Ethics Review A

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• the science of the morality of human acts
• the study of the human motivation, and
ultimately of human rational behaviour
• derived from the Greek word, “ethos”, which
means characteristic way of acting and
ethikos, which means “customary”
Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the
principles of conduct of an individual or group. It works as a
guiding principle as to decide what is good or bad. They are
the standards which govern the life of a person. Ethics is
also known as moral philosophy.
Some ethical principles are:

• Truthfulness
• Honesty
• Loyalty
• Respect
• Fairness
• Integrity
Importance of ETHICS

1. Indispensable knowledge. Moral integrity is the only true measure of

what man ought to be. The most successful professional is nothing if
he is morally upright.

2. Without moral perception, man is only an animal. Morality is

the foundation of every civil society. Without civic morality,
communities perish and without personal morality, their
survival has no value.

3. Without morality, man as a rational being is a failure. When

the moral foundations of a nation are threatened, society
itself is threatened.
Difference Between Morals and Ethics

Basis of Morals Ethics


Meaning Morals are the beliefs Ethics are the

of the individual or guiding principles
group as to what is which help the
right or wrong. individual or group to
decide what is good
or bad.
What is it? General principles set Response to a specific
by group/organization situation

Root word Mos which means Ethikos which means

custom character

Governed Social and cultural Individual or Legal

By norms and Professional
Difference Between Morals and Ethics
Basis of
Comparison Morals Ethics
Deals with Principles of right Right and wrong
and wrong conduct

Applicability No Yes
in Business

Consistency Morals may differ Ethics are generally

from society to uniform.
society and culture
to culture.
Expression Morals are Ethics are abstract.
expressed in the
form of general
rules and
Freedom to
RA 6713: Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for
Public Officials and Employees

Salient Features of the Law

Sec 4 - Norms of Conduct of Public Officials and Employees
(a) Commitment to public interest - Public officials and
employees shall always uphold the public interest over and
above personal interest.

(b) Public officials and employees shall perform and discharge

their duties with the highest degree of excellence,
professionalism, intelligence and skill. They shall enter public
service with utmost devotion and dedication to duty. They
shall endeavor to discourage wrong perceptions of their roles
as dispensers or peddlers of undue patronage.
RA 6713: Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for
Public Officials and Employees

Salient Features of the Law

Sec 4 - Norms of Conduct of Public Officials and Employees

(c) Justness and sincerity - Public officials and employees

shall remain true to the people at all times. They must act
with justness and sincerity and shall not discriminate against
anyone, especially the poor and the underprivileged.

(d) Political neutrality - Public officials and employees shall

provide service to everyone without unfair discrimination and
regardless of party affiliation or preference.
RA 6713: Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for
Public Officials and Employees
Sec 4 - Norms of Conduct of Public Officials and Employees

(e) Responsiveness to the public - Public officials and

employees shall extend prompt, courteous, and adequate
service to the public.

(f) Nationalism and patriotism. - Public officials and

employees shall at all times be loyal to
the Republic and to the Filipino people, promote the use of
locally produced goods, resource sand technology and
encourage appreciation and pride of country and people. .
RA 6713: Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for
Public Officials and Employees
Sec 4 - Norms of Conduct of Public Officials and Employees
(g) Commitment to democracy. - Public officials and
employees shall commit themselves to the democratic way of
life and values, maintain the principle of public accountability,
and manifest by deeds the supremacy of civilian authority
over the military.

(f) Simple living. - Public officials and employees and their

families shall lead modest lives appropriate to their positions
and income. They shall not indulge in extravagant or
ostentatious display of wealth in any form.

• Every single individual has some principles which

help him throughout his life to cope up with any
adverse situation; they are known as Ethics.
• On the other hand, Morals are not the hard and fast
rules or very rigid, but they are the rules which a
majority of people considered as right.
• That is why the people widely accept them.
1987 Philippine Constitution

Art X1 Sec 1- Accountability of Public Officers

Section 1. Public office is a public trust. Public
officers and employees must, at all times, be
accountable to the people, serve them with utmost
responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and efficiency; act
with patriotism and justice, and lead modest lives.

RA 6713
RA 6975
PNP Ethical Doctrine Manual
Philippine Constitution – Art X1 Sec 1
RA 11131 (Crim Code of Conduct)

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