum or safe speed over the curve based on
theoretical consideration i.e., 110 km/h.
 Also, there is no constraint on speed due to the
transition length of the curve.
Therefore, the maximum permissible speed over the
curve is 110 km/h and the superelevation to be
provided is 100.8 mm or approx. 110 mm.

Simplified approach

Numerical example:

•A 600 metres radius curve is introduced between

straight portions of a Broad Gauge Railway line
intersecting- to form a total deviation of 70
degrees. The speed for determining the equilibrium
cant is fixed at 80 km.p.h. and the maximum
sectional speed is 110 km.p.h. Calculate the
equilibrium cant, the maximum permissible speed.
The maximum permissible cant and cant deficiency
are 165 mm. and 100 mm. respectively.

Transition curves

•To attain gradual rise of the outer rail

•To decrease the radius of the curve gradually from
infinity at the straight end of the track to that
of the circular curve at the junction with the
circular curve of the selected radius.
•To provide smooth running of vehicles and
provide comfort to the passengers
•To reduce chance of derailment.


•Should be tangential to the straight line of the

•Should join the circular curve tangentially
•Curvature should increase at the same rate as the
•The length should be adequate to attain the final
superelevation, which increases gradually at a
specified rate.

Length of transition curve
•the distance along
the center line of
the track between
the starting point on
the straight portion
of the track and the
meeting point on
the junction with
the circular curve is
called the transition
curve length.

•can be calculated with the help of following

equation and the greatest of all should be adopted.
•Based on the arbitrary gradient (1 in 720):
• L= o.72 Ca
•Based on the change of cant deficiency:

•Based on the change of super elevation:


•Calculate the superelevation, maximum

permissible speed, and transition length for a 3°
curve on a high speed BG section with a maximum
sanctioned speed of 110 kmph. Assume the
equilibrium speed to be 80 kmph and the booked
speed of the goods train to be 50 kmph.

84 83 57 55 48 50 61 95 3 4 16 40 47 2 31 6 39 9 46
70 75 68 81 22 38 21 10 26 23 33 1 11 77 69 52 87

Negative Superelevation on Railway Track


• Equilibrium superelevation e is reduced by the permissible

cant deficiency Cd and the resultant superelevation to be
provided is as follows:
Where X is the superelevation to be provided;
Cd (75 mm for BG track and 50 mm for MG track)


•The maximum permissible speed on the main line

which has superelevation of X is calculated.
•To this value of X the allowable cant deficiency is
•Corresponding to this superelevation (X+Cd ), the
equilibrium speed and safe speed is calculated.
•The lesser of two values is the maximum
permissible speed on the main line at curve

• if a 1 : 12 turnout takes off from a 5° curve, the
resultant curve will have a degree of curvature of
5° + 4° = 9° when laid in similar flexure and 5° - 4° =
1° when laid in contrary flexure.
• Their radii will be 1750/9 = 194.4 m and 1750/1 =
1750 m, respectively.

• From a BG main line curve of 2°, a 1 : 12 turn out
takes off in contrary flexure for a Branch line. Find
out the permissible cant on main line and the
speed that can be permitted on the main line.


• For a BG main line curve of 2°, a 1 in 12 turnout

takes off in similar flexure for a loop.
• The turnout is immediately followed by a reverse
curve. Find out the permissible cant on the main
line and the speed that can he permitted.


•A BG branch line track takes off as a contrary
flexure through a 1 in 12 turnout from a main line
track of a 3° curvature. Due to the turnout, the
maximum permissible speed on the branch line is
30 km/h. Calculate the negative superelevation to
be provided on the branch line track and the
maximum permissible speed on the main line track
(when it takes off from a straight track)


A 8° curve track diverges from a main curve of 5° in

the opposite direction. In the layout of a BG yard,
calculate the superelevation and the speed on the
branch line when the maximum speed permitted
on the main line is 45 km/h



Vertical curves

•normally designed as a circular curve.

• The circular profile ensures a uniform rate of
change of gradient which controls the rotational
• Types of vertical curves:
• Summit curve
• Valley curve
83 84 55 57 48 95 3 22 4 40 16 47 2 31 39 9 46 75
87 56 74 68 26 21 33 10 23 63 49 52 69 1 11
•As per existing provision
• vertical curves are provided only at the junctions
of the grades where algebraic difference between
the grades is equal to or more than 4 mm per
meter or 0.4%
•minimum radius of the vertical curve should be as

Widening of gauge on curves
• Due to rigidity of wheel base, sometimes the rails are tilted outwards
due to the impact of outer wheels of the front axle against the outer rail.
• This impact results in greater actual gauge than the theoretical gauge.
• If the tendency is not checked there is every possibility of tilting rail
• Therefore to prevent the tendency, the gauge of the track on the curve
is sometimes widened.
• The amount of widening depends upon the radius of the curve, gauge
width, and the rigid wheel base of the vehicle likely to be used on the
• The rigid wheel base for BG and MG track is taken as 610 cm and 488
cm respectively.


The wheel base of a vehicle moving on a BG track is

6 m. The diameter of the wheels is 1524 mm and
the flanges project 32 mm below the top of the
rail. Determine the extra width of the gauge
required if the radius of the curve is 168 m. Also
indicate the extra width of gauge actually provided
as per Indian Railways standards.




