chapter 2
chapter 2
chapter 2
Computer security
Although we cannot always avoid threats, we can
certainly take steps to minimize the associated risk.
This applies not only to our lives, but also to our
computers. We can take steps to ensure that we
protect our computers and keep them secure, and
minimize the threats they face on a daily basis.
Threats to the Computer
Windows Firewall
A firewall is a software program or hardware that
checks incoming information (such as from
websites) and blocks malicious software or
attempts by hackers to gain access to your
computer through a network or the internet. A
firewall will also stop you from spreading viruses to
other computers.
Virus Software Viruses
Virus Software
worms and Trojan horses (all types of programs
designed to infect computers) are created by hackers
in an attempt to erase information on your computer
or to cause it to stop functioning as it should.
Viruses can also be spread from computer to
computer without the user being aware they are
spreading a virus (such as through email and files on
your computer). Installing anti-virus software and
keeping it up-to-date is a must for internet users.
Maintain Spyware Protection