LART1004-Chapter 3 (1)
LART1004-Chapter 3 (1)
LART1004-Chapter 3 (1)
3.1. Introduction
• The topography of Ethiopia is largely determined by the geologic activities of
the Cenozoic Era.
The uplifting of the Arabo-Ethiopian and
The outpouring and accumulation of Trapean lava
Altitude ranges from 125 meters below sea level (Kobar Sink) to the 4,620
m.a.s.l), Mount Ras Dashen which is the fourth highest mountain in Africa.
• Ethiopia has the largest proportion of elevated landmass in the African
More than 50% of the Ethiopian landmass is above 1,000 meters
above 1,500 meters makes 44% of the country
above 2,000 meters makes 22% of the country
• Most of the Ethiopian Highlands are part of central and northern Ethiopia,
and its northernmost portion extends into Eritrea
Taking the 1,000 meters contour line for the highland-lowland demarcation,
one observes the following contrasting features between the Ethiopian
highlands and lowlands
Characteristics of Ethiopian highlands:
• Moderate and high amount of rainfall (>600 mm per year).
• Lower mean annual temperature (<200C).
• The climate is favourable for biotic life.
• Rain-fed agriculture is possible.
• Free from tropical diseases.
• Attractive for human habitation and densely settled.
These highlands make up nearly 56% of the area of the Ethiopia. This is further
subdivided into:-
• lower highland (1,000 - 2,000 m.a.s.l), which make up 34% and
• higher highland (>2,000 m.a.s.l) constituting nearly 22%.
Characteristics of Ethiopian Lowlands:
• Fewer amounts of rainfall and higher temperature.
• High prevalence of tropical diseases.
• Lower population densities.
• Nomadic and semi-nomadic economic life.
• Vast plain lands favourable for irrigation agriculture along the lower river
3.2. The Physiographic Divisions of Ethiopia
Relief influences crop production as some corps are well adapted to higher altitudes
(barley, wheat) and others to low altitude (sorghum, maize).
Rugged and difficult terrain hinders the development of settlement and its
5. Socio-cultural feeling
The rugged terrain as a result of excessive surface dissection resulted in the long-term
isolation of communities that led to the occurrence of cultural diversity.
People who live in the highlands have been identifying themselves as degegnas
(mountaineers) and those who live in the lowlands as kollegnas (lowlanders).
6. Impacts on climate
The climate of Ethiopia is a result of the tropical position of the country and the
great altitudinal variation of the general topography.
Highlands with higher amount of rainfall and lower rate of evapo-transpiration tend
to be moisture surplus compared to the moisture deficit lowlands.
7. Impacts on soil
Steep mountain slopes provide low angle of rest, unstable surface materials and
subject to degradation processes and relatively form shallow and little developed
8. Impacts on natural vegetation
Relief through its effect on climate and hydrology affect the type of natural
vegetation grown in an area