MICRO Ppt Chapter One (1)
MICRO Ppt Chapter One (1)
MICRO Ppt Chapter One (1)
Basic Concepts in
1.1.Definition and Scope of Economics
There are two fundamental facts that provide the
foundation for the field of economics: Human or
society’s material wants are unlimited and
Economic resources are scarce or limited in
Thus, Economics is defined as a social science,
which studies how societies allocate scarce
resources, so as to satisfy society’s wants.
B/c economic resources are available in
limited quantity. The problem, therefore, is
finding the best way of allocating these
scarce resources.
The scope of economics is economizing of
resources in the whole sector of the
economy .
1.2.Branches of economics
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To solve the basic economic problem, every society must answer these
three basic questions:
A) What to produce?
Since resources are limited, the economic system cannot produce all
types of goods and services.
Even any particular good or service cannot be produced in an infinitely
large quantity. Only finite amounts of a limited number of goods and
services can be produced.
Therefore, there arises this decision problem. The economy must decide
which goods and services to produce and which goods and services to
exclude from production.
2)How to produce?
It describes a particular way of producing different goods and
services (technique of production).
A particular quantity of a particular good or service can be
produced in many different ways.
The economy must choose a particular way of producing the
specified amount of the good. Moreover, this must be done for
each of the different goods and services that the economy wants
to produce.
Command Economy
In a command economy, governmental planning groups make the
basic economic decisions.
They determine such things as which goods and services to
produce, their prices, and wage rates.
The government will decide what is made, how it is made, how
much is made and how distribution takes place.
Price levels are not determined by the forces of supply and
demand but are fixed by the government.
Free Market Economy
It is an economic system where government interference is not
found. In a market economy, economic decisions are guided by
the changes in prices that occur as individual buyers and sellers
interact in the market place.
Mixed Economy:
An economic system which contains elements of both free
market and command system. There are no economies in the
world which are entirely „market‟ or planned, all will contain
elements of both systems.