Intussuception Poster
Intussuception Poster
Intussuception Poster
• A total of 26 children (22 males, 4 females) were
admitted with intussuception during the study
period. The mean age was 18.7 months (range
4-48 months).
• The majority presented with abdominal pain or Another study conducted at the Department of Surgery, Enugu State
excessive cry (80.7%), vomiting (42.3%), and University
rectal bleeding (15.4%). Fever at admission or in Teaching Hospital, Enugu, Nigeria , reported a male to female ratio
of 4:1, with a mean
the preceding week was present in 4 children age at presentation of 8 months. The majority of patients (45%)
(15 %). presented after 48
• The mean duration of symptoms before hours of onset of their symptoms, eight patients (40%) between 24
to 48 hours while
presentation was 2.64 days, and the mean three patients (15%) presented within 24 hours of onset of
hospital stay was 2.69 days for all cases. symptoms
• The diagnosis was done by an ultrasound. The mean age was 18.7 months (range 4-48 months) in our study. It
deferred from this
Ileocolic (92 %) was the most common study….the mean hospital stay across all cases was 2.69 days, and
intussusception and remaining were colocolic. the average
• Two (7.7%) children underwent surgery as initial number of hours of symptoms before presentation was 2.64days.
management due to frank peritonitis at
admission. Conclusions
• Saline reduction was attempted in remaining 24 • Ileocolic was the most common site of
patients and was successful in 20 (83%)
children. Four children were resorted to surgery,
intussusception. Abdominal pain was the
laparotomy in four and laproscopy in two. most common manifestation followed by
• Surgery included reduction in five and resection vomiting and rectal bleeding.
and anastomosis in one child. For 5 out of 6,
laparotomy reduction with appendectomy was • Hydrostatic saline reduction is a safe and
done. Ileocolic intussusception (80.8%) was the effective non-surgical treatment option.
most prevalent. No recurrence occurred in our
• Presence of rectal bleeding at admission and
• Early detection and saline reduction may
presentation after 24 hours of initial symptoms avert complication of rectal bleed and
predicted need for surgery. need for surgery.
1. Reference: Alnamshan M, Almatroudi D, ALmutairi D, et al. (October 31, 2023) Idiopathic Intussusception in Infants and Children: Different Outcomes in Relation
to Interventions. Cureus 15(10): e48026. DOI 10.7759/cureus.48026
2. Reference: Kevin Emeka Chukwubuike et al. Hydrostatic reduction of intussusception in children: a single centre experience. Pan African Medical
Journal. 2020;36(263). 10.11604/pamj.2020.36.263.21380