UNIT 3 World of Ideas
UNIT 3 World of Ideas
UNIT 3 World of Ideas
Globalization is a set of multiple, uneven Globalization necessitates the blowout of
and sometimes overlapping historical different culture and media is a great
processes, including economics, politics, instrument of this.
and culture, that have combined with the Media play a great role in helping
evolution of media technology to create globalization to spread global cultures ,
the conditions under which the globe knowledge and ideas.
itself can now be understood as “an
imagined community”.
1) Surveillance- refers to the collection and 4) Entertainment refers to the ability of the media to
distribution of information by the media. For divert attention and give amusement to the
example: the Filipino citizens becomes aware of audience.
the changing of the Government structure into
5) Mobilization refers to the ability of media to
Federalism from centralized form of government
encourage a community to participate in a common
because of news from television, radio, newspaper
goal with the use of social media.
and any means of social media.
6) Democratic participation refers to how media
2) Correlation of parts of society and
influence the freedom of the people to freely air
Interpretation of events and issues- refers to the
their ideas on what they perceived is right or wrong
interpretation and analyzation of media and its in a certain issue.
activities. For example, citizens know from the
television broadcast on the possible drought due to Publicity and public relations refers on the
the weather forecast of El Niño. ability of the media to inform the public about an issue,
a person or an activity.
3) Transmission of the social heritage-refers to the
ability of the media in communicating the norms, Advertisement refers on how media share and promote
values and behavior of the traditional societies, new ideas, products and others to the public.
trough a drama, songs, novels and many others
which the society nowadays can appreciate.
McLuhan examines the impact of the electronic media by using his
analysis of technology. He analyzes that that the television brought
social changes wherein, this television can make “a global village”.Other
media scholars believe that the global media had the ability to
homogenize our culture .They believe that when global media spread,
people from different parts of the world would begin to watch, listen,
and read same things.
Herbert Schiller (1976) argued that not only the cultures of the world
became Americanized, but it also helps the American “capitalist values”
like consumerism began to spread.
The same with what John Tomlinson believes that cultural globalization
is basically an understatement for “Western cultural imperialism” since
it promotes “homogenized, westernized, consumer culture.”
In most of the world, there are veritable explosions of religious fervor, occurring in one form of
another in all the major religious traditions.
The most known religions across the world are Christianity with 2.2 billion followers; Islam
with 1.57 milliard followers; Hinduism with 811 million adherents; Buddhism with 380 million
adherents; and others.
Religion has entered the “information age” where it became globalized in accelerating its
methods and processes in disseminating teaching and belief system.
Religion nowadays, serves as foundations of many societies bringing people together, on other
ways, religion becomes foundations of modern government; other’s used religion to become
aggressive in power and popularity.
Through the use of the different technological tools, religion epitomizes the definition of
globalization due to the fact that it can be spread more efficiently than ever before.
Religion becomes globalized because of this, holy scriptures, religious practices and teachings can
be acquired easily using our smart phones on our facebook account, twitter and even broadcast in
the television, hence, this were known by a large number of audience through out the world.
The rise of ISIS or Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and the movement
of the Born-Again Christians indicate their defense against the
globalization's materialism.