•Station is a place where trains are stopped for

passengers to entrain or detrain and an authority
to proceed
•At some of the stations the movement of trains is
also controlled.
•located as near a village or town
•provision of future extensions.

Functions of a railway station
• exchange of passengers
• exchange of goods
• control of train movements
•facilitate the trains on a single line track to cross from
opposite direction
• enable the following express trains to overtake the train
•taking fuels for locomotive
• changing locomotive and running staff
• attaching or detaching wagons and compartments
•sorting of bogies to form new trains.
Types of stations
•Wayside station: trains move only in two directions (upside and
•Halt station:
• simplest type
• may or may not have small room
• usually one platform.
• No permanent staff
• Ticket to passengers is issued either by travelling ticket
examiner or travelling booking clerk.
• Sometimes tickets are issued by some contractors.
• provide facility nearby villages where there is low traffic
• many passengers travel without ticket.
Types of stations

•Flag station:
•only traffic is dealt with
•no arrangements to control the movements
of trains and crossing facilities
•have buildings, staff and telegraph facilities.

Types of stations
•Crossing station:
•provided with the facilities
of crossing.
•provided at least one loop
line to allow another train
if one train is standing on
the track.
•Generally the train which
has to be stopped is taken
on the loop line and the
other through train is
allowed to pass on the
main line.

Junction station:

•The station where a branch line meets the main

•Essential arrangements for junction stations.
• Facilities for the interchange of traffic between main and
branch lines.
• Facilities for repair and cleaning of the compartments
• Facilities of goods siding, engine sheds, turn tables etc.

Terminal station:

• at which a railway line or one of its branches

• additional arrangements
• Facilities for servicing of engines
• Turn tables for the change of direction of the engine
• Facilities for dealing goods traffic such as marshalling yards,
engine sheds, siding must be provided.

General requirements of railway stations
•Public requirements:
•Booking office
•Drinking water
•Refreshment room
•Sanitary arrangement
•Enquiry office
•Station name board
•Waiting rooms
•Lighting arrangements
•Public telephone
Traffic requirements

•Machines for dating tickets

•Weighting machine
•Controlling and recording the movement of trains
•Siding to cross or overtake trains
•Sidings for good traffic
•Platform for loading, unloading and storing of
•Sitting arrangement for the staff of traffic
department etc.
• Locomotive requirements:
• Water column
• Fuel store and supply
• Cleaning and examining
of locomotives
• Inspection of vehicles and
• Turn table for changing direction
of locomotives
• Residential accommodation, rest
waiting of railway staff
• General:
• Suitable roads to the station
• Clock for accurate time
• Availabilities of coolies of the platform


Platform (passenger and goods platform)
•Passenger platform
• place from where the passengers
to entrain or detrain.
• loading space.
• The length of platform for all
gauges should not be less than
• Generally about 305 m length of a
BG railway platform is desirable.
• The edge of the platform from the
center of the nearest track is kept
1.7m away for BG, 1.39 m for MG
and 1.2 for NG.

Essentials of passenger platform:
•Minimum length should not be less than 180m
•Minimum width should not be less than 3.67m and
should be paved fully
•Platform should be covered at least for the length of 60m
• End of high level platform should be in the form of ramp
with slope of 1:6
•Adequate lighting should be arranged for night
•Adequate drinking water
• The slope in its width should be 1 in 30
• The top width of masonry wall should be about 46cm

•There is different level (height) of platforms:
•Rail level platform:
• the height of such platform is equal to the
height of the rail

•Low level platform:

• the height of such platform should be kept
about 45 cm above rail level

•High level platform:

• the height is kept about 76 to 85 cm above
the rail level.
Goods platform

•To facilitate the goods handling, generally height of

goods platform is kept up to the floor level of the wagon.

•Essentials of goods platform:

•Weighing arrangement
•Goods shed
•Proper drainage facility
• Facility for direct access from goods
platform to goods sidings and to marshalling

•a system of railway tracks laid within definite limits of

various purposes such as sorting of vehicles, making up
trains etc.

•Yards are also used to control the movements by

prescribed rules, regulations and signals.

•four types of yards:

•Passenger yards, Goods yards, Marshalling
yards, Locomotive yards
•Passenger yards:
•the main function is to provide all facilities
for the safe movements of passengers.

•Following facilities should be there in passenger yard:

•Booking office
•Parking space
• Enquiry office
• Signal for train receptions and departures
•Platform and sidings
•Goods yards: requirements of goods yard:
•Approach road
•Loading and unloading platforms
•Space for good sorting
•Cart weighing machine
•Cranes for very heavy goods
•Booking office

•Marshalling yards:
•is the space where goods wagons received
from different centers are sorted out and
placed in order to be detached at different
• are distributing centers.
•is the center where goods wagons are sorted out
and isolated wagons are combined to form a
train load.

•Design consideration for
marshalling yards:
• Shunting operations should
not be disturbed by the
regular trains
•Marshalling yard should be
kept parallel to the running
•Movement of trains in only
one directions is desirable
•Repair facilities for provided
Right Hand Turnout (IMP)
Left Hand Turnout (IMP)
Thank You!

8th IOE Graduate Conference, June


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